Cute Baby Looking For Daddy

C70 I Want to Pee

C70 I Want to Pee

0"Mommy, I need to pee..." After Bai Xiaoning finished filming, he followed Bai Xianxian and left the set. It seemed like it had been more than two hours since they had booed. At this moment, he could not hold it in anymore.    


"Come, mommy will take you there." Bai Xianxian lovingly wanted to hold Bai Xiaoning's hand, but was shot by Faang Wenxue. "You go aside. Now Ning belongs to me. I am his godmother. It was not easy to meet his people. I will bring him there."    


Bai Xianxian did not know whether to laugh or cry and could only let Faang Wenxue bring Ning to the washroom.    


The seats beside and opposite of them were suddenly empty, just like her heart. At this moment, it was also empty. Subconsciously, she turned her head and saw that Lih Lingye and Hsu Qingyun were still sitting opposite each other and eating dinner.    


The orange circle of light hit the two of them. That kind of romantic feeling was only... She was alone, alone.    


It was as if she wanted to fill the void in her heart. Bai Xianxian desperately ate the food. She just wanted to use it to suppress the sadness in her heart.    


A figure suddenly hit the soup of the fish head.    


"Xue, you..."    


"I am Hsu Qingyun. May I sit down?" Hsu Qingyun, who had unknowingly walked over, seemed to politely ask for Bai Xianxian's opinion.    


"Miss... Miss Xu. Hello, do you need anything?" She had been eating at her table for quite some time. She thought that Hsu Qingyun definitely did not come over to eat.    


From the corner of her eye, she glanced at the table where Hsu Qingyun originally sat. Lih Lingye had disappeared. She did not know where he had gone.    


"Nothing much. Lingye and I came over for dinner. He went to the bathroom. I didn't expect to see you when I looked up. I thought you were friends with Lingye, so I came over to say hello. You have to attend our wedding. Consider it a show of support for us. "    


Hsu Qingyun spoke in a soft voice. Her voice was gentle and gentle. The aura of a lady from a noble family was fully displayed by her.    


It gave Bai Xianxian a strong sense of oppression.    


Thinking about it, Hsu Qingyun and Lih Lingye had only been dating for a few days but she did not expect that they would actually reach the extent of discussing marriage.    


Bai Xianxian's heart dimmed but she forcefully squeezed out a smile on her face, "Congratulations to Miss Xu. I wish you two to live together and grow old together for a hundred years."    


If that was the case, she wanted to bless herself and Lih Lingye even more.    


But that man's background was not something she could match.    


She felt like she was in mud with him.    


Since he was not worthy, then bless him.    


His happiness was the hope of her entire life.    


However, when she really spoke like this, why did she feel as if her heart was cracking? It was all painful.    


"Thank you. You and Lingye are friends. His friends are my friends. Here is my business card. If you need anything in the future, just come to me. Please don't stand on ceremony. " Hsu Qingyun still said with a smile.    


At the same time, she also handed over an exquisite business card.    


Bai Xianxian took it with both hands and looked at the titles on the business card. There were actually quite a few.    


Guang Yuan Corporation's Department of Industry Manager.    


The head ambassador of the charity club.    




Each and every one of their identities were beyond Bai Xianxian's reach.    


Only a woman with such an identity was worthy of Lih Lingye.    


"Okay." She answered softly.    


But it was very clear that... In this life, no matter what happened, she would not beg Hsu Qingyun. She could not avoid Hsu Qingyun in time.    


"Then I will go over first. Lingye is coming back. He will send me home to see my grandfather later. En, goodbye." Hsu Qingyun stood up gracefully. Her every movement revealed a threatening noble air.    


"Goodbye." Bai Xianxian nodded her head and it would be best if she never saw her again.    


From this moment on, she really did not wish to meet Hsu Qingyun again, or even Lih Lingye again.    


Meeting her would only make her feel sad.    


Bai Xianxian poured a cup of wine. She originally wanted to drink a small cup, but she did not expect that once she drank it, she would not be able to hold on anymore.    


Faang Wenxue was holding her phone, scrolling through the gossip and waiting outside the men's washroom.    


The little thing went in for a while.    


But he had not come out yet.    


Faang Wenxue could not stay calm anymore.    


After all, he was such a small person.    


When she saw someone coming out, she went over without thinking. "Sir, have you seen such a tall child inside? More than four years old." Faang Wenxue said and even compared Bai Xiaoning's height.    


Lih Lingye looked over with a frown and shook his head. "No."    


After saying that, he turned around and left. He did not know Faang Wenxue.    


When Faang Wenxue saw that it was Lih Lingye, she was stunned for a moment before she regained her senses. She subconsciously grabbed his sleeve. "Mr. Lih, so it's you. Can you help me go in and take a look? It's Ning. Ning has been in there for a few minutes, but he still hasn't come out. I'm a little worried. "    


"Ning? Bai Xiaoning?" Lih Lingye gently pulled his arm away from Faang Wenxue's hand. At the same time, he asked in a guessing manner.    


"That's right, that's Bai Xianxian's son. You should know him, right? Help me go in and take a look. It is really inconvenient for me." Faang Wenxue originally wanted to bring Bai Xiaoning to the female washroom, but the child did not agree.    


The child said that he was a man.    


The man wanted to enter the men's room.    


The man was too young, wasn't he? He was only four years old.    



Before Faang Wenxue could finish, Lih Lingye had already turned around and rushed into the men's washroom.    


His mind was filled with that little guy.    


Since the first time he met that child in tomorrow's media, that child was like a brand that was imprinted in his heart.    


Even if he wasn't the son of his younger brother, Lih Lingxuan, he couldn't remain indifferent when he found out that the child was missing.    


"Bai Xiaoning, where are you?" Lih Lingye shouted as he searched. He also pushed open one toilet after another.    


But all of them were pushed open, and there was still no sign of the little person.    


He rushed to the door and shouted at Faang Wenxue, "Are you sure he really came in?"    


"Yes, he really went in. I saw him go in with my own eyes."    


Lih Lingye went back to the washroom and continued to look for Bai Xiaoning. At the same time, he called the main platform of the treasured boat. "A child went missing in the washroom. I need to adjust the surveillance. Immediately."    


His deep voice carried an unquestionable tone, which made the server at the terminal answer subconsciously, "Okay, okay, okay. Transfer immediately. How old is the child? What color is he wearing? "    


Lih Lingye thought about it. When he saw the child in the morning in Dynasty, his mind had already leaped. "A light blue short-sleeved shirt and shorts, a pair of white shoes, a four year old boy. He's very cute and cute."    


"Check immediately. Sir, please keep your phone on standby at any time."    


Lih Lingye had already walked to the window of the bathroom.    


He reached out and pushed the window open. He did not expect it to be open.    


His heart skipped a beat for no reason. He pulled the handle up and jumped lightly onto the windowsill.    


Outside the windowsill was a patch of grass. Every two or three meters on the grass was a cluster of flowers.    


There was no road, and no footprints could be seen on the dark green grass.    


Lih Lingye decisively jumped off the window. As he rushed to the parking lot not far away, he called Lo Feng. His strong sixth sense told him that something had happened to the child.    


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