The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C501 Argument

C501 Argument

0Tong Hao walked out of the mall. Night had already fallen outside.    


She looked up at the starless night sky and walked towards her car.    


Han Yunxi returned to the restaurant and sat opposite Huo Tingren with a smile.    


Huo Tingren asked coldly, "Where is Tong Hao?"    


"Sister Tong Hao said she was full and left first."    


"She left?"    


Han Yunxi smiled innocently. She said, "Yes, Sister Tong Hao said that she would let us young people have a good chat and she would not disturb us. I asked her to stay but she insisted. I have no choice."    


After she finished speaking, she changed the topic and asked, "Brother Tingren, it's still early. What are we going to do later?"    


Huo Tingren stood up. "Since we are full, let's go back early."    


After he walked out of the restaurant, Han Yunxi also quickly chased after him.    


"Brother Tingren, send me back."    


"There's a car at the door. Take a taxi and go."    


Han Yunxi walked up and grabbed his arm.    


Huo Tingren turned around and looked at her coldly.    


Han Yunxi said, feeling wronged, I'm afraid of taking a taxi alone. Brother Tingren, can you take me back?"    


Huo Tingren pulled his arm out of her hand.    


"If you are really afraid, call me Third Sister-in-Law and ask her to send a housekeeper to take you home. I have something to do. I will leave first."    


Han Yunxi quickly chased after him and blocked his way. "Brother Tingren, do you hate me so much? You are not even willing to send me to school?"    


Huo Tingren said calmly. "Yes, I don't want to. I told you clearly, "he said. " I've always been like this. I don't give a damn about people who don't care about me. Don't cry in front of me, this is useless to me.    


Also, Tong Hao is not my elder sister. She is the person I like. Not to mention Tong Hao is old, she is not that old. In my heart, she is the best woman. "    


After he finished speaking, he walked around Han Yunxi and left.    


Han Yunxi turned around, bit her lips and tightly clenched her fists.    


It was a matter of dignity. She did not want to lose to an old woman. No, she could not lose.    


Huo Tingren went downstairs. He dialed Tong Hao's number.    


Tong Hao was amazing. She still dared to answer the phone.    


"Where are you?"    


She could tell Huo Tingren was angry. Tong Hao said while driving, "On the way back to the hotel."    


"Who asked you to leave? Tong Hao, is there anyone like you who does this? Don't you know what Han Yunxi thinks of me? What do you mean by leaving me here alone? What, do you want to use Han Yunxi to get rid of me?"    


When Tong Hao heard these words, she was already somewhat depressed. She seemed to have been thrown into explosives.    


She pulled the car to the side of the road, picked up the phone, and placed it beside her ear.    


"Huo Tingren, will you talk nicely?"    


"You left me in the wolf's den. What else do you want to hear?"    


Tong Hao sighed. "Let me ask you. Did I cause her to pester you? Was it you? Shouldn't you solve the problem you created yourself? What can I do if I stay there? Tell her that you are pursuing me, making her angry, and tell her father that the Huo's Member isn't good for her? "I really can't be bothered to talk nonsense with you."    


She finished speaking. She hung up the phone and started the car to get on the road again.    


When she returned to the hotel, she took a shower and poured herself a glass of red wine. Then, she went to the balcony to have a drink.    


She had only taken two sips when someone knocked on the door.    


She looked in the direction of the door and asked, "Who is it?"    


"It's me."    


Huo Tingren's voice came.    


Tong Hao was a little surprised because she thought Huo Tingren would not respond to her when he was angry.    


But it seemed... this was something that she had expected.    


She came to the door and opened it.    


Huo Tingren walked in quickly and held her face and kissed her.    


He was too fast. Tong Hao did not even have a chance to dodge and was taken advantage of just like that.    


When Tong Hao reacted, she lifted her leg and kicked his calf.    


Huo Tingren was in pain. He let go of her, "You used too much strength."    


"If I didn't use too much strength, would I let you continue to be presumptuous?"    


Tong Hao stared at him, obviously very angry.    


Huo Tingren rolled his eyes and lightly patted her head.    


"Miss Tong Hao, even if you are not happy, please learn to get used to it. Some things are natural."    


"Get out."    



He walked into the room and sat down.    


Tong Hao walked over angrily.    


"Huo Tingren, you really know how to climb up the pole. Don't think that I was careful before. " I'm just afraid of you. "I don't want to hurt the relationship between Qing and me because of you."    


"Alright, Tong Hao. Stop bluffing in front of me. You don't think that you can anger me by saying unpleasant words, do you?"    


He smiled in disdain. "Stop daydreaming. Come over and sit down."    


He patted the seat beside him.    


Tong Hao frowned. This is the bed.    


Isn't it dangerous for her to sit with him?    


Instead, she took a step back: "If you want to say something, hurry up and say it. After that, hurry up and leave. I'm going to watch TV."    


"Will my presence affect your watching TV?"    


As he spoke, he smiled evilly and asked, "Why? With me around, television isn't attractive anymore?"    


"What nonsense are you talking about?" Tong Hao was a little speechless.    


The two of them had just quarreled, but why did he seem like he had nothing to do now?    


Huo Tingren took out the ointment from his pocket. "Come here quickly. This is the burn cream I just bought. I will apply the ointment on you."    


Seeing the medicine in his hand, Tong Hao looked up at him.    


Huo Tingren took advantage of her daze and got up to grab her wrist and pull her onto the bed.    


After she laid down, she wanted to get up again, but Huo Tingren pounced on her and held her down.    


Tong Hao said nervously, "Put on the ointment. Get up, I want to sit up."    


Huo Tingren looked at her and smiled in satisfaction. "You're blushing."    


"I'm so angry."    


Huo Tingren shook his head. "Wrong. You must be thinking of something that is not very harmonious. I'm thinking about whether to implement it..."    


When Tong Hao was about to kick him sideways, Huo Tingren had already used his own leg to hold her down.    


"Tong Hao, you have really forgotten about the pain after your scars are healed. Women have no advantage when competing in strength with men."    


Tong Hao nodded. "Consider me afraid of you. Hurry up and get up. I really feel uncomfortable like you are like this."    


"Where do you feel uncomfortable?"    


Tong Hao said angrily. "Because I'm afraid you will take advantage of me. Is that okay?"    


Huo Tingren smiled and sat up in satisfaction. "Do you think I won't be able to take advantage of you if you sit up?"    


He moved closer. Tong Hao raised her hand and covered Huo Tingren's mouth. "Put the medicine on. Hurry up."    


Tong Hao reached her hand in front of him.    


Huo Tingren opened the ointment and squeezed it into her burn area.    


This medicine was a little painful. Tong Hao frowned.    


Huo Tingren looked at her and lowered his head to gently blow on her burn area.    


A warm and cool breath fell on Tong Hao's arm. Tong Hao looked at Huo Tingren's side face and her heart beat wildly.    


It felt a little messy. ...    


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