The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C55 Then Do You Love Me?

C55 Then Do You Love Me?

0"So, I told Lin Youle that I didn't order from the background. In the future, I will become Wen Qing's background. I will protect Wen Qing in the future. Don't touch her. "    


Wen Qing looked at him in surprise, "You must be kidding me."    


If you don't believe me, you can ask her. "    


Her face turned red again for no reason. "Oh, then she must be furious."    


"This is not a problem that I should care about."    


Wen Qing looked at him. "Actually, I am very curious about a question. Can I ask it?"    




"There are so many women around you. Why do you think you like me? Is it because I am poor, different from the women around you? Or do you think my life is too miserable? So you have sympathy for me. I think, if that's the case, then you might have misunderstood something. I'm not as miserable as you think I am. I just like money. "    


"I have two answers to this question. Which one do you want to hear?"    


"Truth and lies? Then tell me everything."    


"It's all true, but there are two ways. The tactful way is that when I'm with you, I have the desire to talk. I want to find a woman who can open my heart and talk to me. The direct way is that I really want to sleep with you. "    


"Cough cough." She was shocked by his direct words and covered her mouth to stop herself from continuing to cough. "Then do you love me?"    


Huo Tingshen looked at her. "Right now, I admire you very much, but my feelings for you may not be as good as my love for you. I need to continue working hard."    


"Can I sleep even if I don't love you?"    


"If it was another woman, of course not, but as I said just now, I like you. " So you can. To me, your body is emitting a medicinal fragrance. "    


"Medicinal fragrance?" She was puzzled. Where did this medicinal fragrance come from?    




She coughed twice again.    


If this man wasn't good-looking, she would have called the police.    


"Huo Tingshen, I'll tell you what I know. I saw with my own eyes how my mother struggled her whole life. So, I will not entrust my feelings to someone who does not love me. " If possible, I hope you can move your target away from me. I don't want to get hurt. "    


Huo Tingshen looked at her. A moment later, He pursed his lips. "How would I know you would get hurt if I didn't try? Maybe I'm worth entrusting my life to you. "    


She smiled and said, "But I'm not suitable for you."    


"There is no absolute."    


But she firmly believed and firmly believed that they were not suitable.    


She was silent and did not continue the topic. She took out a beautifully wrapped box from her bag, placed it on the table, and pushed it in front of him.    


"What is this?" He was puzzled.    


"In order to talk about the gratitude I have for you, I went to buy you a gift yesterday. I know you don't lack anything. You might think that this gift is cheap and not worthy of your taste, but I still bought it because I want to make myself comfortable. If you want to throw it away, can you find a place that I can't see after you leave?"    


Huo Tingshen raised his eyebrows when he heard what she said. A gift?    


This was the first time in his life that he had received a gift from a woman.    


He wanted to open the box.    


Embarrassed, she reached out and pressed it down. "Can't you go back and take a look?"    


Huo Tingshen Yang "Is it that mysterious?"    


"I just don't want to see you looking down on me. I'll feel embarrassed."    


He still opened the gift. Inside the box was an ink blue steel pen.    


He took out the pen and saw that there were words carved on it.    


He raised his eyebrows. "Did you carve these words?"    


"I wrote the sample of the words, but I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to carve them well, so I asked my master to help me with the carving."    


He stared at the tiny words on it.    


Huo Tingshen, thank you.    


Seeing him look at the pen, she said in embarrassment, "Isn't it quite dirt?"    


He did not say anything. He simply put the pen into his shirt pocket and asked, "How is it?"    


She pursed her lips and smiled. "I think it looks pretty, but from your taste, it might be..."    


"That's good," Huo Tingshen said. Eyebrows. "I will use it well."    


She was stunned for a moment, meaning that he had accepted the gift?    


It was really strange. She really thought that he would dislike it.    


The next morning, Wen Qing appeared at the Imperial Emblem Group on time.    


Because she had told Huo Tingshen in advance, they had to pretend that they did not know each other in the company.    


Therefore, no one knew that she had come in through Huo Tingshen's back door.    


She was like a new employee, busy with her studies.    


What she needed to do was explain the new products to the Business Department staff.    


The company hired a total of four lecturers.    



Each person was in charge of a product. She was given the explanation of the upgraded second generation air purifier.    


For the class in a week, she had to carefully prepare her homework and understand every detail, characteristics, and selling point of the product.    


At noon, she received a call from Huo Tingshen.    


"Are you off work?"    


She looked out of the tea room and carefully whispered, "Not yet."    


"Why aren't you off work yet?"    


"Everyone is doing their homework well."    


"You don't have to do it. Come upstairs."    


"How can that be? It will be seen by others."    


"I'm hungry."    


Wen Qing thought about it and said, "That... I will put the lunchbox at the front desk. Can you let your secretary go down to get it?"    


"It is not a spy meeting."    


"Then what should we do? I can't get away."    


"Then come find me when you're done. I'm the only one on the top floor, you don't have to worry. "    


"But our team leader said that he would bring the four of us to lunch together. I can't possibly say that I'm not going on the first day, right?"    


Huo Tingshen was not happy. Who had so many things to do?    


"Then come to me after you finish your meal."    




"It's decided then. You can go ahead with your work." He hung up the phone.    


He picked up the intercom and called his secretary. "Shaokang, find out who is bringing the temporary lecturer from the training department and transfer him to Haizhou for business."    


The secretary was stunned. "Now?"    


"Yes, immediately, immediately, ten minutes later, let him leave the company."    




"After you make the call, you can get off work. Come back at 1: 30."    


After hanging up, Lin Shaokang wondered when Young Master Huo started to care about the training department. It was really strange.    


Half an hour later, Wen Qing entered the elevator.    


Arriving at the 36th floor, she got off the elevator and carefully looked around.    


There was really no one.    


She walked along the corridor until she reached the end. Finally, she saw the words "CEO's office.    


She knocked on the door.    


"Come in."    


It was Huo Tingshen's voice.    


Wen Qing heaved a sigh of relief. She pushed the door open and walked in. She looked at him. "You scared me to death."    


"Did you see a ghost?"    


"What? I was afraid that people would see me, so I was a little worried. In order to not make people suspect me, I pressed the 35th floor first. When I saw that there was no one at the door, I came up."    


"Then what if there was someone at the door?"    


"Just get off the elevator and say that I walked the wrong way."    


"Look at you. You don't know. I thought you were having an affair with me." As he spoke, he walked closer to her and leaned behind her. He said ambiguously: "How about I make this a reality?"    


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