The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C144 So You also Have a Weakness

C144 So You also Have a Weakness

0There were dozens of offices in the corridor, but... The footsteps stopped behind her.    


She was extremely afraid.    


Just then, she heard a knock on the door.    


She covered her mouth and burped in shock.    


There was another knock on the door.    


She quickly let go of the hand that was covering her mouth and rubbed her hands together. She shouted urgently: "Senior," she urgently shouted. I... I have no choice but to stay here tonight. "I hope that Senior doesn't blame me. I promise that I won't disturb Senior's rest. Senior, please go around. "Tomorrow, I will definitely burn paper for Senior and pray for Senior's good fortune."    


At the door, Huo Tingshen frowned. What was this woman talking about?    


"Open the door. It's me."    


Hearing this voice, the nervousness in Wen Qing's heart disappeared instantly.    


She quickly turned around and opened the door. The moment she saw Huo Tingshen, she heaved a sigh of relief. "Why is it you?"    


"Who else do you think it is? What did you just say? "    


"No. ... Nothing. "She shook her head and tried her best to remain calm." Why are you here? "    


His face was cold. "I'll pick you up from work."    


Ah? I'm... working overtime."    


"With a ghost?"    


Wen Qing quickly stomped her feet and covered Huo Tingshen's mouth. "Don't talk nonsense."    


Huo Tingshen curled his lips. "So, you thought the person at the door was a ghost?"    


He raised his hand and knocked her on the head. "I always thought that you were fearless. So you also have a weakness."    


Wen Qing glanced at him and let go of the hand that was covering his mouth. "I did not."    


"What else did you just say about burning paper?"    


Wen Qing blushed, "Nothing."    


She quickly opened the cabinet and took out her bag. She walked towards him. "Let's go, let's go. Let's go quickly."    


Wen Qing turned off the office light and pushed him out of the office.    


Maybe it was because she scared herself just now and still had some lingering fear.    


She quickly walked two steps and closely followed beside him.    


Huo Tingshen turned his head to look at her.    


She looked back from time to time.    


He smiled evilly and shouted in her ear, "Hey."    


Wen Qing was shocked and screamed. Her hand grabbed his arm.    


When she reacted, she found that he was deliberately trying to scare her.    


She pinched his arm in annoyance and quickly walked down the stairs with a snort.    


When she arrived at the entrance of the office building, she looked up and exhaled. She didn't want to work overtime anymore.    


After all... it was true that someone had died in this building. Even if there were no ghosts, there were some things that were scary to think about.    


Huo Tingshen came to her side and calmly looked at her. "If I don't come, do you plan to not go back tonight?"    


Wen Qing did not say anything.    


Huo Tingshen hooked his lips. "I heard you said you had no other choice. That's why you decided to stay here."    


She looked at him. "You heard it. What else do you want to ask?"    


An evil smile hung on the corners of his lips. "Then what's the reason why you decided to go back with me now? Afraid of ghosts? Or do you not want me to worry?"    


Wen Qing rolled her eyes at him. If he did not laugh at her, would he die?    


On the road not far away Someone was walking over. Wen Qing was afraid of being seen and quickly went down the steps to the car. "Are you not going?"    


Huo Tingshen followed and opened the door to get into the car.    


He started the car but did not drive it away. "Are you trying to avoid me tonight?" he asked.    


She pouted. "I really have work to do. That's why I have to work overtime."    


"In the entire building, you're the only one working overtime. Is it because you're the only one capable, or because you didn't manage things in time, you can only work overtime?"    


As he spoke, he raised his eyebrows. "In my opinion, No, so there's only one result, and you're avoiding me. If I don't come tonight, what do you plan to do in the future? "    


Wen Qing bit her lips. "I don't plan to do anything in the future. I just feel that... Now that it's clear, keep your distance. The relationship between us can only be stopped at friendship. It won't go any further. "    


So, you plan to sleep in the office in the future? Even if you are afraid, you still want to stay in school? "    


"I originally wanted to go back to Big City Home tomorrow to take a look. If there are reporters there, I will find another place to rent and move out of your house," Wen Qing said and looked at him seriously. "After all, I cannot stay at your house all the time."    


"Do you think I will let you go after what I said last night?"    


"At least, you understand what I am thinking. I think you won't force me."    


Huo Tingshen turned his head and smiled calmly. "Wen Qing, I met you. I have picked up a hard bone, but since I have it in my hand, I won't throw it away. If you feel that I have given you a lot of pressure, I can restrain myself a little. But don't run. The more you run, the more powerful I will be. Hmm? "    



Wen Qing looked at him. So, what she said that night was for nothing?    


"Do you really think there is hope between us?"    


"You should believe that everything was done by yourself and not repeatedly rejected that." Huo Tingshen started the car and left. "If you are scared of ghosts, don't work overtime alone in the middle of the night. If you want to hide from me one night, you can tell me. I can give you private space."    


Wen Qing pouted but did not say anything.    


Huo Tingshen continued, "Most schools are built on cemeteries. Why are there only hospitals and schools? At most, don't you have any idea? "    


Wen Qing swallowed her saliva and turned her head to white him. "Can you stop talking?"    


Huo Tingshen curled his lips. "I only know," he said. If you wander around the school alone at night and see a fellow student in white with disheveled hair, it would be best if you did not approach him and strike up a conversation with him, lest you provoke something unclean. "    


Wen Qing shivered because not far away on the lawn, there was a girl with disheveled hair. She wore white clothes and was walking slowly.    


She instinctively raised her hand and shook his arm. "Aiya, Huo Tingshen, don't scare people, okay?"    


Huo Tingshen laughed.    


This was the first time he had ever been beaten by a woman. He actually found it very interesting.    


Wen Qing frowned. "You're still smiling."    


"Knowing your weakness, I find it very funny. Wen Qing, you must be careful in the future."    


"What kind of weakness is this? I am not afraid of ghosts. " It's because your nonsense is too sudden, okay? I've heard of it before. It's even scarier than this. "    


In terms of Tong Hao's ability to tell ghost stories, she could really scare people into bed.    


She still remembered that at that time when she finished telling ghost stories, Song Ruo had to wake up at night to go to the washroom but did not dare to go alone. She had to pull her along.    


Those years, in the middle of the night, she did not know how many times she accompanied Song Ruo to the washroom.    


But in the past, probably because she knew it too well, she felt that the story was the story and she was not afraid.    


But now, Huo Tingshen was talking nonsense in such a serious manner. It was easy for him to have a sense of substitution.    


"Do you know where the best Fengshui place in Northern City is?"    


Wen Qing looked at him, "Where?"    


"My villa is the best place in Northern City. Do you have anything to say?"    


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