The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C169 Someone with a Boyfriend

C169 Someone with a Boyfriend

0A man with a boyfriend.    


"I have time tonight, but... if I go, won't it disturb uncle and aunty too much?"    


Luo Chengshu smiled and said, "It won't. My mother is very curious about what you will become when you grow up. After all, she hasn't seen you for too many years."    


Wen Qing pursed her lips and smiled. "Then... Brother Chengshu, let's meet tonight."    


"Sure, I'll send you my new address later."    


"Okay." After hanging up the phone, Wen Qing smiled faintly.    


She sent Mr. Chen a text message in the afternoon, telling him not to come and pick her up. She had a date.    


After that, she called Huo Tingshen again.    


She knew that if Mr. Chen did not come, he would definitely report to the higher-ups. Huo Tingshen would know very soon.    


Instead of waiting for him to know and stop her, it would be better for her to take the initiative to attack.    


The call connected. Wen Qing said, "Huo Tingshen, I'm not going back for dinner tonight. I'm going to the Luo Family. Aunt Luo Family heard from Brother Chengshu that she saw me and invited me to her house for dinner."    


Huo Tingshen was not happy. It was that Luo Chengshu again.    


"How long will you be going for?"    


"I'll be back after dinner."    


Huo Tingshen didn't say anything. Wen Qing said, "Then I'll hang up first."    


"Wait a minute."    


Wen Qing stopped. "Anything else?"    


"Ask Old Chen to send you over."    


"No need. I can..."    


"Otherwise, don't go." Huo Tingshen's voice was cold. "Maybe you trust him very much, but to me, anyone who comes close to you is not safe. " Let Old Chen go with you and I will know where you are. Even if you really encounter something, I will be able to find you immediately."    


Hearing what he said, Wen Qing's heart warmed and she nodded, "Alright, I understand."    


After hanging up the phone, she sent another text message to Mr. Chen. "Mr. Chen, why don't you come over and take me to my aunt's house for dinner?"    


After work ended in the afternoon, she asked Old Chen to take her to the supermarket first. She bought a lot of health products and food.    


When they came to the Luo Family, they saw the uncles and aunties of the Luo Family that they hadn't seen for eleven years. Everyone seemed a little excited.    


"Qing, I really didn't expect this. The little girl who was so shriveled and shriveled back then was actually so lively and beautiful now. You are even prettier than your mother."    


Wen Qing was embarrassed and smiled. "Auntie, you and uncle are better. You guys are really the same as I remembered when I was young."    


"Oh no, we are all old," Aunt Luo said and patted Wen Qing's hand. "I heard you Brother Chengshu talk about your mother. We don't even know that you are alone these years. " We didn't help much. Thinking about how your mother helped Luo Chengshu back then, I feel guilty for her. "    


"Auntie, please don't say that. I am already an adult and have the ability to take care of myself," Wen Qing comforted with a smile. "I think my mom probably also thought that I grew up. That is why she let go of me."    


Uncle Luo and Luo Chengshu came out of the kitchen and said, "Qing, come over quickly. Let's talk while eating."    


Wen Qing and Aunt Luo Family came to the dining table. Looking at the dishes on the table, she could not help but sigh, "Wow, Uncle Luo, I did not expect you to be so powerful."    


"Come, sit down. Have a taste of Uncle's cooking changing."    


Just as the four of them sat down, the doorbell rang.    


Luo Chengshu stood up and said as he walked towards the door. "Who will come at this time?"    


Wen Qing's heart tightened. Could it be that Huo Tingshen had found this place?    


She looked at the door nervously.    


Luo Chengshu opened the door. When he saw the person outside, he was a little surprised. "Huh? Why are you here?"    


"You are really at home. I asked you to go to the movies. You said you didn't have time. I just wanted to see what you were busy with. Where are your uncles and aunties? Are you home? " It was a woman who spoke at the door.    


Luo Chengshu moved aside to make way for her. The woman outside the door quickly changed her shoes. She turned around and saw the table. She frowned. "There are... guests at home."    


The Luo Family auntie placed her chopsticks on the table lightly as if she was a little unhappy.    


Wen Qing also quickly put her chopsticks down.    


Luo Chengshu came to the table with the woman and said, "Qing, let me introduce you. This is my girlfriend, Zhou Ziyu. Ziyu, this is Wen Qing, our old neighbor in the past."    


Wen Qing got up and nodded to her. Sister Ziyu, hello. "    


Zhou Ziyu looked at Wen Qing. This pretty face really made people dislike her. She pouted, "Hello, but it is not appropriate for you to call me sister. Am I older than you?"    


The Luo Family auntie said unhappily. "I can tell that you are older than Qing at first glance. Is there a need to ask?"    


Zhou Ziyu pouted and was a little unhappy. "Uncle, aunty, I don't think I came at the right time."    


The aunty of Luo Family looked at her. "You don't trust my son. So you came to see him?    


"That's not what I meant. I mean..." Zhou Ziyu exhaled. "I came to see you guys."    


Luo Chengshu winked at the Luo Family uncle. The uncle stood up and said, "Good. Just in time. Ziyu, let's sit down and eat together."    


As he spoke, he got up and went back to the kitchen to fill up the bowls and chopsticks.    


Zhou Ziyu sat beside Luo Chengshu. She and Wen Qing sat diagonally opposite each other.    


She had been sizing Wen Qing up the entire time. Wen Qing slowly sat down and felt a little awkward.    



Seeing her gaze, the Luo Family auntie said unhappily, "Little Zhou, why do you keep staring at Qing like that?"    


Zhou Ziyu pursed her lips and smiled. "I just feel that Miss Wen is really pretty."    


As she spoke, she looked at Luo Chengshu. "Chengxiu, why didn't you tell me that you have such a pretty girl by your side?"    


Wen Qing felt that Zhou Ziyu's words were not simple.    


Luo Chengshu frowned and said, "Qing and I haven't seen each other for eleven years. We met a few days ago in the mall."    


"You guys haven't seen each other for eleven years. You can even recognize Miss Wen at a glance. You are really powerful. "I will go out with you to watch a movie. There are only a few people at the entrance of the cinema. You can also look for me for half a day." She pouted." Are you treating me differently? "    


Luo Chengshu frowned and looked at her.    


Uncle Luo came out and gave the bowls and chopsticks to Zhou Ziyu.    


Originally, he could have taken advantage of this opportunity to end this topic. However, Zhou Ziyu was a little annoyed in her heart. After all, if her boyfriend left her and ate with another woman, it would be strange if she was happy.    


"Cheng Zhui, after you meet such a beautiful girl again, will you regret falling in love early?"    


The aunt of Luo Family was unhappy. "Little Zhou, in front of the guest I invited, do you think it's appropriate to talk like this?"    


Zhou Ziyu pursed her lips and looked at Wen Qing, "Miss Wen, I'm sorry. Don't mind. I like to joke around."    


Wen Qing finally saw through it. Brother Chengshu's girlfriend was jealous.    


She smiled. "It's fine. I don't mind. Brother Chengshu and I are just old neighbors who haven't seen each other for many years. It's not like we have done anything wrong to you. Besides, I have a boyfriend."    


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