The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C178 Good News for Good

C178 Good News for Good

0Wen Qing quickly said, "Wait a moment, stop the car."    


Mr. Chen quickly braked. Huo Tingshen looked at her. "What's wrong?"    


Wen Qing looked out the window. "I saw a colleague."    


Her hand pointed to where Huang Ya was.    


Huo Tingshen looked over and raised his eyebrows. "It looks like you've been exposed. Do you need me to kill her for you?"    


Wen Qing looked at him gloomily. "You still have the mood to joke with me?"    


"Who's joking with you? Aren't you afraid that our relationship will be discovered? "Since this person has found out, then I'll help you get rid of her. Isn't this for your own good?"    


"What for my own good?" She was wasting her time on him. "I can't go back with you," she said. You can go back first. I'll go down and talk to Teacher Huang. "    


"I have waited for you for more than an hour."    


"I know. If not for you waiting for me, there would not have been such a thing. " Anyway, you should go back first. Even if you're helping me now. "    


After she finished speaking, she opened the car door and got out.    


Huo Tingshen smiled calmly when he was rejected. He was really used to it.    


It was normal for him to encounter any situation with this woman.    


Even if he was abandoned now, he didn't feel anything wrong.    


"Old Chen, let's go back first."    


"Okay, Third Young Master."    


Wen Qing walked in front of Huang Ya and did not know what to say.    


Huang Ya also felt a little embarrassed. She quickly passed the USB in her hand to Wen Qing. "I chased over and wanted to return this to you. I forgot to return it to you in the afternoon."    


Wen Qing took the USB and said somewhat embarrassedly, "Teacher Huang, if you are not in a hurry to go home, let's go eat together."    




The two of them went to the food street behind the school and found a relatively quiet restaurant.    


After ordering, neither of them moved their chopsticks.    


Wen Qing thought for a while and still asked, "Teacher Huang, just now... did you see it?"    


Huang Ya nodded, "Yes, I saw it."    


"Can you help me keep this a secret?" Wen Qing looked at her with sincerity.    


Huang Ya lowered her eyes and smiled. "This is your own private matter. Although I saw it, I will not speak carelessly. Actually when I saw you just now, I should have avoided it. The reason why I didn't leave was because I was scared and didn't move. I never thought that your boyfriend would be that guy. "    


Wen Qing smiled helplessly. "He is not my boyfriend."    


"What do you mean by that? Teacher Wen, you... did not do anything stupid, right?"    


"Oh, Teacher Huang, don't misunderstand. I am not the kind of abnormal relationship you think I have with him. I do not know what to say about this matter."    


"Since you do not know how to say it, there is no need to say it. I do not intend to pry into your privacy. It is just that... I think that if you do not want others to know, you should be a little more careful. After all, this place is still around the school. Almost everyone in the students know you and Third Young Master Huo. " What do you think? "    


Wen Qing laughed. "I will be careful next time. The moment I saw you, I felt my heart beat faster."    


"Afraid that I would go out and say nonsense?"    


"I know you're not that kind of person, but I'm still a little worried."    


"I will not harm you," Huang Ya shook her head. "If I harm you, then I will really repay kindness with hatred."    


Hearing Huang Ya say so, Wen Qing was puzzled, "In the past, I did not owe Teacher Huang anything."    


Huang Ya sighed, "Of course you do. It is just that if I do not mention this matter, you might not remember it."    


Wen Qing concentrated and thought for a while, "Could it be that... I really had some interaction with Teacher Huang in the past."    


Huang Ya shrugged, "Do you still remember that four years ago in the winter, you saved a girl in the cultural mall?"    


Wen Qing recalled that she indeed saved a girl.    


She looked at Huang Ya, "Once, in the coffee shop where I work, that girl... has she anything to do with you?"    


"Do you think I look like that girl?"    


Wen Qing only roughly remembered that year when she was a freshman, she was working in the coffee shop.    


After ordering coffee, a customer suddenly fell to the ground and could not get up.    


The people in the coffee shop were all frightened and quickly surrounded that person.    


However, none of them had any knowledge of emergency treatment, so they could only be anxious.    


Someone called 120. Someone called the police, and someone called for a doctor to be here.    


At that time, Wen Qing was disinfecting the blanket in the workroom.    


When she heard the shout in front and her colleague's anxious voice, she came out to take a look.    


Because she had learned first aid knowledge, when she saw the situation, she quickly asked everyone to disperse and let the staff open the window to open the door    


After that, she gave the girl first aid.    


After working hard for more than two minutes, the girl finally woke up and was picked up by the ambulance.    



She also received a round of applause.    


Wen Qing looked at Huang Ya. "Actually... I don't really remember what that girl looks like. After all, I was too anxious at that time and did not pay much attention to her."    


Huang Ya nodded. "You are right. That fits the situation at that time. "    


"Does that girl really have anything to do with you?"    


"That's my sister," Huang Ya said. "That year, I was in my senior year. My parents received a phone call saying that my little sister could not take it anymore and was being treated in the hospital. They were all frightened. " My parents went to the hospital. The doctor said that the situation was not good and my mother fainted.    


My father called me. When I rushed to the hospital, the surgery was already over. I found the doctor, and the doctor told me that it was fortunate that the rescue was timely, and my sister was saved.    


Our entire family was especially grateful to the person who gave my sister an emergency treatment in time. However, the situation at that time made us unable to find our savior. After a few days, my sister's condition stabilized, and I went to the coffee shop to look for you. The people in the coffee shop said that you resigned.    


I found the video of my sister being treated in emergency from the surveillance camera and saw your face from it. At that time, I was in my senior year and you were an influential figure in our school. "Therefore, I firmly remembered you."    


Wen Qing was very surprised. She smiled. "Oh my god, so we have such a fate."    


"Isn't that so? At that time, I swore in my heart that in the future, I will definitely repay you."    


"So, when I encountered something, you stood by my side to help me?"    


"Compared to what you did for my sister, what I did was really not worth mentioning."    


"But to me, this is something worthy of gratitude. After all, I also needed help and support back then."    


Huang Ya smiled. "As long as you are willing, I will always support you."    


The two of them looked at each other and smiled.    


Wen Qing seemed to have thought of something and said, "Right, how is your sister now?"    


"Okay, she went overseas to study. She is our family's proud little princess. You gave her a second life."    


Wen Qing shrugged. Although there were thousands of unfairness in the world, But... kind people will be rewarded.    


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