The Romance Of Mr. Walton

C182 Like a Star

C182 Like a Star

0Li Beibei came to her side and said, "Teacher Wen, quickly say it, quickly say it. What method is it?"    


Wen Qing said," Multimedia classrooms are small, the place is crowded, the basketball court is spacious. "    


When she finished speaking, Li Beibei and Liu Shu both used an unrealistic look to hit her.    


Liu Shu said, "This is impossible. What kind of person is Third Young Master Huo? You want him to go to a place like the basketball court to teach? This is not some village meeting. Let alone Third Young Master Huo, we can't even convince ourselves."    


"What's impossible about this? Our basketball court is big and has air conditioning. Most importantly, it is spacious and has good vision. From any angle, you can see Third Young Master's face clearly. It can satisfy Third Young Master's admirers' hearts. I think it is quite good."    


Li Beibei hesitated. "The point is, how are we going to tell Third Young Master about this?"    


Wen Qing shrugged. "Let the principal tell us."    


Liu Shu shook her head, "How can the principal promise us? He already said it, let us think of countermeasures. If we go look for the principal now and throw the blame to him, wouldn't that be asking for a scolding on our own? "    


Wen Qing looked at the two of them. "Other than that," Wen Qing said. What other ideas do you have?    


Both of them were silent. Huang Ya said, "I also think this method is feasible."    


Liu Shu looked at Huang Ya. "Why are you also messing around with her? If you want to find the principal, you guys can go. I don't dare to go."    


Li Beibei was embarrassed for a moment, "I don't dare either."    


Wen Qing said, "Then we will split up. Teacher Huang and I will go and talk to the principal. Teacher Liu and Teacher Li went to the multimedia classroom to tell the students about this. If the principal blames us, then I will say that it was my own idea and I will not implicate you. If the principal agrees, I will give you a call and you will enter the multimedia classroom to clear the area.    


Right, When you clear the area, the students with a good view will definitely be unhappy. Don't say that this is the school's decision, just say that this is Third Young Master's decision. This way, even if they were unconvinced, they would not dare to complain. Anyway, who would dare to question Third Young Master Huo's decision? "    


Liu Shu and Li Beibei looked at each other. Liu Shu said," Can it be done? "    


"I already said that if something happens, I will take care of it."    


The two of them did not say anything else.    


The four of them split into two groups. She and Huang Ya left the office and Huang Ya asked, "Are we really going to look for the principal?"    


"How can we look for the principal? If we look for the principal, he will definitely be furious. I will call Huo Tingshen."    


She dialed Huo Tingshen's number and the call was connected. Wen Qing chuckled. "Third Young Master Huo, I need to discuss something with you."    


"Okay, go ahead."    


"Can we go to the basketball court this afternoon?" asked Wang Yao.    


Huo Tingshen stopped and asked, "What's the reason?"    


"In order to listen to your class, two groups of students fought. It was a big fight. The principal asked us to think of a solution."    


"So, you came to me to settle it privately?"    


Wen Qing pouted. "This can't be considered as going through the back door. I just want you to cooperate with us."    


"Me cooperating with you guys?" Huo Tingshen held back his laughter. He pretended to be angry. "I am the lecturer, and you are the assistant. In the end, why should the lecturer cooperate with the assistant? " There is no such logic. "    


"Don't reason with women. In this world, how many women are able to understand reason? Just tell me if you want to do it or not "    


"Do... you."    


He was acting like a hooligan.    


She was about to lose her temper when she heard him say with a smile, "I'll do everything you ask."    


Wen Qing gritted her teeth. If he wanted to play with her in the gray area, then play.    


"Third Young Master Huo, we will be waiting for you in the afternoon."    


She hung up the phone. She was not happy.    


Huang Ya was surprised. "I always thought that Third Young Master Huo was a very difficult person to get close to. So it turns out that people close to him also know how to chat amicably."    


Friendly... No, he was just teasing her for fun.    


She pouted. No, this won't do. In the afternoon, she had to properly train this stinky man.    


In order to not make the principal fuss, Wen Qing even specially called him to report to him. After this matter. She told him that it was Third Young Master Huo who asked him to go to the basketball court to attend classes after he found out about this situation.    


With Huo Tingshen on her back, she truly felt like a fox riding on a tiger's back. She was invincible.    


She had thought that the basketball court would have a lot of seats in the classroom. Everyone should not line up in advance.    


Unexpectedly, Teacher Li, who had walked around the basketball court at 1: 30, said, "Luckily we became Third Young Master's assistants. We will not fight for seats this time. Otherwise, we really wouldn't have a place to sit even if we went. Everyone could only sit at the back and could not see anything. "Some students are smart and even brought binoculars. Those who don't have binoculars really came for nothing."    


Wen Qing was puzzled. It should not be so popular.    


At two o'clock, Wen Qing originally wanted to go to the basketball court later.    


But Teacher Li really couldn't hold back his anger. He kept shouting that he wanted to wait for Third Young Master at the door ahead of time.    


After all, he was an assistant, so he had to show his face in advance or something.    


Seeing Liu Shu and Huang Ya get up with him, she did not want to slack off.    


The four of them came to the basketball court and waited.    


She had nothing to say. Although the weather was a little cold, the sun was still very warm.    


After waiting for an hour, six black Audi cars finally appeared outside the basketball court.    


Four bodyguards in black suits alighted from each car.    


Then, the car drove away and Huo Tingshen's car drove over.    



He got out of the car gracefully. Teacher Li was so excited that he gritted his teeth and said softly, "What should I do? Will I be so excited that I can walk with my hands and feet?"    


Teacher Liu endured it and said, "Hang in there. It's okay."    


Huo Tingshen walked up the stairs surrounded by bodyguards and looked at the four women standing at the door.    


Teacher Liu took a step forward and said first, "Hello, Third Young Master Huo. We are the assistants sent to you by the school. My name is Liu Shu."    


Teacher Li's nervous voice was trembling. "Hello, Third Young Master Huo. My name is Li Beibei."    


Huang Ya saw the situation and also said, "Hello, I am Huang Ya."    


Wen Qing pouted and looked at him. "Hello, I am Wen Qing."    


"You have worked hard. Come in with me."    


After he finished speaking, he walked past the four of them.    


Teacher Li grabbed her arm excitedly and said softly, "Teacher Wen, how did I do? Did my voice shake?"    


"No, you did well."    


Teacher Liu looked at Teacher Li. "Teacher Wen, don't comfort her. She was shaking so badly.    


Teacher Li tilted his head towards Teacher Liu. "You talk too much."    


The moment Huo Tingshen appeared, the entire basketball court instantly became restless.    


Someone screamed. Someone shouted Huo Tingshen's name.    


Wen Qing followed behind the bodyguard and was speechless.    


Students did not come to listen to class. They were obviously here to chase stars.    


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