Spoiled Wife

C104 Please Feng Shizi

C104 Please Feng Shizi

0Not only would the Shen Fei's body become weaker after childbirth, she would also need to take care of an even weaker son. Therefore, for this period of time, the entire palace had miraculously calmed down; from this, it could be seen that there were only a few people who were normally active.    


The imperial palace had temporarily calmed down, but there was one place that had been stirred to a frenzy. That was, the Loyal Marquis had actually taken the initiative to request for Xue Yang to be the successor of the Conferred God Stage, and the Emperor hadn't even given it a thought before waving his hand and agreeing.    


When this matter spread to the Marquis Zhong Yong Mansion, not only were Madam Hou and the others shocked, even Shen Jianing and his son Xue Yang were also very surprised. They didn't understand how their father could be so decisive this time around.    


After the surprise, the two of them did not show much joy. Instead, they felt extremely complicated. The position of crown prince had caused a ruckus for so long, but just when they were about to put up a fight for it with their own hands, they descended from the sky and smashed their heads.    


At this time, Xue Yang also didn't want to say anything. The two of them looked at each other, saw the same message in each other's eyes, and then, they lowered their heads and continued to tease their son.    


Moreover, even though the Emperor had personally agreed to this matter, his mother would not let it go so easily. He still didn't know what kind of tricks she would play in the future.    


Previously, Xue Yang was already unable to withstand the attack from his mother alone. Furthermore, now with the addition of Young Chiang, who was extremely worried, Young Chiang had always viewed them as enemies just for the position of heir. In the end, how could she be willing to let it end without waiting for her to use her power?    


Therefore, they decided to enjoy this temporary peace before they reacted.    


The Madam Hou was truly restless. She couldn't understand Master Hou's thoughts at all, and hadn't he been delaying his plans of inviting Feng Shizi all this time? Why did he change his mind so suddenly and act so quickly?    


"What does the marquis think?" Madam Hou looked at him and asked, "I am not saying that Yang'er is not good, but his health has been bad since he was young. Whether in terms of reading or socializing, he cannot compare to Yang'er. As he said this, his face was full of worry.    


The Loyal Marquis glanced at her and naturally knew what she was thinking. Since young, his little son's health was not good, and in his heart, he favored her a little. However, the more he grew up, the more inappropriate it became for him to watch.    


Although she couldn't beat him up, Loyal Marquis knew that her son had been raised wrongly. However, after all, she had been Jiang Han for so many years, and she knew how worried she was about her second son's health. Thus, she was willing to give in to her.    


Especially the matter with the Young Chiang, which made him realize that he could not continue to indulge himself like this. At that time, he moved his mind to invite Heir Feng, and it was Xue Yang himself who persuaded him.    


"Mother is now exhausted to the point of having to worry about Second Brother, if something else happens now, I'm afraid Mother won't be able to handle it." Xue Yang and his brother had a good relationship so he did not care about who the heir was. However, he did not want to see his family getting into a ruckus over this matter.    


Loyal Marquis glanced at his eldest son. This child was always soft-hearted, and was filial to his mother, so he didn't want to see her sad.    


He knew that his second son didn't have the ability to support his eldest son in the end, but he felt that it was necessary to train his eldest son a little. Thus, when Xue Yang said that, he took advantage of the situation.    


The things that happened everyday in the house of the Marquis naturally could not be hidden from the Loyal Marquis, and of course, the things that Shen Jianing produced were no exception.    


The actions of his second son's wife, as well as the fact that the Queen's Consort was personally in charge at the end, made Loyal Marquis unable to help but frown.    


He knew that Queen's Consort coming here could be considered as saving his grandson, but his emotions were incredibly complicated. This matter had explained two things, one was that the Hou Mansion was indeed unstable, and the other was that Queen's Consort valued his sister very highly.    


The two problems that Loyal Marquis had thought of had been resolved from the root. Firstly, all the chaos in the house of the Marquis was a dispute over the position of heir, and when it came to competition, it was only a one-sided battle. If a Young Chiang like him caused such a filthy thing, then what would happen if his second son also thought the same way in the future?    


The Madam's goal was to pass the family on to her second son, who knew nothing about it. The eldest son would earn a portion of his family property with his own hands, so if the second son wanted to fight for it, the wife would have to compete for it even more.    


When that happened, it would no longer be a matter of chaos within the family. If he caused trouble for his brothers, then the matter of mother and son becoming enemies would become serious. He didn't want the Hou Mansion to reach such a state.    


Thus, he felt that it would be best to eliminate this disturbance as soon as possible. That was to say, he wouldn't think about it anymore after deciding on it.    


On the other hand, there was the attitude of the Queen's Consort. Who in the capital did not know that the Queen's Consort had always been a low profile and mysterious person?    


It showed that the wangfei valued the eldest daughter-in-law very highly. Xue Yang and Duke Xiang were considered as brother-in-law, even if Duke Xian looked down on them, as long as the Queen's Consort still cared about the relationship between the sisters, Xue Yang would still sign up in front of him.    


The Marquis Zhong Yong Mansion was no longer the same as before. Relying on the contributions accumulated by the ancestors, there would always be a day where he would have to use up all of it.    


He did not want to wait a hundred years for the Hou clan to disappear from the face of the earth, so handing it over to Xue Yang was the best solution. After all, he still had the King Duanren behind him, no matter how it looked to outsiders, they would still have to worry about it if they were related to the King's Mansion.    


Thus, when Madam Hou talked about it, he only replied with a bit of impatience, "A woman's opinion".    


"Zheng, what should we do? Master Hou, is that still your son? " Madam Hou knew that once the Marquis decided to leave her no leeway, he would really be a little anxious at this time.    


"Then Yang'er isn't my son?" Master Hou looked at her and asked, "It's fine that you're biased about his health, but you can't just treat his other son as your own, right?"    


Madam Hou choked on her words and said, "I ?" She didn't know what to say anymore. She herself knew that her little son was biased, but wasn't it because his body was weak?    


Besides, her youngest son could not read, and everything else was a mess. She had to think more for him, always think for him, and then she got used to it. The eldest son was healthy and did everything well. She didn't need to worry about him at all. After that, she selectively ignored him.    


It was still the same line, "A crying child has sugar to eat." It was because Xue Yang was too sensible that she didn't have to give his all so he could ignore him. That little son of hers made her completely exhausted, and the more he gave, the harder it was for his to let go.    


After all, they had been husband and wife for so many years, Master Hou didn't want to see her like this. Thus, he gently said, "It's not like you don't understand Yang'er's character. He isn't someone who doesn't care about family.    


Of course, Madam Hou knew that her eldest son was not one to ignore others, but she still felt that if her eldest son became the heir to the House of the Marquis, her youngest son would have to live under her eldest son's hands. She liked her eldest son and felt that he would be wronged.    


"Now, our eldest son's wife has an older sister who is a concubine in the palace and a younger sister who is a Queen's Consort. What do you think they would think if we went too far?" Knowing that he couldn't persuade her otherwise, he began to lay out the facts.    


"Even the imperial concubine and the imperial concubine don't have the right to ask about the family matters of our house, right?" Although the Madam Hou had this concern, when she thought about it, not even the Emperor would interfere with the official's family affairs, much less the concubine and the wangfei.    


"The current emperor places great emphasis on orthodoxy and advocates standing on the throne. No matter what aspect Yang'er is in line with, what do you think if we don't follow the rules and come to the emperor?" When the Marquis had finished speaking, he looked at the Madam Hou. Other people might not know why she did not know the reason why the house of the Marquis had its current glory and favors.    


Madame Jiang was thoroughly at a loss for words. Now that the emperor had spoken, what could they do? As for his second son, he would have to find a way to make up for it.    


Xue Zheng did not care at all about who he was, even to the point where he himself had always known of his own abilities.    


He didn't have much of a dream. Even if he loved to play, he could still play. His mind was completely focused on playing, and he didn't want to think about other things.    


He didn't want to think about it too much, but there were people who had to think about it too much. "If the Hou clan were to be handed over to eldest brother, will we still be able to survive?"    


Xue Zheng did not like hearing these words. He had such a good relationship with his big brother. What do you know? "Women don't have to worry about the affairs of men." He was also starting to get impatient.    


It was not that he did not know what his mother and Young Chiang were thinking, but he knew that he was not made for that, so he had never responded.    


However, the Young Chiang was unhappy. Initially, when she took that risk and had a relationship with Xue Zheng, wasn't it for the future Madam Hou of the Hou Mansion? Although Xue Zheng was handsome, gentle, and emotional, if this kind of man grew up in an ordinary family, she would not even look at him. What she longed for the most was a life like Aunt's.    


She felt that her aunt could do it, and she could do it as a daughter of the Jiang family. She admitted that she wasn't any worse than her aunt.    


But now, he was here! How could she be willing?    


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