Spoiled Wife

C167 Little Partner

C167 Little Partner

0Shen Qi and Xie Shihan continued to chat on one side while the other side played with her brother at first. She was generous and did not hold back, so she took the initiative to bring out her toys and snacks to entertain her friends.    


The eldest son of Xie Shihan's son was called Yan Yu, the younger one was called Yan Ting, the younger one was called Yan Ting, all the way until Yu Geer shouted. As the elder brother, Yan Yu had the character of a brother, he felt that the elder brother should take care of his younger brother and sister, thus he looked at the two younger ones with a serious expression, as if he was afraid that something might happen to them.    


On the other hand, Ting Geer had been staring at this big sister ever since the first moment he saw her, and had even been following behind her butt the entire time, looking very obedient.    


Seeing that he was so obedient as to give her a toy she liked, the little fellow immediately burst out into laughter, and upon seeing him smile so happily, it even brought out a snack to feed him. It even imitated Shen Qi and patted Ting Geer's head, and laughed out loud: "Good!"    


Ting Geer actually had a face full of enjoyment, and had even rubbed his eyes against his palms in the beginning.    


Yu Geer looked at the interaction between the two of them and pursed his lips. In the end, he didn't say anything.    


After that, the two little fellows continued to eat their snacks with one gulp. Sometimes they were having fun with their toys, and sometimes they would whisper to each other with their heads close together. Both of them laughed so brilliantly that they had completely forgotten about Yu Geer.    


Seeing that, Yu Geer's lips tightened, although he did not say anything, his eyes continued to follow the movements of the beginning.    


Maybe because the look in Yu Geer's eyes was too strong, he thought that there was still his little brother here at the beginning. Thus, she smiled as he took the Starting Point Heart and passed it to Yu Geer, "Here, it's delicious." Then he opened his big watery eyes and looked at him with a look of desire.    


Yu Geer was a little conflicted as he looked at the dim sum in his hands. Mother said that he could not steal from his little brother and sister.    


Seeing him hold it still for a long time, Chu Feng thought that he didn't like it, so he continued to explain, "It's very delicious, I like it the most in the beginning."    


When the somewhat conflicted Yu Geer heard the initial words, he looked at the expression in her eyes. In the end, he couldn't bear to see her disappointed, so he took a small bite to eat.    


Although he wasn't old, he had already become a bit elegant when eating. He ate in a very slow and unhurried manner.    


Chu Feng had been looking at him with a smile the whole time. After he finished eating, he asked, "Delicious right? I didn't lie to you at the beginning."    


Yu Geer looked at the little girl's face that was filled with praises. In the end, he still revealed a smile, "Delicious!"    


, who was unwilling to be lonely, also gave his dessert to his brother. He even pushed it towards Yu Geer's mouth, "Brother, eat."    


Yu Geer looked at the dessert in his hand with his brother's teeth marks and saliva. He didn't know what to say for a moment, and the expression on his face became a little strange.    


The maid who was serving the three children could not help but laugh at their interactions.    


When Xie Shihan was about to take the child and leave, there was a small incident. Yu Geer knew that they were guests and had to return home in the end, so he simply went to Xie Shihan's side.    


But Ting Geer was different. He had finally found a little big sister who was willing to play with him and give him delicious snacks to eat, so how could he bear to leave when she was smiling so nicely.    


Therefore, he shouted for her to stay, "No, Ting Ting doesn't want to leave, she wants elder sister."    


When he first heard Ting Geer's words, he was very happy. He looked at Xie Shihan with her bright eyes, as if asking "Can you keep your brother here", causing Xie Shihan to feel helpless.    


Squatting down and coaxing Ting Geer, "Can't you go back with mother and brother? Your grandmother misses you. "    


Ting Geer was a little conflicted. On one side was his mother's brother and grandmother, and on the other was his little sister and her delicious snacks.    


Xie Shihan naturally understood her own son, so she tried even harder. "Next time, Mother will bring you to see Little Big Sister, okay?"    


Ting Geer's eyes lit up, "Really?"    


Xie Shihan immediately nodded, "It's true."    


Ting Geer was immediately happy, and turned around and ran to Chu Feng's side. The two little fellows muttered to themselves for a while, and after that, they reached an agreement and happily returned to their respective mother's side.    


Xie Shihan and Shen Qi looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed, then carried Ting Geer onto the carriage. Yu Geer took one last glance at Chu, pursed his lips and still said one sentence, "I'll come see you next time."    


Chu Feng smiled and nodded, "I'll leave some rest for little big brother first."    


When Yu Geer heard dessert, he remembered that dessert with his brother's bite marks and drool on it. He had a conflicted expression on his face as he was carried into the car, while thinking about how he could avoid the one his brother sent over.    


He was clearly reluctant to part with it, yet he still pretended to be generous and took a bite out of each piece of dessert. What kind of illness was this? When he thought back, he couldn't help but look at his younger brother who was acting like a spoiled child in his mother's arms. He must tell his father that his younger brother could no longer continue like this.    


Ting Geer, who was acting coquettishly in Xie Shihan's embrace without feeling anything, felt a chill run down her spine, and then she crawled into his mother's embrace to keep her warm!    


Winter arrived much later this year than usual, and by mid-November it had not begun to snow. Naturally, the weather was not too cold.    


However, this was not a good phenomenon. The commoners were all looking forward to the next heavy snowfall. Otherwise, how could they guarantee a good harvest next year?    


Shen Qi's stomach had already appeared. Because winter was a dangerous time to begin with, the empress dowager directly exempted her from entering the palace to pay her respects, so that she could live a peaceful life in the palace.    


When he woke up this morning, he felt something was different. When Zi Zhu came in, he saw that the wangfei was awake, so he came forward to serve her. "Does wangfei still want to sleep?"    


Shen Qi shook her head. She had slept enough, seeing how bright it seemed outside, she couldn't help but to stretch her neck out to look. Sensing the abnormality of the princess, Zi Zhu explained with a smile: "Princess, it's snowing outside."    


"It's snowing?" With a quick thought, he realized what was going on. No wonder it was so bright outside.    


However, thinking about her body, she felt a bit regretful. It was a pity that King Xian wouldn't let her leave at this time.    


Sure enough, Shen Qi had just finished washing her face and King Gong had already entered the room. She took off the cape on her body and waited for the cool air to dissipate before walking in front of Shen Qi, "The road outside is slippery, don't go out." He used a tone of certainty, just a notice, not a consultation.    


Shen Qi... Just say it would be like this, but what else do you want her to say at this time? She could only nod her head in agreement.    


Seeing her act this way, King Xian relaxed. At the beginning, he was actually quite happy. He didn't sleep early in the morning and went out to play in the snow ?    


The Crown Prince doted on his daughter, so he had to comply with all of her requests. Naturally, he wouldn't refute a small request like playing with snow. He even personally played with his daughter.    


Therefore, when Shen Qi finished washing up and finished her breakfast, he looked out. They had actually made a snowman in the courtyard.    


She was wearing a thick cotton-padded jacket at the beginning, and a fox fur cloak at the outside. On her hands were a pair of rabbit hair gloves, as well as a rabbit fur hat on her head.    


King Yuan seriously helped his daughter build a snowman. At the beginning, he was clapping his hands and laughing happily. "Father is the most amazing!" Seeing the snowman taking shape, Chu Feng shouted out in joy. A pair of black grape-like eyes were twinkling, and they were filled with worship.    


King Xian was immediately overjoyed and smiled at Chu Yue. He did not feel that there was anything wrong with a dignified King Yuan being childish like him, making snowmen in the snow. Shen Qi could not bear to look at it.    


However, he felt extra warm inside. His usually cold and solemn face also had a gentle smile. His daughter was lively and adorable. That scene was so beautiful that it made one's heart tremble.    


She unconsciously fell into a daze as she watched. When she came back to her senses, King Duanren was already walking towards her with his arms crossed.    


Seeing her standing at the door with her hands stretched out, wanting to pull her along, he tried to endure the cold on his body. After that, she carried Chu Yu into the house and said to Shen Qi: "Come in quickly, the door is cold."    



Shen Qi smiled and turned back inside the house. On the other hand, King Duanren personally took off Chu Mu's outer clothes and hung them up along with his small shoes. They were also covered with snow, which made them wet the moment he entered the warm house.    


At the beginning, she had a face full of excitement, her little face flushed red. "Mother, Snowman."    


Shen Qi sat beside her, and touched her hands, it was warm, but her little face was extremely cold. She used her hands to help her cover it, and asked: "Are you happy?"    


At the beginning, his face was covered by his mother's hands, he laughed so hard that his eyes narrowed, hearing Shen Qi's question he could not help but nod his head, "I'm happy." Thinking of something, he reached out to touch his mother's belly and said, "Let my younger brother play."    


Shen Qi laughed and nodded, "Next year, you can play with your little brother." She was too lazy to care about her younger brother and sister now, so she could just say whatever she wanted to say.    


Chu Yue laughed and nodded, then caressed Shen Qi's stomach and said, "Be good brother, big sister will play with you." As he spoke, he laughed.    


At this time, Zi Zhu brought over a bowl of Snow Pear Soup, which Shen Qi took over to feed it to Chu, the previous two days had just started to cough a little, Shen Qi felt that he should cook some Snow Pear Clear Lung for her, without caring about it at all.    


"I'll feed her." As he spoke, he skillfully fed spoonful after spoonful to Chu Yu.    


As he ate, he held onto his father's arm, swinging his little feet. He looked extremely happy.    


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