Master's Troublemaking Hot Wife

C135 Because I'm Chinese.

C135 Because I'm Chinese.

0Gu Ranran and the other two were up there and did not speak. They just leaned against each other. Both of them enjoyed this kind of time very much. Hsu Fann, who was in front of them, had very good eyesight. At this time, they quietly drove the car. Not long after, they played a little bit of music.    


When they arrived at the Diyu Mansion, the two of them walked in hand in hand, as if nothing bad had happened just now.    


When they reached the hall, lunch had already been prepared at the dining table. It seemed like it had been prepared for a long time. Now, they only needed to wash their hands and they would be able to eat.    


When the two of them came out again, they sat together. Mu Feihan touched Gu Ranran's hair and said gently...    


"Is there anything you want to ask?"    


He kept looking at her as he spoke. His eyes were full of drowning.    


However, he also wanted to know why this girl was so angry just now. What exactly happened in the coffee shop, or what Caby and the other two had said. It could make this girl have such a huge change.    


Gu Ranran heard Mu Feihan's words and raised her head to look at him. After a long time, she shook her head.    


There was no need to know about these things now. Only she could trust him. The rest of the matters could be left to the wind!    


Seeing her shake her head, Mu Feihan smiled. He gently rubbed Gu Ranran's hair and then the two of them began to eat together.    


However, Gu Ranran had not eaten much when she thought of a question. She did not know if she could ask. Just as she was in a dilemma, Mu Feihan stopped.    


He smiled at that girl. His meaning was very obvious. If there was anything, just say it!    


Seeing this expression, Gu Ranran touched her hair shyly and said softly...    


"Why is Imperial called DI. DU, why not choose an English name, or a foreign name that has always been popular?"    


She still did not know why Imperial was called DI. DU, this was not a popular name. Why was such a fashionable person in such a way now?    


Mu Feihan seemed to know that she would ask such a question. He smiled slightly, then looked at Gu Ranran gently and said softly...    


"Because I am from China. It's not that I don't like foreigners. I also work with many foreigners. "Imperial, Diyu." When he was young, he felt that this was a very cool thing. Now, he felt that... This looks pretty good."    


Indeed, this name was quite cool. When he had just established the Imperial Capital, the The Mus had been against it. It wasn't because he was too young and wanted to establish his own sect, but because of this name.    


The whole family made my name too arrogant. The company has just been established, and this isn't good. However, the family didn't change Mu Feihan's mind.    


Gu Ranran did not quite understand what he said. She blinked her eyes and looked at Mu Feihan, then asked him...    


"When was it when I was young?"    


When she found out that he created it himself when he was 16 years old, in her heart, there was only disbelief and disbelief.    


Now, she was also curious about what had happened to Mu Feihan when he was young. What had changed? He was able to make a sixteen year old child mature like an adult.    


Then, there must have been a lot of things happening around him. Moreover, these things were not things that ordinary people would experience.    


Mu Feihan saw the doubt in Gu Ranran's eyes. So he answered with a smile...    


"When I was very young, Grandpa found out that I was a material for my career. And I was the eldest grandson of the Mu family, so he gave me all kinds of training classes. At that time, I really felt that there were a lot of things. There were so many that I didn't have time to eat. When I was ten years old, my grandfather told me to go to the company of the Mu family. But because I was too young, no one was willing to believe me. Sometimes, even Grandpa was unwilling to believe me.    


The majority of the shareholders in Mu City are too deep. There was once... Grandpa went out on a business trip and left me alone. The Mu shareholders chased me out by name. At that time, I was 15 years old and was the general manager of that place. Even the two assistants who worked with me were not spared. "    


Speaking up to this point, he temporarily stopped. It was not that he did not want to say it, but he added a piece of sugar and vinegar to Gu Ranran's spine. How could he talk about the past and make his little thing hungry?    


Gu Ranran also knew the look in his eyes and accepted it with a smile. However, she was curious about what happened next. Although she was a little angry that those people bullied her uncle, she still suppressed her anger.    


Seeing Gu Ranran's actions, Mu Feihan smiled, but he quickly continued to speak...    


"Grandfather was furious when he came back and dealt with many people. However, the most important people were all fine. So, that was the first time I was willful and didn't go back. Later on, I slowly created the DI.DU and watched him grow bigger and bigger. The more I connected with the international network, the happier I became. "    


The D.DU was created by Mu Feihan alone. It didn't have any relationship with the Mu family, so it had nothing to do with the Mu family.    


Gu Ranran suddenly stopped talking when she heard this. She didn't know how he came here alone at that time. He was only sixteen years old. At that time, she was still studying beside her grandfather.    


Although she was also a half-worker and half-student, compared to what the man in front of her had experienced, it was almost the same.    


Mu Feihan did not know that at this moment, Gu Ranran had already forgotten about what happened earlier. Seeing her unhappy face, he thought that it was his words that made her unhappy again.    


So, he hurriedly explained to her...    


"You are in DI. I didn't mean to lie to you, I didn't say it at first. I wanted you to get used to it, because I know that DI DU's curriculum is very tight. The workload is very high. At that time, I thought of letting you directly pass the training. But, your personality is too good and strong. I'll help you, you definitely won't agree.    


So, I just want to go through the rookie training. I'll bring you to my office, no matter how good your results are at the end of the day. You are already a predetermined person. Sorry, little thing, I didn't think it through properly... But I don't have any other intentions. And I didn't mean to see you make a fool of yourself. "    


When he said these words, he was somewhat anxious. He had already put down the chopsticks in his hands. His two eyes kept looking at Gu Ranran, hoping to see another expression from her face or eyes.    


Gu Ranran looked at Mu Feihan's anxious face and there was no longer any anger in her heart. There was only heartache, but he still did not say anything. He just slowly stood up from his seat and walked a few steps to the side. He bent down. He hugged Mu Feihan, who was sitting on the chair.    


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