Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C35 Will You Marry Me?

C35 Will You Marry Me?

0"What's the matter?" Sheng Yeting's voice was cold and distant.    


Xiaobao, who called was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Sheng Yeting would actually answer the phone. Xiaobao couldn't react at that moment.    


Sheng Yeting wasn't sure if the person hung up and looked at his phone. He started getting impatient. He was about to hang up when suddenly, a small child's scared voice came from the phone, "Dad, I'm so scared. That bad uncle just blocked the door and was bullying Mommy. I'm scared."    


Sheng Yeting's expression darkened and an unfathomable light filled his eyes. He took his jacket and left the villa.    


Qin Pei saw her son leave in a hurry. She very confused and wondered what had happened. Why would Yeting be in such a hurry to leave over something?    


Meanwhile at Xia Xingcheng's home, she had just finished her shower. Her hair was still wet so it stuck to her body. She was so tired she wasn't bothered blow drying it. She saw Xiaobao painting alone and Xiaobao would occasionally look up to check the time.    


Xia Xingcheng was a bit confused to Xiaobao's actions. She was about to tell Xiaobao to go bed and rest, when the doorbell suddenly rang.    


She was shocked by the bell and panicked a bit. The things that Xu Hao said when he left were still fresh in her mind. Would they really come this late?    


Xiaobao's eye were lit up when he heard the doorbell but Xingcheng didn't take notice. She had no choice but to go and open the door.    


Sheng Yeting's cold icy expression was on his face when Xia Xingcheng opened the door.    


When they saw each other, they were both stunned, especially Xia Xingcheng. She stared at Sheng Yeting with her eyes wide open, not knowing how to react for a moment.    


Sheng Yeting subconsciously looked at Xia Xingcheng. He saw that her body, which had just been in the shower, was glowing slightly. Her pajamas fitted her perfectly as it covered her body, outlining her curves of her chest faintly visible. Her pure white skin was as exquisite as porcelain.    


Sensing Sheng Yeting's gaze, Xia Xingcheng blushed. Without even knowing what to do, she panicked and closed the door.    


Sheng Yeting was still standing outside the door and wasn't angry. Instead, he suddenly felt a surge of heat in his lower abdomen and had an inexplicable urge!    


After Xia Xingcheng's reaction, she quickly went to the bedroom to change her clothes. While Xiaobao had already opened the door and welcomed Sheng Yeting in.    


Sheng Yeting was able to size up the two rooms in front of him. Although the house was small, it felt very cozy and welcoming.    


At that moment, Xia Xingcheng had already changed her clothes and walked out of the bedroom. Seeing Sheng Yeting sitting on the sofa, she couldn't help but ask awkwardly, "What are you doing here?"    


Sheng Yeting retracted his gaze and without beating around the bush, he asked, " Where is that man?"    


Xia Xingcheng immediately realized he was asking about Xu Hao. She stuttered a reply, "He's gone already."    


As soon as she relied, Xia Xingcheng asked suspiciously, "Hold on, how did you know he was here?"    


Sheng Yeting looked at Xia Xingcheng but did not respond. Xia Xingcheng immediately knew how Sheng Yeting knew, 'Must be Xiaobao again!'    


After thinking this, Xia Xingcheng could not help but look at Sheng Yeting apologetically but curiously asked, "Everything is alright now, you... Could it be you came all the way here for that?"    


Sheng Yeting also immediately realized, the little rascal had tricked him and gave a sulky look at Xiaobao.    


He, Sheng Yeting, wasn't able to be stern and cold-hearted to this little guy as he would to other people. He would help him if this little guy asked but that didn't mean he could be taken advantage of!    


No one ever dared to take advantage Sheng Yeting's stature. This little guy could be considered the first to have broken a precedent.    


When Xiaobao saw Sheng Yeting's dissatisfied expression, he got a bit scared and immediately pretended to be sorry. "Dad, Xiaobao didn't lie to you. That bad uncle came and insulted Mommy. He threatened Mommy saying that he would come back to force Mommy to marry an old man."    


"Xiaobao, stop talking and don't say another word," Xia Xingcheng scolded Xiaobao as she started to get angry at Xiaobao.    


She really didn't know why her little boy seems to play up when he sees Sheng Yeting.    


Xiaobao seeing his mother was angry at him, he didn't dare to say anything more. He pitifully pulled on her sleeve to trying to coax her.    


When Sheng Yeting saw the mother and son's interactions, his unwavering eyes flashed an unknown meaning.    


In Xia Xingcheng's home    


"Xia Xingcheng, would you be willing to marry me?"    


When Xia Xingcheng heard the question, she was shocked and almost choked on her saliva. She wasn't sure if she heard him correctly, so she asked, "What did you just say?"    


The moment Sheng Yeting heard what he had asked, his expression darkened. He had subconsciously blurted out the question just then. That's that, since he asked, he couldn't take it back.    


He, Sheng Yeting, never take back what he said before and this is also the case.    


After making up his mind, Sheng Yeting looked at Xia Xingcheng and continued, "Well, your family wants you to marry that old man, so why don't we get married? You will no longer be threatened if you marry me. Also my family is pressuring me to get married. I say, we will be helping each other."    


"Then that would be a fake marriage and we will not interfere with each other's lives."    


The marriage proposal to Xia Xingcheng was a big deal, she still couldn't believe what she had heard. He actually was considering her to marry him. Is this person crazy? Or maybe he isn't thinking clearly. Does he not care about the current situation he is in?    


Moreover, how can Sheng Yeting be so casual about discussing his own marriage?    


Although she had to admit, if she was with Sheng Yeting, having his help, her days with Xiaobao would be better off, but this was not fair to Sheng Yeting!    


"Sheng Yeting, please don't joke around."    


Feeling complicated, Xia Xingcheng asked hesitantly, "Even if we were to get married, would your family agree to it? Don't you consider the opinion of others?"    


The non-stop questions from Xia Xingcheng made Sheng Yeting slightly upset. He didn't know why but he didn't like to see Xia Xingcheng having all these doubts.    


Moreover, he had a feeling this woman was not bad person.    


"I, Sheng Yeting, have never cared or considered other people's feelings when doing things. All you need to tell me is whether you agree or not?" Sheng Yeting said mildly.    


"If you agree, I'll see at the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow. Meet me there at noon."    


After he finished speaking, Xia Xingcheng was even more surprised. Is Sheng Yeting marrying her because he was sick and tired of his family pressuring him?    


Or is it just to help her?    


Sheng Yeting stood up and was prepared to leave without waiting for Xia Xingcheng to reply.    


However, when he reached the door, Sheng Yeting suddenly turned around. His face was still expressionless as he reminded her, "Xia Xingcheng, if we get married, this marriage will only be an agreement to get married. You do not need to fulfil the duties of a husband and wife. It is mutually beneficial to both of us. Don't think about yourself but for your child. If he gets kidnapped again, you will have no one to help to you." He didn't say anymore but glanced at Xiaobao, then he turned around and left.    


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