Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C32 Dad, I Missed You So Much

C32 Dad, I Missed You So Much

0Xia Xingcheng froze on the spot upon seeing him. Unable to react, the words she wanted to say were stuck in her throat.    


What was going in her mind was the last conversation she had with Sheng Yeting a few days ago. She recalled she told him, she would be leaving the country. Without realizing her actions Xingcheng hugged Xiaobao and took a couple steps back.    


What if Sheng Yeting thought she was lying, he wouldn't let her off so easily, right?    


Xiaobao's eye lit up when he saw Sheng Yeting and quickly rushed over to him. He excitedly hugged his leg and said "Dad, Xiaobao finally gets to see you. Xiaobao missed you so much. "    


Jiang Xiyun, who was standing next to Sheng Yeting was speechless when he heard what the little boy said. The kid looked like a good boy. Although, Xiyun wasn't sure whether the little boy was joking or not. The little boy, in fact had just called someone his dad. But more importantly, that someone was Sheng Yeting!    


Everyone knew Sheng Yeting was a cold-hearted person. Once the person had angered Sheng Yeting, it didn't matter if the person was a child, the person would not be spared.    


With that thought, Jiang Xiyun quickly went over to Xiaobao and persuade him, "Little boy, you have the wrong person. This uncle isn't your dad, you can't go around calling him your dad so casually, alright?"    


Xiyun was about to squat down to be at the same level as Xiaobao but Xiaobao ignored him and just stared at Sheng Yeting. His expression was very pitiful.    


Jiang Xiyun was a bit embarrassed being ignored by the little boy. He quickly said to Sheng Yeting, "Brother Ting, don't get angry. Kids do say the darndest things."    


As he said this, he quietly called out to Xia Xingcheng, signalling her to quickly take her child away. Seeing that Sheng Yeting wasn't angry yet, he felt a bit relieved as it would be unimaginable if he got angry and there would be nothing he could do.    


Xia Xingcheng naturally understood what Jiang Xiyun meant, and her reaction was awkward as she didn't expected to meet Sheng Yeting here. She had said she was leaving the country, and now as if caught red-handed by him. Wasn't this similar to digging your own grave?    


Nothing can be done now. Hopefully he won't think she was lying to him?    


Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but glance at Sheng Yeting. Coincidentally, Sheng Yeting also looked at her as well. There was an unknown light shining in his eyes. Xia Xingcheng felt her scalp tingle as soon as their eyes met.    


That's it, she's a goner. She knew he would be angry if she saw him again.    


Xia Xingcheng didn't know the reason why she cared whether Sheng Yeting was angry or not.    


She quickly went up to Xiaobao and pulled him away, but Sheng Yeting was quicker and picked up Xiaobao to sit him on his lap.    


Xia Xingcheng and Jiang Xiyun both looked at him in surprise. Sheng Yeting ignored them and asked Xiaobao, "Xiaobao, did you have enough food to eat before?"    


Xiaobao shook his head, indicating that he hadn't had enough food in his stomach and was still hungry.    


Who would be in the mood to eat when those bad people came in the restaurant.    


When Sheng Yeting saw his reaction, he immediately took the food and place them in front of Xiaobao. He then said, "Then eat some more Xiaobao. Don't let yourself to get hungry."    


Xiaobao was ecstatic hearing what Sheng Yeting said. He had never eaten with his father before and was excited. As he was about to eat, he said to his mother, who was still stunned, "Mom, come and eat. Don't let yourself get hungry."    


Xia Xingcheng felt helpless. She knew it would be rude to refuse so she could only bite the bullet and sat down next to Sheng Yeting. However, for a long while, she didn't touch her chopstick.    


Jiang Xiyun, who was still standing, finally came back to his senses. He couldn't help but look at Sheng Yeting in surprise seeing such a scene. He couldn't help but ask, "Brother Ting, what just happened here?"    


At the same moment, Sheng Yeting was still holding Xiaobao in his arms, sitting on his lap. Hearing Jiang Xiyun's question, he looked coldly at Jiang Xiyun and kept quiet.    


Seeing Sheng Yeting did not deny Xiaobao's identity, Jiang Xiyun being surprised was an understatement. Not only did Sheng Yeting not deny his was the child's father but he is hugging the child as well!    


Could it really be … Is he really the father of the little boy?    


Jiang Xiyun was on the urge to explode with gossip. However, he didn't dare ask Sheng Yeting so he could only sit quietly and secretly observe the interactions between them.    


Xia Xingcheng sat at the table as she kept her head down. Sheng Yeting stared at her coldly which made her very uncomfortable. She didn't know what to say to start a conversation.    


What she really wished for now was to hug Xiaobao and run away from this place. Otherwise, if this continued, she thought she would faint!    


However, Xiaobao felt the atmosphere between the two of them. He rolled his eyes and cheekily said, "Daddy, I missed you. Mommy has been bullied by bad people lately. Xiaobao is not strong enough and couldn't protect Mommy all those times."    


Xiaobao felt really sad and suddenly cried as he thought of his mom being bullied today.    


Sheng Yeting's heart soften at Xiaobao as he cried. He was concerned for Xiaobao so he asked, "Tell me what has happened."    


Xiaobao slowly stopped his crying when his father questioned him. He replied, "It's all because of that bad auntie. She didn't let Mommy leave the country when we were at the airport. When Mommy was looking for a job, they didn't let any company hire Mommy. And today, they came to insult Mommy, they really caused a lot of trouble."    


After hearing this, Sheng Yeting wasn't too happy and frowned.    


When he heard the conversation between the two before, he vaguely guessed the reason why Xia Xingcheng hadn't left the country, but now the reason was confirmed.    


He didn't expect so many things had happened behind the scenes.    


It's no wonder why this woman went to apply a job at that lousy company called Star Entertainment.    


Now the doubt in Sheng Yeting's heart has been resolved. Although he did not respond to what Xiaobao said, the anger he felt in his heart had disappeared. After that, his attitude towards Xia Xingcheng had changed.    


When he saw this woman busy quarrelling before, she wouldn't have eaten much. He said, "You have something to eat too."    


Xia Xingcheng waved both her hands and said, "It's alright, I'm full already." This must be a joke! She had already troubled Sheng Yeting enough so how could she bother him further, let alone eat with him.    


Sheng Yeting didn't pay any attention to her. Instead, he raised his hand to get the waiter's attention and ordered the same dishes Xia Xingcheng had.    


The waiter took the order and left.    


What just happened! Jiang Xiyun was extremely shocked by their interactions. It seems they know each other!    


What sort of relationship did they have? Sheng Yeting, himself had actually ordered some dishes for this woman. This seemed too far-fetched!    


He had been holding his curiosity for awhile, in fact since Xia Xingcheng came into the room. Jiang Xiyun couldn't stand it anymore and had to ask, "Brother Ting, this is... Sister-in-law? Shouldn't you introduce her?"    


Xia Xingcheng was embarrassed and blushed. Before Shen Yeting could reply, Xingcheng quickly said to Jiang Xiyun, "Mr. Jiang, you've misunderstood, I'm not your sister-in-law. My name is Xia Xingcheng and this is my son Xiaobao, I came in here to thank you for helping me just then."    


"My name is Jiang Xiyun. It's just a trivial matter. There's no need to worry about it."    


Jiang Xiyun said to Xia Xingcheng in a very polite manner. He kept looking at Sheng Yeting, still waiting for him to respond.    


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