Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C36 I'm Calling the Police

C36 I'm Calling the Police

0Because of Sheng Yeting's proposal, Xia Xingcheng very restless the whole night. She couldn't get Xu Hao's threats out of her mind. A few times, she would be thinking of Xiaobao crying when he was taken away by the Xia Family. All of these things broke Xia Xingcheng.    


After tossing and turning, Xia Xingcheng still couldn't decide what her answer is with Sheng Yeting's proposal!    


Sheng Yeting's offer was indeed tempting. It would resolve her current situation, but she couldn't be so selfish and ignore the feelings of others.    


Perhaps Xia Xingcheng was overthinking cause she slept very lightly. Before she knew t, it was dawn, the next day. Xiaobao was exhausted after following his mother the past few days. He still had not woke up yet.    


Seeing Xiaobao still sleeping, a rare benevolent smile appeared on her face. Xia Xingcheng went up to Xiaobao and gently kissed his cute and adorable face. She then went to prepare the things she needed to go to the company in the afternoon.    


When she finished her breakfast, there was constant knocking on the door and they were loud.    


Unlike last night when Sheng Yeting came over, he was a gentleman and pressed the doorbell. This time, Xia Xingcheng had a gut feeling the people outside constantly knocking on her door came with ill intentions.    


Xia Xingcheng took a deep breath, walked over and opened the door.    


What she saw was Uncle Xia's expression which was combined together with anger and annoyance.    


"Took you long enough to open the door. You really are thinking so highly of yourself. "    


Uncle Xia snorted coldly while he glanced at Xia Xingcheng with contempt. He walked into her home with two bodyguards behind him.    


Xia Xingcheng's heart plunged, when she saw the teo bodyguards, "Why are you here? I have cut all ties with you and have nothing to do with you anymore. Please leave my house."    


The person standing in front of her was once the person she had respected, so Xia Xingcheng didn't want to sound so heartless.    


Uncle Xia was in no rush to leave so he walked around the house. He finally said disdainfully, "I thought you would be living the good life after leaving the Xia Family, but apparently it seems like you're not that better off. Why don't you be a good girl and come back with me to marry that person I've arranged for you? I'm sure you will be grateful in future."    


Xia Xingcheng frowned in resentment. She knew this father had a motive in coming here rather than just simply visiting her.    


"Whether I live the good life or not, that is my decision. The day you threw me out of the house five years ago, I have cut all ties with the Xia Family."    


After hearing what Xia Xingcheng said, Uncle Xia's expression suddenly turned monstrous. He glared at his daughter.    


"What? You think you have a backbone now and can be dependable, you don't even want to acknowledge the Xia Family anymore. Back then, if you hadn't shamed the Xia Family doing such a shameful thing, would I have kicked you out?"    


Xia Xingcheng's expression slightly changed as her heart ached for a moment. If her father knew the truth about what happened, would he forgive her?    


Just as she was about to explain what happened five years ago, Uncle Xia continued, "Even if you want to go back to Xia Family now, the Xia Family will not keep a freeloader. I'll give you one more chance, will you marry that person I arranged?"    


"What if I say no?" Xia Xingcheng asked. She stubbornly refused to bow her head down.    


In reality, she was still too naive. She had always been the expendable one in the Xia Family, so why would Uncle Xia believe her even if he heard the truth?    


Uncle Xia scowled and secretly signalled the two bodyguards, "Whether you are willing to marry or not, Xia Xingcheng, I was just being polite when I asked you. Let this be said, I'll be making the decision for you."    


When he finished speaking, before Xia Xingcheng could react, the two bodyguards passed her directly and went straight for the bedroom.    


Xia Xingcheng became very anxious when she realized their target was Xiaobao. She gripped the door handle tight and said, "This is my private property and you are intruding. If you take another step, I'm calling the police!"    


Of course, Uncle Xia had an idea this would happened so he came prepared. Naturally, he didn't take her seriously and immediately snorted,    


"I suggest you save your breath. Xiaobao has suffered a lot while he was staying with you. So being his grandfather, I am here to save him from the suffering."    


"Come to think of it, once you have done your thing, I will of course send him to a good place."    


Xia Xingcheng couldn't believe what she was hearing, "What is that suppose to mean?"    


One of the bodyguard didn't are delay his order and continued to go the the bedroom. They pushed Xia Xingcheng aside and stepped into Xiaobao's room.    


Uncle Xia ignored Xia Xingcheng's question. On the contrary, when he saw Xia Xingcheng panicking, a hint of happiness flashed in his eyes.    


Xia Xingcheng was stunned. She was very worried about Xiaobao's safety. She couldn't be helpless and had to think of a countermeasure.    


During this critical moment, Xia Xingcheng found her answer. Because she had no other choice, she was willing to marry Sheng Yeting as long as Xiaobao is safe.    


On his way to the company, Sheng Yeting received Xia Xingcheng's call. When he saw the caller ID had her name, he had a strange feeling.    


Ignoring the strange feeling, Sheng Yeting answered the phone and was about to speak when he heard her voice in a panic tone, "Sheng Yeting, I will marry you, can you please come over to my place now?!"    


Sheng Yeting frowned but on second thought, knowing this woman so far, something must have happened to Xia Xingcheng. He had no choice but asked seriously, "Xia Xingcheng, what happened?"    


At the very same moment, Xia Xingcheng hid in the bathroom while secretly making the call. She had to keep it short as she didn't have much time, "Someone came to my house, Xiaobao and I are in their restraint."    


"Right, I understand. Hang in there just a bit longer."    


Sheng Yeting hung up the phone without saying any more.    


Xia Xingcheng didn't know what just happened and looked at her phone but it went back to the normal screen. Couldn't Sheng Yeting be more concerned?    


But for some reason, after hearing what Sheng Yeting said, she suddenly felt assured everything would be alright and wasn't as scared as she was anymore.    


Xia Xingcheng returned back to the living room and was angered by what was happening in front of her. She walked angrily towards her father and said, "Let Xiaobao go now, he is only a small child."    


Xiaobao was sitting on the sofa with his mouth taped shut, crying. He looked helplessly at Xia Xingcheng.    


Xia Xingcheng's heart ached seeing this. She was about to go to Xiaobao's side, but the two bodyguards stopped her.    


"I told you already, if you obediently listen to me, Xiaobao will not be harmed." Uncle Xia's smile was more and more vicious. He couldn't care less how frightened and sad Xiaobao is.    


Seeing Xiaobao's hopeless condition, Xia Xingcheng finally broke down and yelled at Uncle Xia, "You heartless man, how can you treat Xiaobao like this?"    


Xia Xingcheng was now forced into a corner, she had to act quickly. She bit the bodyguard and was about to escape.    


Luckily, at this critical moment, the doorbell rang.    


The men looked at each not sure who it was. Uncle Xia's expression changed, gritted his teeth and demanded one of the bodyguard, "Open the door!"    


When the door opened, two policemen was standing outside.    


Before Uncle Xia could react, the two policemen showed their badge and ID. They said, "We are here because someone inside the house called the police and said that you were trespassing, please don't cause trouble and cooperate with our investigation."    



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