Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C44 An Unpolished Gem That Can be Carved

C44 An Unpolished Gem That Can be Carved

0The next morning, Nanny Chen completed Xiaobao's enrolment forms. With Xiaobao's application form in hand, Xia Xingcheng was impressed as she noticed Nanny Chen's efficiency and speed.    


"Nanny Chen, Xiaobao and myself have troubled you. As Xiaobao's mother, I didn't worry much about this. I feel really ashamed of myself." Xia Xingcheng sighed.    


"Young Madam, what are you saying? You and young master are busy enough. I'm happy to take care of Xiaobao, I'm willing to do anything for him." Nanny Chen said in amusement, before she added, "Besides, this is what the Young Master instructed me to do, so don't think too much about it."    


During the times Nanny Chen and Xia Xingcheng spent together, Nanny Chen had already guessed Xia Xingcheng's character. She was afraid Xia Xingcheng would think too much, so she said that to assure her.    


Xia Xingcheng felt awkward after hearing that and quickly said to Sheng Yeting, who was about to leave, "Mr Sheng, thank you."    


"Hmmm," Sheng Yeting replied casually before turning around to leave.    


Xia Xingcheng was in dismay. What kind of answer was that? That was cold!    


Anyway, Xiaobao was able to attend a good school but the most happiest person was Xia Xingcheng. Since it was the first day of school, she and Nanny Chen took Xiaobao to school.    


Seeing Xiaobao carrying a backpack in his tailored suit, Xia Xingcheng smiled at Xiaobao with satisfaction.    


Xiaobao felt embarrassed seeing his mother looking at him like that. He asked his mother: "Mommy, why are you looking at me like that?"    


Xia Xingcheng was cheering Xiaobao inside her mind but knelt down and said, "Xiaobao is a little genius. As long as you study hard, you will become the backbone of the country in the future. Do you understand what I'm saying?"    


This is a joke, right? Her son was a genius. As long as he wanted to learn something, there would be no obstacle in his way. There was actually no need for her to work in future as she could just depend on her son!    


Xiaobao frowned after hearing his mother's words, he wasn't too pleased. He then pretended to sigh as he glanced at the other kids getting out from their cars.    


"Sigh, it doesn't matter to Xiaobao. If Mommy is happy then Xiaobao will endure it."    


With that said, he glanced at his mom helplessly.    


When Xia Xingcheng saw Xiaobao's expression, her heart almost melted. She gave him a kiss on his cheek.    


"Okay, Xiaobao, hurry up and go in. Remember, you have to behave yourself at school, or else your mother will make you go to kindergarten." Xia Xingcheng warned.    


When Xiaobao heard this, in an instant, his face darkened but went back to normal and he said, "I know, Mommy, you're really worried but it's really no big deal."    


As Xia Xingcheng watched Xiaobao enter the school, she couldn't help but feel a little emptiness.    


Her Xiaobao has now started kindergarten. Her Xiaobao is really growing up so quickly.    


Xia Xingcheng realised something and was stunned for a moment. She suddenly remembered Xiaobao's darkened expression.    


That expression! That attitude! It was identical as if Xiaobao was carved out from the same Sheng Yeting!    


Xia Xingcheng found it was quite funny when thinking this. Maybe it was because they had been living together and Sheng Yeting expressions and attitude was starting to rub off on Xiaobao. This Sheng Yeting couldn't be related to the child's biological father?    


It is logic that an objective environment greatly affects people.    


With that in mind, Xia Xingcheng felt relieved.    


Today was Monday, and it was the first day for Xia Xingcheng to work at the company. Fortunately, she had done her research with the work for the company when she was at home, so there was no need for her to waste any more time getting familiar with the work after coming to the company.    


In the afternoon, Xia Xingcheng went to the office. She wanted to discuss the matters about Gu Xingxi with the leader of the department.    


Now the company had been restructured, it looked quite empty. Upon walking to the her work area, Xia Xingcheng asked for the directions to the Leader's office.    


She had heard this leader was sent over here by the new boss after the restructuring. He was a rather old-fashioned person, but he took his work extremely seriously.    


When Xia Xingcheng saw him, she was truly astonished. If she remembered correctly, this leader was a mogul of the Shengshi Entertainment. Not only did he lead many starting agents to be become an outstanding agent, but his films has won many awards.    


How on earth did the boss manage to recruit such an outstanding person into a small company like this? But more importantly, why would he accept?    


Xia Xingcheng secretly admired her new boss's strength. This gave her more confidence in company.    


The Leader saw Xia Xingcheng coming into his office, they greeted each other before Xia Xingcheng went straight to the point of her visit.    


"I want to be Gu Xingxi's manager. He is a rare talent and I've seen his acting. As long as he can be guided properly, I feel he will definitely become very well-known."    


Xia Xingcheng looked at the Leader cautiously. She wondered if they would agree to allow her to manage Gu Xingxi. After all, Xia Xingcheng only just started here.    


She did not expect the Leader to agree so readily. He said to Xia Xingcheng, "Xingcheng, to be honest, this artist, Gu Xingxi has been arranged for you to guide him initially. I've read your resume and it's outstanding. Not only that, you will have a special privilege. In the company, your job is to only manage and protect Gu Xingxi. If you have any other problems, you can go to the superior to resolve them."    


Hearing this, Xia Xingcheng was completely surprised. This would be probably be more convenient for her.    


"Thank you!" Xia Xingcheng said gratefully and made her way to the practice room to find Gu Xingxi.    


However, there was a sense of helplessness and pity in the leader's eye when he mentioned Gu Xingxi but Xia Xingcheng didn't notice.    


Xia Xingcheng asked for directions to the practice room and went there immediately. Artists of Star Entertainment would usually train in the practice room when they had nothing to do. So being there was pretty normal.    


Meanwhile, in the director's office.    


There was a man leaning against the leather sofa, sipping his coffee. The mist from the coffee room added a touch of beauty to the man's skin. It made him appear quite pale and also feminine. The man seem to be in his early thirties, well-mannered and dressed in an expensive suit. He had a stern expression. While sipping his coffee, he had a smile which made him look very satisfied. This man was Gu Xingxi's manager, Zhou David.    


There was also a younger man in the room. He was even more handsome. Every single feature on his face was like the work of art, just perfect and without any blemishes. The young man's fair skin made him appear slightly delicate but he had a pretty strong figure. He stood there like a puppet with no expression on his face.    


"Gu Xingxi, have you considered what I said to you last night? Are you really that sad to see me today?" Zhou David asked. His eyes was undoubtedly filled with desire.    


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