Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C270 She Was the One Who Implicated Little Treasure

C270 She Was the One Who Implicated Little Treasure

0At this point, Xia Xingcheng actually had her doubts.    


One of them was naturally Xia Xingyan and Xu Ying, who had been quiet for a long time.    


Since they were kicked out of the school last time, there had been no news about them, but Xia Xingcheng knew they would not let it go.    


She did know one thing, that the Xia Family had indeed encountered a lot of things recently, and probably did not have the time to pay attention to her.    


As for Xu Ying. Xu Ying didn't have much hatred between her and herself, and that woman was only used by her good sister.    


Thinking up to here, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but eliminate the two of them.    


Because the important point was that they didn't have the ability to shake Sheng Yeting's power in the school.    


After all, when Xu Ying's child was expelled from school last time, Xu Ying wasn't unafraid.    


They didn't have the guts to touch Xiaobao.    


Therefore, there was one more person who was more powerful, and that was Qin Pei, Sheng Yeting's mother.    


Whether it was strength or motivation, Xia Xingcheng felt that it was without a doubt Qin Pei.    


After all, what Qin Pei had said to him was still vivid in her mind.    


Qin Pei had said that if she didn't leave, then she would use some extraordinary methods.    


To force her to leave, Aunt Sheng didn't even let a child as young as Xiaobao go, causing the child to receive such a great injury.    


After confirming the answer, Xia Xingcheng looked at Xiaobao beside her and felt even more guilty.    


It turned out that she was the one who implicated Xiaobao.    


After returning home, Xia Xingcheng's expression had always been terrible.    


During dinner, Nanny Chen noticed that something was wrong with Xia Xingcheng's expression. She picked up a piece of food that Xia Xingcheng usually liked and asked with concern, "Xia Xingcheng, what's wrong with you? You don't look good."    


Xia Xingcheng acted like she had just regained her senses and quickly covered up. "It's alright, Nanny Chen. I might really be too tired recently."    


Nanny Chen had a complicated expression on her face, but she didn't say anything in the end.    


At the same time, she couldn't help but wonder if she should leak it to the young master when she had the time. Xia Xingcheng seemed to be in a bad mood recently.    


After dinner, Xia Xingcheng tidied up everything properly. Seeing that Sheng Yeting didn't come back, she couldn't help but softly walk to Xiaobao's room.    


Sheng Yeting had been very busy recently due to the Family Meeting incident, which made Xia Xingcheng feel less awkward.    


Otherwise, with Sheng Yeting's intelligence. Xia Xingcheng really couldn't guarantee that Sheng Yeting wouldn't notice any clues.    


What would she say then?    


Therefore, it was good that he was so busy.    


At that time, Nanny Chen was preparing to coax Xiaobao to sleep in Xiaobao's room when she saw Xia Xingcheng coming in. She couldn't help but chuckle as she greeted her, "Xia Xingcheng, you're here. Did you miss Xiaobao?"    


Xia Xingcheng nodded and walked slowly to the bed to hug Xiaobao.    


Xiaobao was very happy to see Mommy coming over, so he slipped into Mommy's arms.    


It was as if her bad mood disappeared with it.    


"Nanny Chen, it's been hard on you these days. "Tonight, I want to coax Xiaobao to sleep."    


After Xia Xingcheng finished speaking, she couldn't help but smile embarrassedly at Nanny Chen.    


Nanny Chen, of course, didn't care about that. She stood up, scratched Xiaobao's nose and said, "Okay then, Xiaobao has to listen to Mommy obediently. Your Mommy is already very tired, okay?"    


Xiaobao nodded obediently. He watched Nanny Chen as she left the room.    


At this moment, only Xia Xingcheng and Xiaobao were left in the room.    


Xiaobao knew that his mum was in a bad mood today, so he couldn't help but obediently lie in her arms without saying anything.    


Xia Xingcheng looked at her age. However, he was especially obedient to Xiaobao. Her heart suddenly felt very soft.    


Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but conceal her emotions as tears were about to flow out of her eyes.    


She didn't know what had happened to her. As long as she faced Xiaobao and saw him getting hurt, her strength would instantly crumble.    


Thus, she laid on the bed and lightly patted Xiaobao's body. Finally, she tentatively said, "Xiaobao, if Mommy transferred you to another school, would you be willing?"    


This was something that troubled her the entire night. She really didn't know how to tell Xiaobao.    


Xiaobao blinked. Although he was reluctant, he shook his head and looked at Mommy with determination.    


"Xiaobao is willing, Xiaobao will obediently listen to Mommy."    


Instinctively, Xiaobao knew that the teacher and Mommy must have said something in the office.    


Xiaobao couldn't help but worry that Mommy would be unhappy after hearing those words, so he quickly said, "Mommy, don't listen to their nonsense. I know Mommy is a good person, you're not like what they said."    


No matter what, what Xiaobao trusted the most would be Mommy.    


Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but feel touched. She immediately hugged Xiaobao and kissed his forehead.    


"Baby, I've let you suffer today. Mommy promises that it won't happen again, okay?"    


However, Xiaobao didn't care at all and said indifferently: "Okay Mommy, Xiaobao doesn't care about it. They just say whatever they want to say, in short, I believe Mommy."    


Xia Xingcheng nodded. She knew that Xiaobao had always been a sensible child. She thought for a moment and warned him: "Xiaobao, don't tell dad about everything that happened today, including the transfer. Do you understand?"    


If Sheng Yeting found out, Xia Xingcheng didn't dare to imagine what kind of method Qin Pei would use to deal with her.    



"I know, Mommy. Xiaobao will definitely listen obediently." Xiaobao nodded in agreement. Although he felt it was strange, he did not ask.    


Knowing that Mommy was sad, Xiaobao quickly stretched out his small hand. He comforted her again and again.    


"Alright, Mommy. Xiaobao will be obedient and not let Mommy be hurt."    


"Mommy, take care of me so I can protect you when I grow up."    


Xiaobao's words were sincere, but when Xia Xingcheng heard it, she couldn't help but laugh.    


Therefore, she burst out laughing, helplessly patted Xiaobao's head and said, "You little rascal, you are the one who knows how to say it the best."    


Strangely, after Xiaobao teased her like that, Xia Xingcheng's haze disappeared in a flash. All that was left was endless tenderness.    


Xiaobao saw that he had made Mummy happy, so he could not help but feel a sense of accomplishment. At the same time, he told himself that he must grow up fast so that he could protect her.    


For a moment, Xia Xingcheng suddenly felt that as long as Xiaobao was by her side, she was not afraid of anything.    


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