Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C397 A Man Who Loves and Hates

C397 A Man Who Loves and Hates

0Xia Xingcheng didn't think too much about it. She only thought that it was due to her initial pregnancy reaction that she was so moody.    


However, she didn't notice that on the other side of the corner, a servant had a relieved expression on her face when she saw Xia Xingcheng starting to eat the dishes on the table.    


When Sheng Yeting saw Xia Xingcheng finally start her meal, the haze that had been hanging over her face started to dissipate. He only watched Xia Xingcheng eat, but he did not eat at all.    


Xia Xingcheng was too lazy to bother with him. She just kept eating. When she was almost done eating, Xia Xingcheng put down her chopsticks. However, she suddenly noticed that Sheng Yeting's finger was wrapped in a very eye-catching bandage.    


Xia Xingcheng's gaze focused on him. Her heart was stifled for no reason. Everything seemed to have been explained in a reasonable manner at this moment.    


It turned out that Sheng Yeting had cooked this meal for him. Xia Xingcheng finished the last mouthful of porridge in her bowl. Strangely, she did not feel too much discomfort.    


Looking at the wound on his hand, Xia Xingcheng guessed that Sheng Yeting must have accidentally cut it. She felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.    


When Xia Xingcheng thought of this, she couldn't help but look away. However, she didn't want to look at that wound again because she was afraid. She was afraid that her frozen heart would finally have a crack again.    


At this point, the relationship between Xia Xingcheng and him had become more and more subtle. For a man like Sheng Yeting, you can't always go against the rules, otherwise, it would be counterproductive, such as running away.    


Sheng Yeting would often accompany Xia Xingcheng and cook for her. Although Xia Xingcheng had clearly refused to eat his food, but as time went by, she developed a taste for what she was used to. Even Xia Xingcheng herself didn't know what to do with this man that Xia Xingcheng loved and hated.    


As time passed, Xia Xingcheng gradually began to let go of her worries. Xia Xingcheng's anxiety during the past few days could only be explained by her pregnancy syndrome.    


Xia Xingcheng's biological clock was set at seven o'clock. That morning, Xia Xingcheng opened her eyes. What was different from before was that the person beside him was still sleeping with his eyes closed. Only then did Xia Xingcheng remember that it was a weekend and he rarely rested.    


The sunlight shone through the cracks on his face, causing his expression to be even less clear. His tightly shut eyes retracted all of his usual stern expression, leaving people with endless reverie.    


Xia Xingcheng looked at Sheng Yeting, who was just inches away from her, and felt a moment of drowsiness. However, she quickly suppressed this feeling and pushed away his hand that was on her body.    


For such a long time, although Xia Xingcheng and Sheng Yeting were no longer normal couples, he still insisted on sleeping with them. At the beginning, Xia Xingcheng was indeed worried that Sheng Yeting would really do something to her, but recently, Xia Xingcheng noticed that Sheng Yeting just liked to hug her, so she went along with him.    


Perhaps it was Xia Xingcheng's movement that alarmed Sheng Yeting. Not long after Xia Xingcheng had gone downstairs, she saw that he had already showered and was eating breakfast cleanly downstairs.    


He probably didn't need to go to work, so he only wore casual attire today. Even so, it still couldn't cover up his perfect figure. His hair was a bit wet, giving him a unique charm.    


Xia Xingcheng retracted her gaze from him. If it was in the past, Xia Xingcheng would have been confused by Sheng Yeting's attitude. But now, even though she had a different feeling, Xia Xingcheng did not want to show it.    


He seemed to be in a good mood today. Xia Xingcheng walked to his side and sat down. After hesitating for a moment, she wanted to say that what had happened recently was not of her own free will.    


However, as the words reached her mouth, she suddenly found herself unable to speak.    


At that moment, Xiaobao walked down from the stairs. When he saw Xia Xingcheng, he couldn't help but run into Mommy's arms to act cute.    


Xia Xingcheng's mood improved a lot with Xiaobao around, so she just forgot about it.    


Xia Xingcheng shook her head and didn't say anything else. As she thought of this, she couldn't help but hate herself for being too serious.    


Sheng Yeting was already used to Xia Xingcheng's temperamental attitude. Seeing that Xia Xingcheng didn't ask any further questions, he put a piece of bread into Xia Xingcheng's bowl and said, "This was made by Nanny Chen herself. Have some."    


This was a normal concern, but since it was Sheng Yeting who said it, it made Xia Xingcheng feel uncomfortable. Xia Xingcheng raised her head and looked straight into his calm eyes. A faint trace of impatience could be seen within them.    


"This is what you make, isn't it? Why did you lie to me and say that Nanny Chen did it? " Xia Xingcheng asked him.    


Xia Xingcheng had always known that he had almost all the dishes these days were cooked personally by him. Perhaps it was because she said she didn't want to eat the dishes made by Sheng Yeting, that he kept it a secret from Xia Xingcheng.    


Thinking about that, Xia Xingcheng became angrier and angrier. She couldn't help but continue to question him, "Do you take me for a fool? Or do you think that you can hide anything from me and not care about other people's thoughts at all? "    


In the face of Xia Xingcheng's questioning, a crack appeared on Sheng Yeting's face. However, in just a split-second, he returned to his usual calmness. He only glanced at Xia Xingcheng nonchalantly, as if he had expected this to happen.    


Sure enough, under Xia Xingcheng's angry eyes, he said to Xia Xingcheng at a moderate pace, "Didn't you already know that? You still eat so much. I think you enjoy it. "    


Xia Xingcheng was choked by his words and had no way to refute them. Seeing his smiling face made her want to tear him to pieces. It seemed like she really shouldn't have been soft-hearted in the first place and didn't directly expose him.    


Xia Xingcheng instantly saw Sheng Yeting's injured hand. Seeing that it still hadn't healed, she couldn't help but frown, but the words she said were not the slightest bit slurred: "I don't feel like enjoying myself, but Xia Xingcheng will enjoy letting you cut off your hand to cook for me."    


Xia Xingcheng directly returned what he said. When she saw the sullen expression on Sheng Yeting's face, she finally felt better.    


That's right, this was the result Xia Xingcheng wanted. Her heartache and pleasure were all fake. Her real purpose was to hurt Sheng Yeting. Xia Xingcheng comforted herself.    


Sheng Yeting seemed to realize that Xia Xingcheng was different than before at this moment. He couldn't help but frown as he looked at her. A trace of unknown meaning flashed across his eyes.    


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