Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C488 Am I Supposed to Wait for Death Here

C488 Am I Supposed to Wait for Death Here

0Sheng Yeting looked at the ruined living room, but he still couldn't calm down.    


Those things that made him feel pain were still lingering in his mind, causing him to be unable to calm down.    


The next day, when Jiang Xiyun went to the company to find Sheng Yeting, he still didn't see her.    


He specifically asked Jiang Quan, but he didn't know anything.    


Jiang Quan was Sheng Yeting's closest confidant. If even he didn't know about it, then no one else would know about it.    


He called Sheng Yeting, but had always indicated that there was no answer. Jiang Xiyun decided to go to Sheng Yeting's house.    


Imperial Golden Palace.    


Jiang Xiyun knocked on the door for a long time, but no one opened it. This made him feel strange inside. There should be servants in his house at this time, so why was there no one opening the door now?    


Fortunately, Sheng Yeting had given him the key to his home before, so Jiang Xiyun came in handy this time.    


The door opened and Jiang Xiyun thought Sheng Yeting was not at home.    


"Brother Sheng, are you there?" Jiang Xiyun tried to shout a few times, but there was still no response.    


Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard the sound of a wine cup breaking upstairs.    


There was someone!    


Jiang Xiyun rushed up and saw that Sheng Yeting had collapsed on the sofa with a lot of empty bottles scattered beside him.    


The room was filled with the pungent smell of alcohol, without any guesses, one could already tell that Sheng Yeting drank a lot of alcohol!    


Seeing Sheng Yeting's drunk state, Jiang Xiyun hurried forward to call Sheng Yeting's name.    


However, Sheng Yeting, who was sitting on the sofa, was completely intoxicated by the dream and couldn't hear Jiang Xiyun's urgent call.    


Jiang Xiyun was afraid that something would happen to Wu steel, so he immediately helped him to the bed and started treating him.    


Fortunately, Jiang Xiyun had rich experience in treating the disease, and after being fed a lot of liquor, Sheng Yeting finally felt better.    


However, Sheng Yeting was still having a high fever. Jiang Xiyun knew that going to the hospital was the same, so he kept guarding Sheng Yeting, waiting for him to wake up.    


"Xia Xingcheng, Xingcheng, don't go …"    


"Xia Xingcheng, where are you …"    


"Everything is my fault …"    


Sheng Yeting said in his sleep. Jiang Xiyun pricked up his ears and listened attentively. It turned out that he had been calling Xia Xingcheng's name all along.    


Jiang Xiyun let out a long sigh. He could only hope that Sheng Yeting woke up quickly. There were many things he could not persuade Sheng Yeting with.    


Moreover, he was currently feeling depressed, and had many things he wanted to ask.    


He had seen Sheng Yeting and Xia Xingcheng's experiences with his own eyes.    


This time, when Xia Xingcheng came back, he thought that Sheng Yeting would finally be able to be together with her. He sincerely wished her well from the bottom of his heart.    


However, Xia Xingcheng had suddenly disappeared, leaving him at a loss as to what was going on. Therefore, Sheng Yeting wanted to use the wine to pour out his worries.    


"Xia Xingcheng …"    


Sheng Yeting kept calling out again and again. There were even tears at the corner of his eyes, falling onto the cold floor without a sound.    


Jiang Xiyun could not stand the sad scene any longer. Other than anger, he had other emotions.    


Sheng Yeting used to be such a proud person, so he didn't show such feelings. He walked to the kitchen and fed Sheng Yeting another bowl of sobering soup.    


Sheng Yeting was about to wake up. Finally, it was quiet on the bed. After a while, Sheng Yeting slowly woke up and looked at Jiang Xiyun in confusion.    


"What are you doing here?" Sheng Yeting's voice was extremely cold.    


He had clearly seen Xia Xingcheng in his dream just now. She was waving at him, asking him why he had come to disturb his beautiful dream.    


Jiang Xiyun couldn't help but smile bitterly when he saw Sheng Yeting's expression. "Since you're already like this, are you going to wait for death if I don't come?"    


"Drinking alcohol won't solve anything, Brother Sheng!"    


"Besides, why did you suddenly marry Liang Fengyue? What's going on?"    


At this moment, Jiang Xiyun's heart was also very troubled. There were many things in his heart that he couldn't find the answer to, which was why he could not wait to ask.    


Sheng Yeting ignored Jiang Xiyun. He got up from the bed with a tremble and pushed Jiang Xiyun away.    


"I don't need you to care about me. Where is my wine?"    


He needed to drink and get drunk so he could see Xia Xingcheng. Wine, wine.    


"Sheng Yeting, you can't drink anymore!" Jiang Xiyun quickly stopped him.    


Sheng Yeting was like a furious lion as he angrily pushed away Jiang Xiyun, who wanted to continue blocking him.    


Jiang Xiyun didn't expect Sheng Yeting to come like this. He was pushed to the ground by Sheng Yeting and fell onto the sofa. Jiang Xiyun, who was sitting on the sofa's sharp edges, felt a burst of pain.    


Jiang Xiyun felt a sharp pain coming from his back and hitting the corner of the sofa. He ignored his pain and stood up shakily to chase after Sheng Yeting.    


Sheng Yeting didn't even look at the injured Jiang Xiyun and went straight to the wine chef to look for wine.    


At this moment, Sheng Yeting picked up another bottle of wine from the kitchen and was about to open it to drink, but Jiang Xiyun didn't have enough time to think about it further and directly punched Sheng Yeting's face.    


Right now, Sheng Yeting was muddle-headed and unconscious. Sheng Yeting did not dodge and directly fell into the wine shelf. The sound of the bottle shattering was heard.    


These fine wines were ruined and priceless.    



Sheng Yeting still didn't care and continued to look for a drink.    


"Scram! Don't worry about me! I want to drink! I want to drink!" Sheng Yeting roared loudly, as if he wanted to vent all the frustration in his heart.    


"Stop drinking!"    


Jiang Xiyun's fist struck towards Sheng Yeting directly. Sheng Yeting was knocked to the ground, but he didn't have the intention to fight back. He could only lie on the ground in a daze.    


Jiang Xiyun looked at Sheng Yeting's half-dead look and became agitated. He found a bottle of wine and poured it on Sheng Yeting's head.    


"Don't you like to drink? Let me make you drink your fill!"    


"Brother Sheng, for such a small matter like this to happen to you, where is your former pride!" Jiang Xiyun cursed loudly. His hands didn't stop moving either as the cold red wine sprinkled over Sheng Yeting's head.    


Unexpectedly, Sheng Yeting didn't resist at all and drank the wine that was poured down by Jiang Xiyun.    


Drinking it one mouthful at a time, he really had no image at all.    


Seeing this, Jiang Xiyun was really angry. He angrily threw away the bottle, reached out his hand and pulled Sheng Yeting up from the ground.    


Jiang Xiyun's fists were like Sheng Yeting's attacks. Sheng Yeting felt a slight pain and groaned in pain as he opened his eyes.    


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