Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C532 Why Is It so Abnormal

C532 Why Is It so Abnormal

0Xia Xingcheng knew that this was a dream, but when she woke up, she also knew that such a day would come sooner or later.    


Xia Xingcheng knew that it was hard for her to marry another woman. She was clearly trapped here with Xiaobao, and she was suffering.    


The beautiful scene of them together was still fresh in his mind, as if it was just yesterday.    


Xia Xingcheng didn't want Xiaobao to know about her sad look. She hoped that Shengye Ting would leave Xiaobao with the image of a grand and upright father, instead of abandoning their villain.    


It was already dawn, and traces of warm sunlight shone through the window onto Xia Xingcheng's face.    


She frowned, as if in a dream, and as if in a nightmare, her forehead beaded with sweat.    


That's right, Xia Xingcheng was having a nightmare right now. She saw the place where he and Sheng Ye Ting met for the first time. They were obviously talking and laughing at the beginning, but somehow, when Xia Xingcheng turned around, the Sheng Ye Ting was gone.    


She looked around anxiously and suddenly saw two figures in front of her. One was Sheng Ye Ting, and the other seemed to be an unfamiliar woman.    


The woman was wearing a white wedding dress, and Sheng Ying-Ting was wearing a groom's uniform. The two of them stood there, looking at each other. No matter how Xia Xingcheng shouted, she couldn't stop the two of them from touching.    


At this moment, Xia Xingcheng suddenly woke up from her dream and came back to reality.    


Despite having slept for a while, her body was still exhausted. However, it was much better than before. She recalled how clear and terrifying the scene in her dream was. She hugged her body somewhat fearfully, feeling like she wanted to cry.    


After that, Xia Xingcheng's mood improved a lot. She couldn't help but tell herself that she mustn't be depressed. And Xiaobao, I can't let Xiaobao see how sad she is.    


Thinking about this, Xia Xingcheng felt weird. Why didn't she see Xiaobao? At this time, Xiaobao would run over to wake her up and act like a spoiled child.    


Then they had breakfast together. Why is Xiaobao so different today?    


Xia Xingcheng smiled. After all, Xiaobao was still a child. Yesterday, she went to the hospital because she wasn't feeling well. When she came back, it was already so late, so he must have been sleeping lazily today.    


Therefore, Xia Xingcheng walked to Xiaobao's room softly and called out, "Xiaobao, you lazy bug, hurry up and get up. Don't sleep."    


When she opened Xiaobao's door softly and wanted to wake him up, she noticed that Xiaobao wasn't in the room at all. And the bedding was folded neatly, it didn't look like Xiaobao was lying in bed.    


Xia Xingcheng felt a little strange. Could it be that Xiaobao went to play early today?    


Somehow, Xia Xingcheng suddenly felt flustered, and her left eyelid kept jumping strangely as if something bad had happened.    


However, Xia Xingcheng still comforted herself not to always think of bad things as a bad idea, and then went to the place where Xiaobao often played to start looking.    


However, after searching for a while, she still couldn't find it. Xia Xingcheng suddenly saw the cook and rushed over to grab her hand. She asked, "Auntie, auntie, did you see Xiaobao?"    


The chef was especially surprised. After looking around, she couldn't help but say: "No, I didn't see it. Xiaobao is gone?"    


Xia Xingcheng suddenly started panicking. With a pinch of her nose, she covered her mouth, and tears started rolling down soundlessly. Large tears started to roll down her face.    


Xia Xingcheng sat on the ground and choked with sobs, "Xiaobao is so obedient. He won't run around. Every time I feel uncomfortable, he will always be by my side. What should I do if something happens to him? "    


When the butler saw this, he quickly pulled Xia Xingcheng up to comfort her while he started to look for Xiaobao.    


Unexpectedly, Xia Xingcheng immediately pulled away from his hand and stood up. She wiped away her tears and said firmly, "No, I must find Xiaobao. It's all because of me that Xiaobao went missing. It's all because I didn't notice."    


Xia Xingcheng started rummaging through the room again and again. The more she searched, the more desperate she felt.    


Until she searched through all the rooms, she couldn't find Xiaobao.    


There was nothing she could do now. Xia Xingcheng knew that crying could not solve the problem, so she forced herself to calm down.    


She had a bad premonition. Could it be that Xiaobao was taken away by someone? No, this idea was immediately rejected by her. This place couldn't even have a single fly in. She couldn't even get out herself, so how could Xiaobao be kidnapped?    


Xia Xingcheng quickly mobilized all of her servants to search for Xiaobao. After all, the more people a person had, the stronger their strength would be. If not, where would Xiaobao be? Did he fall asleep at night? Xia Xingcheng could only console herself like this now. Otherwise, she would collapse.    


Some servants, seeing that the situation was not going well, immediately reported this matter to Qin Pei.    


"What? You said Xiaobao disappeared?" When Qin Pei heard this news, she immediately scolded her servants, "Trash, I let you see two people, but you actually lost them." What about that woman? You didn't lose it, right? "    


"No, no, but she told us all to go find the child. I just came to ask for your opinion."    


When Qin Pei heard that, she raised her eyebrows. "What?" Then she sneered, "It's easier to be without one. So what if he ran? It had nothing to do with me, so that woman wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Just look for it, put on an act, look for it, don't waste your time. "    


"Hehe, got it, got it." The flattering servants quickly understood Qin Pei's intentions and left.    


When she was halfway there, Qin Pei seemed to have thought of something and called them back.    


"Wait." Qin Pei called out, her expression unavoidably grave.    


The servants were immediately startled and hurried back to respectfully say, "Madam Sheng, do you have any other instructions?"    


At this moment, Qin Pei's face became serious. She was silent for a moment and then quickly said, "You must keep this a secret. Don't let Yeting know that the child lost. Do you understand?"    


The servant quickly nodded, and Qin Pei finally let them out.    


However, when she thought of how Xiaobao had lost the child, she couldn't help but feel worried. After all, if Yeting knew about this, it would be a huge problem.    


On the other side, Xia Xingcheng couldn't find the child no matter what, so she knew that Xiaobao must have had an accident.    


She was so anxious that she almost fainted. She quickly held onto the wall and realized that it was harder than ascending to heaven to find Xiaobao now.    


She had just asked the servants to help her find the child. In the end, those people just kept talking and even chatted, not looking for children. Xia Xingcheng knew it was Qin Pei's idea.    


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