Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C597 Don't Remember Him

C597 Don't Remember Him

0The study room was Sheng Yeting's place. Could it be that Xiaobao and Sheng Yeting were together now?    


Xia Xingcheng's heart skipped a beat when she thought of this possibility.    


If Sheng Yeting was here, wouldn't it be easy for him to find out that she sent a message to Xiaobao?    


Thinking about this, she temporarily didn't dare to reply Xiaobao.    


Xiaobao, who was holding the iPad, felt a bit wronged when he saw that his mom didn't reply to his message.    


What the hell was Mommy doing? She ignored him and did not say anything. The news of her promise to come over and receive him a few days ago had also disappeared.    


Scoundrel Mommy, he's unhappy.    


Xiaobao thought like this. After all, he was still a child, so he could not help but feel disappointed.    


Sheng Yeting saw this scene.    


Sheng Yeting secretly observed Xiaobao without any change in his expression. He naturally knew that Xiaobao was sending a message to Xia Xingcheng.    


That woman was really getting more and more naughty, and now she had really made up her mind not to contact him.    


When he brought that woman back, he would teach her a lesson no matter what.    


Xiaobao sat on the sofa and waited with the laptop for a while, but there was still no news of Mommy.    


Xiaobao couldn't sit still anymore. These days, he really missed Mommy a lot. He wanted to go to Mommy's side right away.    


Thinking about this, Xiaobao couldn't help but sneakily glance at his dad. Seeing that his dad was still working on the side, Xiaobao couldn't help but roll his eyes and said: "Dad, can Xiaobao go back to his room?"    


Back in his room, he called Mommy.    


Of course it was because Mommy said not to let him tell Daddy.    


Sheng Yeting naturally understood what the child was thinking and didn't expose him. He nodded and said, "Go, remember not to play too late. Rest early. Tomorrow, the private tutor will come over."    


Xiaobao nodded obediently. At this moment, he naturally wouldn't be suspicious of his dad's words.    


Xiaobao walked into the room happily with the laptop in his arms. Meanwhile, he also brought the phone over to Ye Zichen's room.    


He wanted to call Mommy, he wanted to hear Mommy's voice.    


Xiaobao pressed the number that Mommy had given him, and he couldn't help but quietly call Mommy.    


On the other side of the phone, Xia Xingcheng was worrying if Sheng Yeting found her whereabouts, but the phone beside her suddenly rang.    


The sudden voice gave her a fright, almost causing her to throw the phone away.    


There was no other way. She had been running around and she was feeling a bit nervous.    


Seeing the familiar number on the phone, Xia Xingcheng instantly panicked even more.    


She recognized this number, it was the number from Sheng Family Villa.    


But who was the caller? It would be alright if it was Xiaobao, but if it was Sheng Yeting …    


Xia Xingcheng didn't dare to think too deeply on it. She could only ignore the ringing of the phone and didn't dare to respond for a long time.    


Xiaobao made another call, but Mommy didn't answer. He disapproved and couldn't help but try again.    


However, even after the phone rang for a long time, Mommy still had no intention of answering it.    


Xiaobao was even more unhappy.    


Why didn't Mommy pick up her phone?    


Feeling depressed, Xiaobao couldn't help but send a crying emoji to Xia Xingcheng on Weibo.    


"Mommy, why didn't you answer Xiaobao's call!"    


Xia Xingcheng looked at her phone nervously. After confirming that Xiaobao had sent her a message, she heaved a sigh of relief.    


It was too dangerous. It seems like she was overthinking it, she was almost found out by Sheng Yeting.    


Thinking about this, Xia Xingcheng immediately replied to Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, don't cry. It's not like Mommy won't pick up your phone. Mommy was a bit busy just now."    


She was too busy worrying. She wasn't fooling a child.    


Xiaobao felt better after hearing his mother say this.    


He quickly took out his cell phone and called Mommy.    


This time, Xia Xingcheng quickly answered the phone.    


"Mommy, is it really you? "Xiaobao misses you so much."    


Xiaobao said impatiently when he saw that the other side picked up the call.    


No one knew how much he missed Mommy these days. Although Daddy was very good to him, he didn't have that memory of Daddy. Everything was foreign to him, and he was very scared.    


Hearing Xiaobao's soft voice, Xia Xingcheng couldn't reply for a long time.    


She suddenly had the urge to cry, and by the time she spoke, she was already sobbing.    


"Xiaobao, Mommy misses you so much too. She misses you so much."    


Xiaobao heard his mom crying and quickly wiped away the tears he was about to shed. He said with a strong tone, "Mommy, don't cry. Xiaobao didn't even cry. You won't look pretty if you cry."    




Xia Xingcheng, who was originally a little hurt, suddenly started to laugh through her tears when she saw Xiaobao's expression.    



"Xiaobao, you really are Mommy's consoling fruit."    


Her Xiaobao had grown up after all. He was enough to make her happy, so she was very pleased.    


Xiaobao chuckled. At this moment, he was extremely happy.    


If only he could hide in Mommy's arms now …    


Xiaobao couldn't help but think.    


Then, he heard Mommy suddenly ask on the other side of the phone, "Xiaobao, how are you doing these days? Did you know that I couldn't find you even though you went missing in the past few days?"    


She didn't tell him that she nearly lost her life in a car accident. After all, Xiaobao was still young.    


She didn't want to give Xiaobao that much pressure, there were some things that had nothing to do with children.    


Hearing Mommy's question, Xiaobao intentionally looked at the door of his room, and seeing that it was tightly shut, he couldn't help but say: "Mommy. Xiaobao didn't know what was going on. Father told me that Xiaobao had lost his memory and I don't remember him.    


"But I really don't remember Dad, I only remember Mommy taking me home and then I really don't have any impression of the rest of it."    


Hearing Xiaobao's words, Xia Xingcheng felt like she had fallen into an icy cave.    


He had lost his memory.    


He didn't have any memory, so why couldn't he remember Sheng Yeting?    


Xia Xingcheng's mind was in a mess, unable to digest this matter.    


Xiaobao still remembered her, but that memory of Sheng Yeting was gone.    


Could Xiaobao have suffered some kind of accident, a temporary amnesia?    


Xia Xingcheng found it difficult to react to the numerous events that had transpired.    


She felt as if something had flashed past her heart, but she couldn't grab hold of it.    


Thinking about this, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but to ask worriedly, "Xiaobao, tell Mommy that you don't remember anything about this period of time, or if you had a car accident." Or did your father say anything to you? "    


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