Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C42 Not as Bad as You Thought

C42 Not as Bad as You Thought

0Hearing this news, Xia Xingcheng excitedly shouted in excitement. She was overjoyed. She gave Xiaobao a big hug and a kiss.    


"Xiaobao, your mom still got the job and can now support you. I'm so happy."    


Feeling his mother's joy, Xiaobao was also very happy. Although he was a bit dizzy from his mother's kiss, he looked at her with his big eyes, "Mommy, congratulations, I knew Mommy could do it. How could a company not want my mommy?"    


Xia Xingcheng didn't want to respond to Xiaobao but she was happy with her son's praise. Both mother and son were very loud with excitement in the room.    


She, Xia Xingcheng even felt it. This was the happiest she has been since she had returned from abroad.    


Meanwhile, Sheng Yeting was downstairs having coffee in the dining room. He frowned when he heard the commotion upstairs but he was curious to what the mother and son were doing upstairs making such noise.    


Nanny Chen also chuckled. Finally, there were loud noises in the family home. She smiled and said to Sheng Yeting, "Young Master, now that you're married and have a family, doesn't that feel great?"    


Sheng Yeting looked upstairs but didn't comment. The feeling he had in heart was quite subtle.    


Although he didn't hate the people upstairs, he still wasn't used to the noise in his home.    


After a while, both mother and son had finally calmed down in the room. Xia Xingcheng got Xiaobao ready and carried her son downstairs.    


By the time she reached the corner of the stairs, Xia Xingcheng immediately saw Sheng Yeting sitting in the dining room drinking his coffee. She was slightly surprised.    


An uneasy look flashed across Xia Xingcheng's face. She thought to herself, 'Don't tell me he heard what I said to Xiaobao just then?'    


Even though it wasn't anything bad but in front of Sheng Yeting, she still felt extremely embarrassed.    


While she was still in her own thoughts mulling over the matter, Nanny Chen saw them both and immediately called them over for breakfast. Xia Xingcheng had no other choice but to go to the dining room.    


As soon as Xiaobao sat down at the dining table, he quickly spilled out, "Dad, Grandma Chen, my mom has a job. She can now go to work."    


Xia Xingcheng smiled happily from ear to ear. This was, after all her first job since she came back so she took it very seriously.    


Sheng Yeting glanced at Xia Xingcheng and without any meaning behind it, he said, " It seems your boss was not as bad as you thought."    


Awkwardly, Xia Xingcheng smiled as she recalled her scolding her boss. Someone whom she has never actually met. "Seems that way. Well, if I get a chance to meet him, I'll be giving him my gratitude."    


Sheng Yeting lowered his head and sipped his coffee. He was speechless. This woman seems to be a bit too straightforward … not sure if that is a good or bad thing.    


After their breakfast was finished, Sheng Yeting raised his head to look at Xiaobao and asked, "Xiaobao, you should be starting school now, right?"    


Actually Xia Xingcheng was considering Xiaobao should start school at his age especially now she found a job returning to her home country. She wanted to send Xiaobao to kindergarten but the little guy kid was smart. Would Xiaobao be willing to go to school?    


So Xia Xingcheng decided to ask him, "Xiaobao, will you go to kindergarten?"    


As expected, when Xiaobao heard his mother's question, he immediately snorted, "I don't want to go to kindergarten. The kids in kindergarten are too childish, I don't want to be with them."    


Xia Xingcheng already knew Xiaobao would be saying this. She knew if Xiaobao didn't attend kindergarten, his social and learning skills wouldn't be affected. She still had to coaxed him though, "Xiaobao, don't be like that. You're a child too. One of a life experiences is going to kindergarten at your age. It is an important part of your childhood."    


For Xiaobao, it was very rare to see his mother have such enthusiasm towards him, so he was very happy. He lowered his head, hesitated for a bit. Finally, he raised his head, gave a slight smile and said, "Then if Mommy will be happy, then Xiaobao will go to school"    


Seeing Xiaobao was so mature about this, Xia Xingcheng gave a giggle. She gave a nod and immediately said, "Deal!"    


Then she asked, "So which school should we enrol you to?" However, this question was really directed to Nanny Chen.    


Nanny Chen thought for a moment and cautiously said, "Of course, our Xiaobao will be attending the best school. How about you let me take care of the school? What do you think?"    


Xia Xingcheng was quite stunned when she heard Nanny Chen say this. She wasn't concerned whether Nanny Chen was capable of finding a good school but more, she didn't want to trouble Nanny Chen because of the complexity of enrolling into an academy.    


She glanced at Sheng Yeting, and coincidentally Sheng Yeting was also looking at her. Before Xia Xingcheng could say anything, Sheng Yeting said, "Then Nanny Chen, I'll have to bother you to handle the school matter for Xiaobao."    


Since Sheng Yeting have agreed, Xia Xingcheng wasn't sure how to respond to that. She could only smile gratefully at Nanny Chen.    


"Nanny Chen, that would be too much for you to do. I just don't want to bother you with Xiaobao."    


"Xia Xingcheng, please don't say that? I'm glad to have Xiaobao with me. I certainly don't think its bothersome besides I'm happy to do it." After saying that, Nanny Chen smiled happily. Throughout her life, she never got married. During her youthful years, she was already helping the Sheng Family. To her, Sheng Yeting was like her own son. She can now spoil the Young Master's son, how can she not be happy?    


Seeing Nanny Chen was so happy about it, Xia Xingcheng was no longer worried. Sheng Yeting went to work after breakfast. With Nanny Chen looking after Xiaobao, she went to get ready for work.    


Although Xia Xingcheng had not gone to the company yet, she prepared herself for what was to come. After all, a good plan and preparation is required for a battle.    


The first thing she planned to do is to find out more information about the actors there.    


Xia Xingcheng called the company's HR manager and briefly explained her reason. The HR manager was quite cooperative.    


"Manager Lin, would you please send me the remaining artist's names in the company." Xia Xingcheng requested politely.    


The HR manager was an easy-going person and after hearing Xia Xingcheng's request, the HR manager had no hesitation and replied, "No problems, I'll send you the names shortly. If you have any questions, don't hesitate and please feel free to ask me."    


Xia Xingcheng wasn't expecting things to go so smoothly, so her mood was pretty good. She thanked the HR manager and hung up.    


Shortly, there was an email notification in Xia Xingcheng's computer. Xia Xingcheng was impressed with the HR manager's efficiency.    


Xia Xingcheng opened the email and started reading through it. However, the more she read, the more disappointed she was.    


This entertainment company was lacking talented and remarkable people since the ancient times. Xia Xingcheng was someone considered with experience in the entertainment industry. During her time in the industry, she have seen many talented handsome men and beautiful women.    


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