Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C15 Sneaking in to Save Her Son

C15 Sneaking in to Save Her Son

0Although the waiter was hesitant at the start, under Xia Xingcheng's insistence, he eventually gave in.    


She had finally managed to enter the hotel successfully.    


Secretly, she heaved a sigh of relief.    


"Are you sure you want to apply to be a waiter?"    


The manager looked at the girl in front of him from head to toe. His tone was filled with suspicion.    


The reason why he asked was because Xia Xingcheng looked very young. Moreover, she had a good temperament, so it was a pity for her to become a simple waitress.    


Seeing the supervisor's doubt, Xia Xingcheng immediately showed a sincere attitude and replied with an assured tone, "Yes, I do."    


Afraid that the hotel manager would not believe her, Xia Xingcheng told him about her work experience abroad.    


"I have been a waiter and a manager of a hotel while I was overseas. I have been through all sorts of hardships, so you can rest assured that I will not disappoint you."    


After she had been sent abroad, she had done all sorts of hard work in her first year in order to survive. Especially during the winter, when she was still pregnant. She would never forget that pain.    


The hotel manager had thought she was just a young girl, he hadn't thought she'd been through so much.    


He couldn't help but have a whole new level of respect for her and at the same time, he was also very satisfied . Without saying anything further, he accepted her. "Alright, then you can come to work tomorrow."    


Upon hearing that she had been accepted, Xia Xingcheng almost couldn't help cheering out loud.    


To suppress her excitement, she instead coughed lightly, thanking the supervisor non-stop.    


"Work hard, there's a lot of room for promotion here." The supervisor patted her shoulder.    


"Thank you." Xia Xingcheng looked around and asked tentatively, "Supervisor, can I look around the hotel today?"    


"Hmm?" The supervisor looked at her doubtfully.    


"I want to familiarize myself with the environment first, so that I can get to work faster when I come back tomorrow." Xia Xingcheng explained with a smile.    


When the supervisor heard her reasoning, he liked her even more. He felt that it was very rare for an employee to be so enthusiastic about their work .    


"Alright, I'll find someone to help you."    


The supervisor immediately agreed to her request and called for a girl about Xia Xingcheng's age.    


"Xiao Lin, she's a new employee. Show her around to help her get familiar with the hotel."    


"Understood, chief"    


The girl called Xiao Lin smiled sweetly at Xia Xingcheng, who quickly returned the smile to show her courtesy.    


"Xiao Xia." the supervisor suddenly said.    


Xia Xingcheng was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was calling her. She hurriedly asked, "What orders do you have for me, Chief?"    


"The people staying at the top floor of this hotel are all rich and powerful. You can't afford to offend them, so you must be careful."    


"Yes." Xia Xingcheng and Xiao Lin answered in unison.    


Then the two of them looked at each other and smiled.    


After giving out the instructions, the supervisor told Xiao Lin to find a set of work clothes for Xia Xingcheng to put on. After she officially went to work in the future, he would order another set for her.    


When she had finished changing into her work clothes, Xiao Lin showed Xia Xingcheng around floor by floor.    


Xiao Lin was a very passionate and cheerful girl. Every floor they went to, she would explain to her in great detail, very eager to tell her everything she knew.    


"The top floor of the hotel is the presidential suite, and the rest are business suites. The hotel is also equipped with swimming pools, clubhouses, bars and other entertainment facilities."    


Xiao Lin was enthusiastically introducing the hotel, but Xia Xingcheng seemed to be absent-minded. Her mind was filled with thoughts of how to find an excuse to find out where the hotel's control room was.    


That way, she would know where Xiaobao lived.    


Seeing that she was a little preoccupied, Xiao Lin asked in concern, "Xiao Xia, are you alright?"    


Xia Xingcheng was startled for a moment before she shook her head with a smile. "It's nothing."    


Xiao Lin did not ask any further, but only said, "Then let's go upstairs and take a look."    


She couldn't waste any more time!    


Xia Xingcheng casually asked, "Xiao Lin, where is this hotel's surveillance room?"    


When she suddenly asked this question, Little Lin stopped, turned around, and looked at her with a puzzled expression. "Why do you want to know?"    


"Ugh …" Xia Xingcheng laughed awkwardly and shrugged. "I'm just asking. After all, the control room is the core of the entire hotel. If there's an emergency or something, it would be of great use."    


"So it's like that." Xiao Lin nodded her head, not doubting her words at all. She told her directly which floor the control room was on, and also told her where to go.    


Xia Xingcheng wrote it down and smiled brightly, "Xiao Lin, you are very kind, explaining everything to me so clearly."    


"It's nothing. We'll be colleagues in the future, it's only right for us to take care of each other."    


Seeing how sincerely Xiao Lin was smiling, Xia Xingcheng couldn't help but feel a little sorry for her. She silently apologized in her heart.    


Since she now knew where the control room was, Xia Xingcheng didn't want to continue getting familiar with the environment. Thus, she found an excuse and went to the bathroom.    


After Sheng Yeting finished eating with his parents, it was already dark outside. Originally, he had wanted to send his parents home, but there was an emergency video conference being held at last minute, so he told his parents to leave first and decided to stay in the hotel.    


The hotel kept his room all year round.    


After the tense video conference ended, Sheng Yeting heaved a long sigh of relief. He raised his hand, took off his tie and threw it to the side. Then, he got up and walked into the bathroom.    


As for Xia Xingcheng, who used the excuse of going to the bathroom, she sneakily came to the floor where the control room was then followed Xiao Lin's instructions and started to look for it.    



However, what she did not expect was that the hotel was too big. There were several corridors, and it did not take long for her to get dizzy. She was completely unable to differentiate between north, south, east and west.    


Not to mention finding the surveillance room that Xiao Lin mentioned.    


Helpless, she could only slowly search like a headless chicken, hoping to find the control room.    


After searching for a long time, Xia Xingcheng walked to the elevator. Just as she was about to continue walking, the elevator door opened with a "ding" sound.    


She quickly turned her back and pretended to be looking for something. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed someone walking out of the elevator.    


When she saw the person who walked out, her eyes widened. Why did she coincidentally meet Xia Xingyan and Xu Hao again?    


"Don't let them find out." Thinking this to herself, she lowered her head even further.    


Thankfully, she was wearing the work clothes of a hotel attendant, so Xia Xingyan walked past her without even looking.    


After they left, Xia Xingcheng looked up at the elevator. Her thin eyebrows creased. Above them was the presidential suite on the highest floor.    


If they came down, did that mean Xiaobao was up there?    


Xia Xingcheng's spirits were lifted at the thought of this possibility. She dashed into a nearby staircase and began climbing.    


It took almost no effort to reach the top floor, and she soon found a suspicious room.    


There were two tall black clothed men standing at the door of that room which meant they should be bodyguards.    


Xia Xingcheng's first thought was that Xiaobao would definitely be in that room!    


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