Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C17 Get Her Back to Me

C17 Get Her Back to Me



The sudden intense pain caused Sheng Yeting's handsome face to twist slightly.    


Xia Xingcheng sucked in a breath of cold air and pushed. This time, she easily got away.    


"Sorry, Boss Sheng!"    


With these words, she ran away in a panic.    


About ten seconds later, after he finally recovered from the pain, Sheng Yeting sat up on the bed. His originally dark eyes were now frighteningly black.    


That damned woman!    


He must catch her and make her pay for what she had done today!    


Then, he squinted his eyes, thinking.    


If he was not mistaken, she was wearing the work clothes of a hotel attendant.    


With this in mind he got up, walked to the door and opened it.    


The moment the two bodyguards outside saw him, they immediately lowered their heads respectfully, "Boss Sheng."    


"Did you see the woman who just ran out?"    


The two bodyguards looked at each other and replied in unison, "Yes."    


"Very good." Sheng Yeting narrowed his eyes and said fiercely, "Go and capture her for me."    


After Xia Xingcheng had run out of the room, she immediately ran down the stairs.    


But after descending a few floors, she couldn't run anymore and had to stop.    


It should be safe now, right?    


She raised her head and looked up the stairs. Thinking of what had just happened left her with a lingering fear.    


She kicked him, he must seriously hate her.    


She only hoped that she would never meet him again!    


After taking a few deep breaths and adjusting her mood, she walked out of the stairwell.    


Unexpectedly, she bumped into Lin, who had shown her around the hotel.    


When Xiao Lin saw her, she frowned and asked with some displeasure, "Why were you in the bathroom so long?"    


"I …" Xia Xingcheng's gaze drifted away for a moment before she smiled bashfully. "This hotel is really too big. I got lost. I've been searching for a long time, but I couldn't find you."    


Then she bowed. "I'm really sorry."    


Seeing that she was apologizing sincerely, Xiao Lin did not say anything and only told her cautiously, "It's best if you don't run around. If you offend a respected guest, that would be bad. Especially the guests in the presidential suite. Even the manager has to nod and bow when he sees them. "    


The corner of Xia Xingcheng's mouth twitched. Xiao Lin's advice had come too late.    


She had already offended such a guest.    


"Let's go. I'll help you continue familiarizing yourself with the hotel so that you won't get lost again." Xiao Lin said kindly.    


At this Xia Xingcheng came back to her senses and responded with a small smile.    


She turned around and looked in the direction of the staircase with a serious expression on her elegant face. Although she didn't find Xiaobao this time, she had offended Sheng Yeting.    


But it didn't matter, at least she found out that her son was also on that floor.    


When tomorrow came and she officially went to work, she would find a chance to go up there. She would do everything she could to take him back.    


Xiao Lin walked for a distance and realized that Xia Xingcheng was not following her. She turned around, and seeing that she was still standing there, not knowing what to do, she shouted, "Xiao Xia, what are you doing?"    


Hearing the sound, Xingcheng stopped thinking and ran to catch up with her.    


On the other side, Sheng Yeting's bodyguards quickly found out Xia Xingcheng's identity.    


"Boss Sheng, that woman is a new employee that just entered the hotel."    


New job?    


He frowned. Did he really misunderstand her?    


At this moment, the sound of something falling came from the room next door, interrupting his thoughts.    


He had always been a quiet man and did not like noise, but the racket that was coming from the next room didn't seem like it would end.    


How aggravating!    


Sheng Yeting squinted his eyes in annoyance, then in a deep voice said, "Go over and see what's going on."    




The bodyguard hurriedly left.    


He went into the next room and knocked loudly on the door.    


After a while, the door opened slightly only enough for the person inside to stick his head out. He looked at the bodyguard, then asked, "What's the matter?"    


At that moment, the sound of something falling was heard again.    


The bodyguard frowned and said sternly, "What is going on in your room? Can't you be quiet? You've already quarreled with the people next door. "    


When the people in the room heard this, they smiled awkwardly, "Sorry, it's a child making a ruckus. Don't worry, I'll calm him down soon."    



"Hurry up!"    


With that, the bodyguard turned around and was about to leave, when suddenly, a childish voice came from the room. "Let me out! You villains, I hope my dad teaches you guys a lesson, my dad is awesome! "    


The room next door was still noisy and Sheng Yeting was very impatient, so eventually he came out personally to see what was going on. Just as he walked to the door, he heard this childish voice.    


Why did this voice sound so familiar?    


He quickly walked over and the two bodyguards respectfully lowered their heads. "Boss Sheng."    


"What's going on?"     


"A child is making a ruckus."    


Hearing that, Sheng Yeting looked at the person behind the door and asked, "Who is inside?"    


Everyone in the room could feel the domineering aura coming from Sheng Yeting. Frightened, the man threw out a "It has nothing to do with you" and rushed to close the door.    


Seeing this, Sheng Yeting became enraged and in the next moment he had raised his long leg and kicked it open.    


The person behind the door was caught off guard and retreated a few steps.At this, the other person in the room immediately rushed over.    


Seeing that this person was about to hit their boss, Sheng Yeting's two bodyguards quickly went up to the man and blocked his path.    


The two sides were facing off, the atmosphere was tense!    


"What do you want?" shouted the man angrily.    


However Sheng Yeting didn't even look at them as he walked into the room and scanned it with a cold gaze.    


The objects inside were smashed and scattered all over the place.    


Sheng Yeting raised his eyebrows and thought, what type of child would cause such a ruckus?    


The next moment, he saw a small figure standing on the sofa.    


Recognition danced in Sheng Yeting's eyes. He subconsciously wanted to turn around and leave.    


But as soon as the child saw him, his clear eyes lit up and he cried out in joy, "Daddy!"    


Hearing the word "dad", Sheng Yeting knew he couldn't escape anymore.    


Xiaobao jumped off the sofa and ran towards him. He grabbed his leg, raised his cute and innocent face, and looked at him with bright eyes. "Dad, you came to save me, right?"    


Sheng Yeting raised his hand and rubbed his throbbing forehead. The child's mother had just left, and now he had met the child again.    


Was it a coincidence or bad luck?    


Seeing that he didn't say anything, Xiaobao tilted his head in confusion, "Dad, what's wrong?"    


Sheng Yeting looked at him. Unlike his mother, this child was rather pleasing to the eye.    


Furthermore …    


He turned around and looked at the two men who were blocked by his bodyguards and his gaze darkened. That woman said that Xiaobao had been locked up, so it seemed that it was true!    


He didn't know why, but he felt a little displeased when he thought about how Xiaobao, who was so young, was locked up here.    


Thus, he bent over and picked Xiaobao up, "Xiaobao, tell me, what's going on?"    


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