Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C19 That Woman Is a Nuisance

C19 That Woman Is a Nuisance

0Xia Xingcheng did not sleep at all the entire night so the next day when she came to the hotel there were dark circles under her eyes.    


Xiaobao was still not by her side. Without him she was about to go crazy .    


Today she vowed, that no matter what, she would sneak in and take him away.    


When the hotel manager saw how early she had arrived, he had a whole new level of respect for her and felt that she was indeed a hardworking young woman.    


"A few days ago, there was an employee who left so you'll be taking their place on the top floor. The honored guests up there are very important. You must make sure that you do not anger them, alright?"    


After saying that, the supervisor motioned for Xia Xingcheng to follow him. The reason for this arrangement was because the VIP guest staying on the top floor had was extremely eccentric.    


Xia Xingcheng nodded and followed him immediately, secretly delighted.     


The hotel manager sent her upstairs but before he left, he reminded her, "In the corner room on the top floor, if you don't have anything to do there, don't go over. If you accidentally make that guest unhappy, then we will be ruined."    


Xia Xingcheng quickly nodded her head, in her mind, she saw Sheng Yeting's furious eyes from yesterday and couldn't help but feel a lingering fear.    


With no hesitation, she completely avoided Sheng Yeting's room as instructed and was about to go to next door when the elevator dinged.    


Someone was coming!    


Quickly Xia Xingcheng dodged to the corner and peeked outside and what she saw was Xia Xingyan walking towards the door of the room.    


Xia Xingcheng was extremely excited. Now she was even more sure that Xiaobao was in that room. While she was thinking of a plan, two burly men walked out, but Xiaobao was nowhere to be seen.    


"Where's the child? Why has the child disappeared?"    


Anger was written all over Xia Xingyan's face. If the child could not be found she would lose the ability to threaten Xingcheng.    


The two bodyguards couldn't help but shiver as they recalled the cold eyes of the man from last night. They didn't dare speak the truth, so they casually made up a reason.    


"After that brat entered the house, he smashed everything inside and while we were tidying up, he took advantage of the chaos to escape." After saying that, the two bodyguards couldn't help but lower their heads.    


"Useless, if you can't even take care of a child, what's the point of having you?"    


Xia Xingyan was immediately angered and her face turned red. She stretched out her hand to teach them a lesson.    


After hearing that Xiaobao had been lost, Xia Xingcheng moved without thinking and directly ran up to the two bodyguards to interrogate them. "What? You said that Xiaobao has disappeared?"    


"The reason why my child is missing is because you've kidnapped him. This is kidnapping! I'm going to call the police!"    


Xia Xingcheng was almost completely blinded by rage. She took out her cell phone and was about to dial the police.     


If she could, she really would have wanted to give Xia Xingyan a slap, hard enough to knock her senseless, but she was too worried about Xiaobao and couldn't care about other things at the moment.    


A trace of panic flashed across Xia Xingyan's face the moment the phone dialed and she quickly gave her subordinates a look.    


At her command, the two bodyguards held Xia Xingcheng down, snatched her phone and ended the call. Only then did Xia Xingyan's anxious heart calm down a little.    


If the police really did come and spread how they had seized Xiaobao, let's just say that the Xia Family's reputation would be tarnished for good.    


"Xia Xingyan, give me back my phone."    


Xia Xingcheng glared furiously at her younger sister. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to tear her into a thousand pieces, but she was unable to move.    


"Sister, don't worry. How far can a child run? He'll be back soon, don't you think so?"    


Since Xu Hao wasn't here, Xia Xingyan couldn't be bothered to continue pretending. She directly looked at her while gloating.    


As for where Xia Xingcheng's son had gone, she didn't care. What she cared about was that no one could stop her right now.    


"Xia Xingyan, let me go, I'm going to find Xiaobao, if you continue doing this you will be punished."    


Xia Xingyan's attitude also lessened a little when she thought about Xiaobao's whereabouts. The most important thing was being able to leave.    


While she was thinking this Xingcheng was on the verge of panicking. No one could comprehend how anxious she was, every second felt like torture to her.    


Seeing this, Xia Xingyan suddenly felt a great sense of satisfaction. She walked slowly to Xia Xingcheng, with a twisted look of glee in her eyes.    


"Although the child is lost, aren't you still here? Or is it that without him, if he really is his child, that Sheng Yeting couldn't care less about your life?"    


After saying that, Xia Xingyan waved her hand to signal her subordinates to bring Xia Xingcheng away, her eyes gleaming.    


"Xia Xingyan, let me go. I have nothing to do with Sheng Yeting. Even if you take me, it's useless."    


"It's against the law for you to do this. Are you insane?"    


No matter how Xia Xingcheng struggled, Xia Xingyan remained unmoved. In the end, she got annoyed and had her men stop her sister from talking.    


Finally, amidst Xia Xingcheng's frantic struggling and whining, she was taken away by Xia Xingyan.    




Sheng Yeting didn't sleep well last night. The child had been hiding in his arms trying to hug him, and effectively gave him a headache.    


Thankfully however it seemed like it was hard for the little guy to wait for tomorrow to arrive as he had woken up very early and looked at his phone eagerly.    


"Dad, why hasn't Mom called me back?" Xiaobao pouted and looked at Sheng Yeting with an aggrieved expression.    


Sheng Yeting was also a bit confused. He had seen Xia Xingcheng's eagerness to find Xiaobao yesterday. It was impossible for her to remain silent for so long.    


Xiaobao, who was beside him, started to nudge his hand and act like a spoiled child again, causing Sheng Yeting to be upset. He immediately called for his men.    


"Go find out where the woman is."    


Not long after, they returned and handed him a piece of information.    


"We've already found out from the surveillance camera that Miss Xia was taken away by these people. That person is Miss Xia's sister."    


Sheng Yeting squinted his eyes dangerously. It seemed that Xia Xingcheng's family was indeed complicated.    



When Xiaobao saw this picture, he immediately cried, "Daddy, Mommy was taken away by a bad person. What should we do? What should we do?"    


The little guy was really worried. As he cried, he hugged Sheng Yeting's arm, tears and snot running down his face.    


Sheng Yeting looked helplessly at Xiaobao, who was in his arms. Originally, he might have pushed him away due to his obsession with cleanliness, but when he looked at Xiaobao, he became soft-hearted once again.    


Even the subordinates who were standing aside were slightly surprised when they saw their boss. How could he have such a good temper?    


"Daddy, Mommy's been taken away by those bad guys. They will definitely bully Mommy. Go and save Mommy, okay?"    


Xiaobao was tired from crying. He raised his head and looked at the man in front of him, begging him with his eyes.    


If it was in the past, Sheng Yeting would never allow others to challenge his authority repeatedly. However, looking at the little boy's teary eyes, his heart ached for no reason.    


Gritting his teeth, he suddenly had the overwhelming feeling that this woman was a nuisance!    


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