Here Comes a Cute Baby—To Kidnap a Daddy as a Gift for My Mommy

C30 This Woman Is Very Feisty!

C30 This Woman Is Very Feisty!

0"Don't go too far." Xia Xingcheng said angrily.    


Xiaobao, who was next to his mom, was also furious by this scene. Last time, this bad auntie had bullied him and his mother, and this time, she is looking for trouble with his mother again. The little guy felt very angry, so he immediately stood up and kicked Xia Xingyan's leg.    


"You are a bad woman, I won't allow you to bully my Mommy."    


Xia Xingyan did not expect Xiaobao to kick her. She immediately scolded angrily, "You uncivilized thing, I'll discipline you."    


After saying that, she raised her hand to hit Xiaobao, but Xia Xingcheng quickly stopped her and she slapped Xia Xingyan's face.    


"Since when is it your turn to discipline my son? Get lost!"    


Xia Xingcheng slapped her very hard which caused Xia Xingyan's face immediately turn red. Her entire life, no one had ever dared to laid a hand on her. Instantly, she cried to Xu Hao, "Hao, she slapped me. I only wanted to educate Xiaobao, but she slapped me."    


Seeing that Xia Xingyan was bullied, Xu Hao's face darkened. He immediately said to Xia Xingcheng coldly, "Xia Xingcheng, that was too much. Apologize to Xingyan right now."    


"You're asking me to apologize to her? Don't be ridiculous!"    


Xia Xingcheng did not compromise at all. She felt disgusted just looking at Xu Hao's face.    


Xu Hao saw Xingcheng was being stubborn and didn't budge. He felt a bit awkward. "Xia Xingcheng, the reason I'm still talking to you so patiently is because of our past relationship. Don't be so audacious."    


Xia Xingcheng found this amusing and raised her eyebrows in disdain, "When did I ask you to? You'd better stay away from me and get out of my sight!"    


Xu Hao saw the disgust in the woman's eyes in front of him and it hit a nerve. He then understood this Xia Xingcheng was no longer the woman who loved him dearly.    


Xu Hao was furious. He angrily grabbed Xia Xingcheng's collar, "You really think I won't dare hit you?"    


Xiaobao saw his mom was being threatened, Xiaobao immediately blastered, "If you dare lay a finger on my mom, my dad won't let you get away with it!"    


When Xia Xingyan heard that, she snickered, "Your dad? "Sheng Yeting?"    


"He's not even your father. Just because he is rich, you can't go around calling him dad."    


"In Southern City, who doesn't know how you became? You are just an illegitimate without a father!"    


When Xiaobao heard this, although he didn't understand some words but he knew that Xia Xingyan was cursing him for not having a father. He immediately stood there in a daze, really hurt.    


Xia Xingcheng instantly became angry and defensive. Xiaobao was her most important person. He has never been scolded like this. Doesn't she realise how much damage she is doing by saying such things to a child?    


Xia Xingcheng was so enraged that she ignored everyone there. She pushed Xu Hao away, picked up the steak knife from the table and held it against Xia Xingyan's neck. With bloodshot eyes, she said, "I dare to you to say that one more time?"    


The scene immediately became chaotic. Xia Xingyan never expected this woman to be so brazen to do such a thing to her especially when she looked so fragile. For a moment, she didn't dare to act rashly.    


Meanwhile, on the other end of the restaurant, Sheng Yeting was watching this scene not far away.    


He had originally come to eat with his friends, but heard a commotion outside. He took a glance at the scene, unexpectedly, he saw the mother and child again.    


Sheng Yeting's eyes flashed, but instantly, he concealed his emotions. He lowered his head, wanting to mind his own business and not intending to care about the woman.    


Towards the end, he heard they were once again being mocked and ridiculed. Moreover, from the conversation just now, he assumed the reason Xia Xingcheng did not go abroad was most likely because she was threatened by the Xia Family.    


Sheng Yeting didn't know why, but after hearing the conversation, he misunderstood that woman again, and that she had not lied to him. He had a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.    


However, this woman was still a passing stranger to him. Sheng Yeting didn't plan to help. He watched silently from the side.    


It was only when Xia Xingcheng held the steak knife against her stepsister's neck did ShengYeting's eyes had a strangeness to it.    


However, the strangeness was short-lived.    


At this moment, Jiang Xiyun, who was beside him, saw the entire scene and said excitedly, "This woman is very feisty!"    


Jiang Xiyun was his good friend. The two of them were friends since childhood so naturally, they were very close. Thus, the two of them spoke more casually.    


Sheng Yeting raised his glass and took a sip of red wine. He did not respond as he tasted the wine.    


At this moment, quite a few people's attention in the restaurant were on Xia Xingcheng. Xu Hao didn't dare to act on impulse when he saw Xia Xingyan being held at knife point. He could only shout at Xia Xingcheng, "Xia Xingcheng, I'm warning you, quickly put the knife down or I'll call the police."    


Xia Xingcheng shook her head. The knife in her hand moved closer to Xia Xingyan. With a cold look in her eyes, she said, "Not possible! Unless she apologizes to Xiaobao, I won't let her go."    


Xia Xingyan felt the sharp edge of the knife rubbing against her neck. She was extremely scared, but she still stubbornly said, "Xia Xingcheng, if you dare, go ahead and do it. I want to see just how capable you are."    


"Xu Hao, don't worry about me. Just call the police!" Xia Xingyan gave Xu Hao a wink.    


Xu Hao hesitated for a moment but when he saw Xia Xingyan's anxious expression, he immediately took out his phone and called the police.    


At the same moment, on the other side of the restaurant, Jiang Xiyun saw this scene unfold and chuckled. His eyebrows curved slightly as he joked with Sheng Yeting, "Things are getting really interesting. When the police come later, let me know if I should help or not. I'm beginning to really like this woman's feistiness. Look at the little guy next to her, he's really cute."    


The person who spoke didn't really care, but the person who was listening, paid attention to every single word. For some reason, when Sheng Yeting heard this, his heart felt slightly uncomfortable. He raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Xiyun coldly, not realizing what Jiang Xiyun's intentions were.    


Jiang Xiyun saw Sheng Yeting's expression and his whole body broke out a cold sweat. To hide his embarrassment, he took a mouthful of red wine. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, his eyes was still looking towards Xia Xingcheng's direction.    


Why is Sheng Yeting looking at me so coldly? Could it be he knows this woman?    


Soon the police arrived. After the police officers had inspected the restaurant once, they understood what the situation was.    


The policeman immediately walked up to Xia Xingcheng and warned her, "Xia Xingcheng, please put down the knife. This is a restaurant."    


Xia Xingcheng obviously refused. She didn't dare to let go of the knife in her hand. Even after the police came, she still repeated, "Get her apologize to Xiaobao, or I won't let her go."    


When the police officer heard this, he felt a bit lost and looked at his captain. He saw that the police captain was losing his patience and frowned. "If you don't let her go, then we'll have to use forcible measures."    


Xia Xingcheng tensed up but she remained motionless by the police's threats. She brought the blade closer to Xia Xingyan neck and said every word carefully, "I don't care, she have to apologize to Xiaobao first."    


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