Warm Marriage: CEO’s Unlimit Love

C50 What Do You Mean by Fate

C50 What Do You Mean by Fate

0What do you mean by destiny?    


Luo Hanshang picked up the goblet. He was silent for a moment before he said, "There is no saying that you can't put it down. First love and marriage cannot be compared."    


Lim Chengwen looked at him. "So, are you serious about this marriage?"    


He smiled. "I don't intend to change my wife halfway. I will spend my life with her."    


Lim Chengwen shook his head. "Your life feels so long. You have placed your whole life on that woman, but do you love her?"    


Luo Hanshang smiled. "It has nothing to do with whether I love her or not. Marriage is like this. No matter how deep your love is, after getting married for a long time, won't it also become the relationship between family members? Ning Jiang is still considered smart. When I get along with her, it makes me very comfortable. I feel that this is enough. "    


Xiao Jingnian, who was at the side, slightly raised his brows. A man and a woman are comfortable and comfortable together. Hanshang probably didn't realize the meaning behind this.    


"Hanshang, if you don't watch the video or the photos, do you still remember Qinxin?"    


Luo Hanshang looked at Xiao Jingnian. "Do you think I will forget?"    


Luo Hanshang nodded. "Yes."    


Luo Hanshang smiled speechlessly. "I will not forget."    


"At first, we were very sure that the lover we loved was the right person. " However, when we are separated for a long time, we will slowly realize that the lovers who truly love each other will not be separated. "    


Lim Chengwen shook his head. "Jingnian. The reason Hanshang and Qinxin broke up with each other was not because they no longer have any feelings for each other."    


"What do you mean by fate?" Xiao Jingnian said calmly, "If Qinxin was really Hanshang's destined lover, they would have known each other since they were young. They should have been together a long time ago. But they went through so much together. In the end, they still could not get together. Don't you think that this is because the destined person has not appeared yet? "    


Lim Chengwen understood what Xiao Jingnian meant. He was trying to persuade Luo Hanshang to cherish the person in front of him.    


Xiao Jingnian continued, "Hanshang, actually, forgetting a wrong person and falling in love with the right person isn't that difficult. As long as you are willing to let go, you are willing to love her."    


Luo Hanshang did not say anything, but he thought a lot in his heart.    


He was sure that he could remember Qinxin's appearance. How could he forget her?    


But he rarely thought of Qinxin recently. It was true.    


At the door, Ning Jiang picked up her phone. Mo Lan's angry roar came from the other end, "Ning Jiang, you are crazy. You actually dare to expose the matter between me and Xu Chaoran."    


Ning Jiang leaned against the wall and smiled evilly, "This is the result of you targeting me. Mo Lan, don't struggle anymore. Now, it's not that I don't want to give up on Luo Hanshang, it's that he doesn't want to let me go. So, no matter what you do, you can't get Luo Hanshang. Admit it, you are a failure. "    


Mo Lan was about to explode from anger. She gritted her teeth and said, "Luo Hanshang will never love you. Do you know why?"    


"I don't want to know."    


"Because he already has someone in his heart."    


This was not the first time Ning Jiang heard this. Before this, Luo Nanyi had also said that Luo Hanshang would not love her. Even Mo Lan knew about this matter.    


But no matter what, she shrugged. "As long as the person in his heart is not you, it doesn't matter to me."    


"You really don't want to care about your mother, do you?"    


Remembering the harm her mother had done to her this morning, her eyes turned cold. "She betrayed me for you. So, that was your mother, not mine. " Stop trying to use her to control me. I'm no longer that weak little girl from before. "Stay away from me."    


After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone.    


Ning Jiang stood at the door for more than ten minutes. After she calmed down, she turned around and went back to the private room.    


The three men had almost finished chatting, so they left after bidding their farewells.    


On the way home, Luo Hanshang asked, "Why did Mo Lan call you?"    


"How did you know it was her?"    


He raised his eyebrows. "I saw the caller ID."    


"Your eyesight is really good."    


"Vision?" Wang Yao asked.    


[It means that you can see my phone screen. It's really amazing.] She was a little embarrassed.    


Luo Hanshang snorted. "What did she tell you?"    


Ning Jiang pouted and turned to look at him. She giggled. "She instigated my mom to betray me, so I found someone to announce her relationship with my ex-boyfriend. She hurt me, and I took revenge on her. That's fair. "    


Luo Hanshang did not expect her to know how to fight back.    


"Mo Lan is indeed a little arrogant, but your mother is also responsible for this matter," he said calmly. "Beating your own daughter for the sake of someone else's daughter. This is very unreasonable."    


Hearing him say this, Ning Jiang looked at him in surprise. "You sent people to monitor me?"    


"The place where you were beaten today is my territory. Do you think I still need to monitor you?"    


Ning Jiang sat upright and did not say anything.    


Luo Hanshang said, "If I don't mention that your mother beat you up, are you not planning to tell me at all?"    


"I was beaten up by my own mother. Why would I complain to others?" Her voice became softer.    


"I'm not someone else."    


She laughed sarcastically in her heart. Of course he was.    


Luo Hanshang said, "If something similar happens again in the future, tell me. I won't target your mother directly, but I can help you teach the Mo family a lesson."    


Ning Jiang looked at him and felt warmth spreading in her heart.    


Ye Mingmei was very reliable when it came to things. In just a few hours, Mo Lan turned from a pitiful abandoned person to a mistress.    


Mo Lan's reputation was ruined and Ning Jiang was very happy.    


She dialed Ye Mingmei's number, "Mingmei, you have worked hard today. You are too cool and helped me a lot."    


"We're all friends. You're being polite with me. I'm going to get angry. "    


Ning Jiang frowned when she heard her intermittent voice. Why was her voice so ambiguous?    


"What are you doing?"    


"I'm exercising." Ye Mingmei gasped.    


"Do you have someone else with you?"    


"No, I'm the only one running on the treadmill."    


Ning Jiang was relieved. "Then can you not make this sound of sex? It scared me to death. I thought you were in love."    


"What are you thinking about?"    


Ning Jiang laughed. "Tell me how you did it."    


"I found an old post on the school forum four years ago about the school belle being robbed of her boyfriend by an elder sister who was not related by blood. Then, I posted this post on my Weibo. Then, I found a lot of influential people to post it, and it had such an effect."    


She imitated Mingmei's tone and smiled. "You're really amazing."    


"Other than you, any normal person would post on Weibo these days. Tell me, when do you plan to open Weibo and WeChat? What era is this? " I can only contact you through phone calls. Don't be too outdated, okay? "    


Ning Jiang laughed softly. When Mingmei complained, it seemed like she was joking.    


"Don't laugh. I'm serious."    


"Okay, I'll register on Weibo now."    


"Okay. It's worth my efforts to persuade you."    


"Alright, you've worked hard."    


"You can treat me to dinner later," Wang Yao said.    


"Of course," Wang Yao said.    


After hanging up the phone, Ning Jiang started to download WeChat.    


Luo Hanshang came out after taking a shower. When he saw her lying on the bed and staring at her phone, he went over and asked, "What are you doing?"    


Ning Jiang looked at him and asked, "Mr Zhuo Yi, do you have WeChat?"    


"Yes, but I don't use WeChat. What's the matter?"    


"I just registered WeChat. Let me add you." She sat up. "Let you be my first friend in WeChat."    


First? Sounds good.    


He said, "Search my phone number."    


Ning Jiang found Luo Hanshang's WeChat profile picture. It was a cactus.    


She laughed secretly. The cactus fit his character very well.    


She added him and marked the Mr Zhuo Yi for him. Then, she patted the seat beside her and said, "Mr Zhuo Yi, come sit here and practice with me. This is my first time using it."    


Luo Hanshang stared at her and said unhappily, "Is this why you want me to be your first good friend?"    


She thought he was angry. "If you are busy, I can find someone else."    


Luo Hanshang sat down and picked up his phone. He opened WeChat that he never used except for work.    


It was impossible for her to chat with other men.    


His face was cold. "Let's begin."    


Ning Jiang sent him a voice message in front of him, "Have you had dinner?"    


Luo Hanshang was a little annoyed. "Don't you know if I have dinner or not? I refuse to answer this kind of question."    


Ning Jiang laughed. " Isn't this just a casual chat? Then I'll change the question."    


She continued sending voice messages: "How much did you spend for dinner tonight?"    


Luo Hanshang's face was dark. "Not much."    


She still sent a voice message. "Not much. How much is it?"    


"A few tens of thousands."    


She looked at him gloomily: "Can't you talk to me through voice chat? Your sparring partner is too unqualified."    


Luo Hanshang threw his phone onto the bed. "I can hear what you're saying. Why do I still answer you through voice chat? Are you kidding me?"    


Ning Jiang thought about it and he was right. She got off the bed and said, "Then you stay here. I will go to the next room. You need to reply to me via voice mail."    


She put on her slippers and ran out.    


Luo Hanshang was speechless. He shook his head and smiled. "Idiot."    


Soon, his phone received a WeChat message.    


He thought it would be a boring question, so he opened it.    



He only heard her say, "Let me ask you an explosive question. Mr Zhuo Yi, how old were you when you first fell in love?"    


Luo Hanshang stared at his phone and hesitated for a moment but did not answer.    


Ning Jiang waited for a while and saw that he did not reply. She sent another message. "It's because there are too many women you are dating. Can't you remember? Then we will skip this question. What is your favorite sport?"    


She had just sent her voice message, and Luo Hanshang had also replied. She clicked on it and Luo Hanshang said, "19."    


Ning Jiang laughed and felt like she was playing a game. She sent another message to him. "What is the reason why you broke up with her?"    


She guessed that it must be because his character was too bad.    


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