Warm Marriage: CEO’s Unlimit Love

C407 You've Eaten Me to Death

C407 You've Eaten Me to Death

0I can't leave you.    


In the afternoon, when they returned to Nanshan Villa, it was already dark.    


When he entered, he saw that there was no one in the living room, but Ning Jiang's laughter came from the kitchen.    


He put down the bag in his hand and walked to the kitchen.    


So it was fourth uncle who was cooking, and Ning Jiang was helping him from the side.    


Seeing Luo Hanshang return, fourth uncle was very enthusiastic. "Hanshang, you're back."    


Luo Hanshang nodded at fourth uncle. "Yes, fourth uncle. You have just arrived and you are already cooking for us. Your niece is really rude to you."    


"Hey, she said she wanted to eat the dishes I cooked. Isn't pregnant women the most important? Of course she has to listen to her."    


Ning Jiang proudly raised her chin at Luo Hanshang.    


Seeing her happy face, Luo Hanshang thought to himself. He had found the right person to bring fourth uncle here.    


He said, "I'll go upstairs and change my clothes."    


Ning Jiang shouted, "The dishes will be ready soon. If you come down late, we will eat all of these dishes."    


Luo Hanshang replied loudly, "They will be here soon."    


In the kitchen, fourth uncle looked at her with a satisfied smile.    


Ning Jiang came closer and asked, "fourth uncle, what are you laughing about?"    


"I think Hanshang can't leave you at all. Look, he doesn't act like a rich and powerful Eldest Young Master."    


Ning Jiang giggled. "Actually, he does. He's just pretending to be friendly in front of you."    


"I don't think he is pretending. Don't slander him."    


"Ah, fourth uncle, which side are you on?"    


Han Fangcheng laughed. "You two," he said. Isn't it a family? I'm on your side."    


"Then what if I have to choose one person?"    


"Isn't this as difficult to answer as that ancient problem?"    


"Yes," Ning Jiang said. "fourth uncle, you are being biased. "fourth uncle, you are starting to be biased. I am the niece who has lived with you for a long time. Compared to me, he is an outsider. You should just say that you support me."    


"You." fourth uncle shook his head and smiled. "Come, take the plate. The dishes are ready."    


Ning Jiang quickly put the plate on the chopping board and laughed happily.    


As soon as the dishes were served, Luo Hanshang came downstairs.    


Ning Jiang secretly said to fourth uncle, "The lazy people are blessed. These words are true. When others were cooking, he was not there. As soon as the dishes were placed on the table, he came."    


fourth uncle laughed.    


Luo Hanshang walked over and sat down. He asked, "What are you guys talking about? Why are you so happy?"    


fourth uncle pointed at Ning Jiang. "Ask her."    


Luo Hanshang looked at her.    


Ning Jiang pouted. "Nothing. I'm praising you for being handsome."    


fourth uncle could not help but smile. Luo Hanshang was puzzled. "Why do I feel that fourth uncle is smiling? It does not seem to mean that."    


Ning Jiang waved her hand. "fourth uncle, stop smiling. You have exposed yourself."    


Luo Hanshang snorted. "I knew you did not say anything good about me."    


Ning Jiang tried to please him and gave him some food. "No, I didn't. Isn't this saying that you have good luck with your mouth? " We just finished cooking and you came down. "    


"Humph." Luo Hanshang ignored her. He said to fourth uncle, "fourth uncle, I have transferred two aunties from my house. In the future, let them cook. Have a good rest."    


"I deliberately let them go back. I've been working hard on the island for my entire life. I'm really not used to being served by others every day. Fortunately, Jiang still likes to eat my food. I still have some use for it. Otherwise... I really don't feel like I have any use for it."    


Ning Jiang looked at Luo Hanshang. "I like to eat the food fourth uncle cooked. You can just ask an auntie to come over and help fourth uncle."    


"You really have the nerve to say that."    


"What do I feel embarrassed about? We are a family, fourth uncle. Right?    


Han Fangcheng nodded. "That's right."    


Ning Jiang seemed to have thought of something and said, "Right," she said. Can you get someone to cover me for tomorrow?"    


Luo Hanshang looked at her and said aggressively, "No."    


"Why are you so angry? I'm just going to take over the job."    


"That won't do. Give me the information. I'll get someone to give it to Jiaang Shicheng later."    


Ning Jiang was speechless. "fourth uncle, you see. Sometimes this guy is so unreasonable."    


Han Fangcheng agreed with Luo Hanshang and gave him a thumbs up.    


"I think Hanshang did the right thing. You said you were pregnant. " In a place like that, even if you don't do heavy work, you can't accept the dust there every day. "    


Ning Jiang smiled, "How can I be so spoiled?"    


Why are you not delicate? Even if your body is not delicate, who can guarantee that there are no accidents? When you were pregnant with Chuchen, there were several accidents. You probably forgot about them. "    



Ning Jiang cleared her throat. "fourth uncle, why are you talking about this? Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's eat."    


Luo Hanshang looked at her. He understood what fourth uncle meant.    


The reason she stopped fourth uncle from continuing was probably because she did not want him to know.    


Han Fangcheng saw her putting food into his bowl and quickly said, "That's enough. I can't eat so much."    


Ning Jiang bared her teeth, "Then hurry up and eat."    


Han Fangcheng shook his head. He really could not do anything to her.    


Luo Hanshang looked at Ning Jiang and fourth uncle when they were together and could not help but think that if her father was still alive, it would probably be like this.    


After the meal, Han Fangcheng cleaned up the dishes himself.    


Luo Hanshang asked him to leave it there and wait for the auntie to clean it up tomorrow, but Han Fangcheng insisted on making it himself.    


Ning Jiang pulled Luo Hanshang to the balcony in the living room.    


"Don't always stop fourth uncle."    


"What's wrong?"    


Ning Jiang looked at the kitchen door and saw that fourth uncle did not come out. She then said, "fourth uncle actually does not want to stay here. He came here because something happened to me. He is worried about me. But I know that if we do not let him do anything, he will not be able to stay for long. "    


"I just want him to rest."    


"I know your good intentions." Ning Jiang stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.    


"I'm already very grateful that you thought of bringing fourth uncle here. Really."    


Luo Hanshang touched her hair. "With fourth uncle here with you, you can forget about those terrible things for the time being. Especially about the company. Don't even think about it. I think that Jiaang Shicheng treats you well. He probably doesn't want to see you at a construction site at a time like this."    


Ning Jiang nodded. "I'll listen to you."    


At night, after Luo Hanshang confirmed that Ning Jiang was really asleep, he went downstairs alone.    


When Luo Hanshang came to the courtyard, fourth uncle was enjoying the cool.    


Hearing the sound, fourth uncle turned around and asked, "Jiang is asleep?"    


"Yes, she is." Luo Hanshang walked over and sat down. "fourth uncle, I made you wait for a long time."    


fourth uncle asked, "It's okay. You said you had something to talk to me about. If you really wait until tomorrow to tell me, I will have insomnia tonight."    


Luo Hanshang smiled. "You really can't hide anything. fourth uncle, when you said Jiang was pregnant with Chuchen, she had several accidents. Can you tell me? I really want to know when I was away from Jiang. What did she go through all by herself?"    


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