Nirvana: The Wild Consort

C126 Xuanyuan zi ying

C126 Xuanyuan zi ying

0Hearing the sword light, Meng Yi's body froze, his face was filled with joy, then he turned his head to look at Nanmen Guo'er, but unfortunately, Nanmen Guo'er had lowered his head slightly, he was unable to see her expression, but he knew, that she was very happy.    


"Tsk, this damn woman, did she follow us?" Nie Junye suddenly frowned, from his tone, it seemed that Xuanyuan Ziying was chasing after him.    


"Hahahaha, Nie Junye, what kind of tricks are your Yin Yang Sect playing? It looks pretty fun, but you want me to have fun too? " Suddenly, a loud and clear laugh rang out from the horizon. Following that, everyone saw a black shadow quickly grow larger in front of their eyes, and in a blink of an eye, it had already arrived in front of them!    


The person was dressed in a long purple robe and was rushing over with his Purple Profound Light Sword. His black hair was erected high up in the air, and the purple scarf fluttered in the air in an extremely elegant and free manner. The purple scarf fluttered in the air, and his wheat colored skin appeared extremely tight and elastic. The dark red lips were round and well-defined. Embedded into the sharp oval face, it seemed especially sexy!    


This person was the chief disciple of the Sword Saint, the Grandmother Wan Jian, and was also the eldest senior sister of Su Zixi, Xuanyuan Ziying!    


Seeing Xuanyuan Ziying rushing over, everyone turned to look. Seeing that exquisite face and curvy body, everyone's eyes couldn't help but straighten out!    


"Humph!" Our business is already settled, what do you want to do now? " Nie Junye suddenly frowned, her voice sounded extremely displeased, this was the first time Nie Junye had revealed such an obvious emotion since arriving at the ruin.    


Finished? What's done? After scaring away all the spirit beasts I have taken a fancy to, you want to run away without losing a single one? " Her voice was loud and clear, giving people a feeling of elegance. Then, her eyebrows slightly furrowed, looking at Meng Yi who was at the side and then at the surrounding people, she said with a smile, "Moreover, what are you doing? They set up a formation to kill everyone? Not bad! "You have guts!    


Hearing that, Nie Junye frowned.    


"Great Master, why are you here?" "Why are you here?" Meng Yi said in surprise. Didn't Xuanyuan Ziying train in the Western Continent? When did you get back?    


Hearing that, Xuanyuan Ziying frowned, she rushed forward with her purple profound light sword, and appeared right in front of Meng Yi, after that she smashed the sword onto Meng Yi's head, causing Meng Yi to scream out in pain!    


"What did you call me? I've only been gone for a year or so, and you've already forgotten the name? " Xuanyuan Ziying looked a little angry as she coldly snorted.    


Hearing this, Meng Yi instantly covered his head and laughed dryly, the corner of his mouth involuntarily twitching, and finally calling out: "Zi Ying ? "Elder sister."    


Xuanyuan Ziying hated it when people called her that old, so people who knew of her temper were all extra careful when they called her that.    


Because of Su Zixi's relationship, she should call him Master Uncle, but she loathed the name 'Master Uncle'. It was too unpleasant to listen to her, so she strictly ordered Meng Yi to only call her 'Big Sis', but this was the name Meng Yi called her ? Some of them can't be called out...    


"Ah, that's right! Um, what are you doing? Why are even the Third Elder of Yin Yang Sect here? " Xuanyuan Ziying laughed and asked, but his eyes had a hint of coldness in them.    


"Zi Ying ?" Elder sister, you don't know anything about this relic? " Meng Yi asked with some surprise.    


Hearing that, Xuanyuan Ziying shook her head and said: "No, I heard the news of Xiao Xi's accident and rushed back quickly. I have not returned to the Master and have not noticed the movements of the people, I have been chasing a high ranked spirit beast all this time, but when I was about to catch the spirit beast, I was suddenly disturbed by Nie Junye's actions and came back later!"    


When was mentioned about his death, Xuanyuan Ziying's expression froze, and then, he looked at Meng Yi and asked: "Tell me, what happened to Xiao Xi? Is it really what the rumors say, that they self-destructed and died? "    


Hearing this, Meng Yi's body stiffened, his gaze swept across Nanmen Guo'er without anyone noticing, and a trace of awkwardness appeared in the depths of his eyes, but thinking of Nanmen Guo'er's concerns, he nodded after a pause: "Mn."    


Listening to Meng Yi, indeed, Xuanyuan Ziying's body froze for a moment, and the light on the purple profound light sword beneath her feet seemed to have weakened a little as well.    


Seeing that, Meng Yi's heart ached, he wanted to speak up to comfort him, but Xuanyuan Ziying actually raised her head and laughed: "Hahaha, that idiot! I told her to go with me to the West Continent, but she refused ?. "This is great, I can't even find your corpse and bones ?"    


Xuanyuan Ziying laughed with tears in his eyes. They were hanging at the corners of his eyes, but she refused to let them fall.    


Nanmen Guo'er watched on quietly from the side, his expression unchanging, but the hand holding Yan Bai's arm couldn't help but increase its strength. Looking at Nanmen Guo'er's expression, Yan Bai's heart was abnormally sour. He could only suppress the circulation of the Spiritual Energy in his arms with all his might, in case it brought pressure or impact to Nanmen Guo'er.    


"Great Master ?" "No, big sister Zi Ying, my Master, she ?" Meng Yi looked at Xuanyuan Ziying anxiously, and quickly tried to console him, but just as he was about to speak, Xuanyuan Ziying stretched out her hand and interrupted him.    


"Meng Yi, tell me about the ruins." After a while, Xuanyuan Ziying's face suddenly changed as she laughed, and then looked at the blue robed elder Nie Chang Qing and the gloomy Nie Junye, her lips curled up into a smile, and said: "This brat, is my junior's disciple, you guys actually dared to touch her, you guys are truly bold! Especially you, Nie Junye, haven't you been abused enough by my little junior sister? "    


Junior Sister?    


Everyone knew who Xuanyuan Ziying's junior sister was, but they didn't know why she mentioned this name at this moment. Didn't Su Zixi already die?    


After Nie Junye heard the news, she laughed: "I think you should be well aware of the news of Su Zixi's death. Could it be that you want to say that Su Zixi is not dead? "Hahaha!"    


"Xiu ? ?" The sound of a treasured sword being unsheathed sounded, it was as though it was piercing through people's ear drums, and before the sound could fade, Xuanyuan Ziying's purple profound light sword had already reached Nie Junye's neck, as long as the sword was one more inch, Nie Junye's neck would definitely be covered in blood!    


Seeing that, everyone was startled, and all of them looked at Xuanyuan Ziying in shock.    


This Nie Junye's strength is not low, I never thought that in front of Xuanyuan Ziying, she would not even have the chance to resist!    


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