Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C107 Rascal Rich Second Generation

C107 Rascal Rich Second Generation

0There was only a very ordinary cake on the plate, and it looked very ordinary, no different from what he usually ate.    


Shen Xue pushed the plate in front of Zhao Jun and said with a smile, "This is the best dish in our restaurant."    


"A piece of cake is nothing." Zhao Jun glanced at the cake, but didn't care that much.    


In any case, he didn't really want to eat. He only ordered his meal for the sake of trying to hit on Shen Xue.    


"Mr. Zhao, you ordered more than ten dishes. Shouldn't you pay the bill first?" Shen Xue urged with a smile.    


"Don't worry, I'm not short on money."    


"That's not necessarily the case. There are quite a few free food customers who came to our restaurant."    


"What a joke, how could I possibly be a freeloader?" Zhao Jun grabbed his bulging wallet and threw it on the table, then asked, "Tell me, how much are the dishes? I'll settle them for you right now."    


"Give Young Master Zhao a 20% discount …"    


"No need to discount, not a single cent less."    


"Alright, Young Master Zhao spent a total of two million."    


"Cough, cough …" Zhao Jun coughed a few times and almost choked to death on his own saliva.    


It took him a long time to calm down. He asked again with his eyes wide open, "How much did you say it was?"    


"Two million."    


"The dishes I ate cost two million?" Zhao Jun knew that the dishes in Fuyuan Restaurant were not cheap.    


However, no matter how expensive it was, it couldn't be so outrageously expensive.    


From noon until now, he had ordered over a dozen dishes, each averaging over two hundred thousand yuan.    


"Yes, precisely, exactly two million." Shen Xue answered with a serious tone, not a hint of a smile on her face.    


"Show me the menu."    


"Here you go." Shen Xue handed the menu over.    


Zhao Jun compared the menu with the others and slammed the menu onto the table, "These dishes are obviously only 10,000 yuan, why are you charging me 200,000 yuan?"    


"There's still one more dish that's more expensive, but it's not on the menu."    


"Which dish?"    


"This is the dish." Shen Xue pointed at the pastry on the table and introduced, "This is the best dish in our restaurant. It's worth 1.99 million."    


"What the hell, one million nine hundred ninety thousand?"    




"Isn't it just a piece of cake? Why does it cost over a million?"    


"This is no ordinary cake." Shen Xue held up the plate of pastries and explained seriously, "It's made from handmade, rare flour. The water used for the flour is holy water from Tianshan and the seasonings inside are priceless treasures …"    


It was the first time that she had spoken such serious nonsense, describing an ordinary pastry as a rare item. She felt like she was going to lose the ability to continue making it up.    


Of course, all of this was done according to Wu Tian's instructions. This was also the first time she used this kind of method to trick someone.    


"You guys are obviously trying to trick me." No matter how dumb Zhao Jun was, he understood. The restaurant owner teamed up with Shen Xue to scam money.    


"Young Master Zhao, do you think our dishes are expensive?"    


"You're clearly taking advantage of the situation." Zhao Jun was so angry that his face turned black and his neck became thick. This was the worst time he had ever been cheated.    


"If you think it's too expensive, you don't have to order. Since you ordered, then you have to pay."    


"You …"    


Zhao Jun was so angry that his chest heaved up and down. He initially wanted to use this opportunity to strike up a conversation with Shen Xue, but who knew that this girl would make a fool of him.    


Soon, he turned his gaze towards Wu Tian and viciously said, "Brat, it was your rotten idea. You intentionally scammed me for money, right?"    


"Young Master Zhao, that's not right. The dishes were ordered by you, we didn't force you." Wu Tian smiled.    


To deal with this kind of rogue rich second-generation, he naturally had to use a more rogue method.    


"Then you also didn't say how expensive this pastry is?"    


"Young Master Zhao, do you have no money to pay the bill?"    


"Of course I have money."    


"If you have the money, then hurry up and pay the bill."    


"I …" Zhao Jun grabbed his wallet tightly.    


Two million wasn't much to him, but when he thought about how he was tricked by this brat for nothing, he felt uncomfortable in his heart.    


At this moment, Shen Xue couldn't help but mock him and say with disdain, "You can't even afford to pay for a meal, and you still have the face to come here and pursue me. You don't feel ashamed."    


"You …"    


Zhao Jun was so angry that the corner of his mouth twitched.    


After gritting his teeth for a long time, he took out a cash cheque from his bag, filled in the sum, and handed it to Shen Xue, "Two million is nothing, just treat it as a small gift from me."    


For the sake of dignity, for the sake of face, he could only admit defeat.    


For a reputable person like him, it would not be good for him to be treated as a joke by the guests for the sake of two million.    



What's more, he still had to pursue Shen Xue. So what if he lost some money?    


Once he got this woman into his possession, he would have to play with her for three days and three nights to vent the anger in his heart.    


"This is not a greeting gift for me, but a meal money." Shen Xue then handed the cheque to Dai Jun, "Manager Dai, enter."    


"Sure!" Dai Jun received the cheque excitedly and secretly gave Chef Shen a thumbs up, praising Shen Xue for her good brain.    


Not only had she made a lot of money for the restaurant, but she had also taught a lesson to the rich second generation, killing two birds with one stone.    


In fact, he didn't know that this was Wu Tian's idea. Shen Xue was just following his instructions.    


"Young Master Zhao, do you still want more dishes?" Shen Xue asked Zhao Jun with a proud smile.    


"No need." Zhao Jun no longer had that rich and imposing manner from before.    


He ate two million yuan worth of the ten or so dishes just now. If he ordered another dish, he would be bankrupt.    


"We are in a restaurant. We open the restaurant for business. If Young Master Zhao doesn't order, then please." Shen Xue made a gesture of "please".    


"I …"    


Zhao Jun might not be able to leave, but neither could he stay.    


If he had left just like that, the two million dollars he had just spent would have been a waste.    


But if he didn't order and stayed on, it didn't seem right.    


Gritting his teeth, he made his decision: "I want to buy this restaurant."    


As long as he bought this restaurant, he would be like a fish in water. In the future, it would be easy for him to get Shen Xue.    


Since she was the boss, she had to do whatever he wanted her to do.    


"Stop dreaming, our restaurant is not selling." Shen Xue naturally knew what the fuerdai were planning, so she immediately splashed a bucket of cold water on him.    




The moment Shen Xue finished her sentence, Wu Tian, who was beside her, couldn't help but say, "Of course the restaurant is selling."    


"You want to sell the restaurant?" Shen Xue was dumbfounded when she heard that. She didn't expect Wu Tian to sell the restaurant.    


Even the manager, Dai Jun, shivered in fear. He didn't expect Boss Wu to sell the restaurant to the rich second generation.    


He wasn't worried about losing his job, he just didn't want to leave a good boss like Wu Tian.    


Only Boss Wu views his employees as mere people. Every month, he gets a lot of bonuses and dividends. He has never treated any of his employees unfairly.    


In his and his employees' minds, Boss Wu was not only their boss, but also a trusted partner.    


"Sell it."    


Wu Tian nodded with certainty and added, "As long as someone can pay, I will sell this restaurant."    


As he spoke, his eyes revealed a strange light.    


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