Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C51 Raise Unit Ratio

C51 Raise Unit Ratio

0Such a lavish gesture instantly attracted the gazes of many tourists. In just a short ten minutes, the number of viewers in the live streaming room had already accumulated past twenty thousand.    


For a new host to be able to reach such a viewing rate without any sort of self-promotion or assistance from other hosts was truly amazing.    


As the popularity of the live stream rose, more and more people began to recognize Huang Lan and confirmed that the woman on the live broadcast was indeed the singer Huang Lan.    


At that instant, the live streaming room erupted like a volcano with countless gifts and donations.    


If it were any other host, they would have instinctively begun thanking their viewers profusely for sending them so many gifts.    


However, Huang Lan was not an ordinary host after all. Even when faced with the sudden burst in gifts and donations, she remained calm and continued to sing seriously — completely focused on her performance like how an entertainer should be.    


This matter quickly spread to and alarmed the officials, and many of them entered the live streaming room to look at the situation, proceeding to report the piece of news to their superiors.    


At this point, even they were not sure about this singer's identity anymore. Was this woman in front of them really Huang Lan?    


Just when Wu Tian began to immerse himself in the live stream, his phone suddenly rang — the caller being Sun Sheng.    


"Huang Lan started broadcasting on our platform…"    


As soon as the call connected, the excitement in Sun Sheng's voice could be clearly be heard. Perhaps feeling out of breath, a messy echo resounded from the phone.    


"I know!" Wu Tian was not surprised by Sun Sheng's reaction.    


For a famous singer like Huang Lan to broadcast herself live on a small platform like Seafood TV, of course anyone would be surprised.    


"Boss Wu, is it really you? Was it really you who invited Huang Lan over?" Sun Sheng's tone in his voice sounded very urgent through the phone.    




"Oh my god, you're damn awesome, you know that?" Sunn Sheng said excitedly, unable to hide his admiration. "To be able to invite such a famous celebrity to our platform for a live broadcast, what a god!"    


Previously, he never believed that Wu Tian would be able to invite a singer of Huang Lan's calliber.    


Only now did he realize that Wu Tian had an influence a hundred times stronger than he had imagined.    


After all, not just anyone could hire a celebrity like Huang Lan. Even the owners of the other streaming platforms would be die to invite her to their own platform.    


"Boss Sun, I remember you say how you would change your surname to mine if I managed to invite Huang Lan to your live broadcast, correct?" Wu Tian joked through his call.    


"Okay, you can call me Wu Sheng from now on."    


Wu Tian also let out a faint laugh from his end. At this moment, both of them could feel each other's elation across their phones.    


After a round of laughter, Sun Sheng could not help but ask, "Boss Wu, how much did you pay in the contract fee for you to convince Huang Lan to come to the live broadcast this time?"    


"Not a single penny."    


"Stop kidding me. How can she not want the money?"    


"She really doesn't want money. We'll just receive three percent of the donation while she receives seven percent."    


On the other end of the phone, Sunn Sheng was so excited that he swore out loud.    


He said in a trembling voice, "You… Aren't you too amazing? You've managed to sign such a big celebrity, and you actually… didn't spend a single penny?"    


"I was just lucky."    


"Admirable," Sunn Sheng said in a loud voice. "I've never admired anyone such much in my life. You've really convinced me."    


Even through the microphone, Wu Tian could feel Sun Sheng's growing respect for him.    


"I originally wanted to pay Huang Lan fifty million to sign the contract, but this woman didn't even want a single cent. Even I was surprised!"    


"I admire you. Even other platforms that wanted to pay couldn't even get Huang Lan's attention. You did well, to even managed to get a superstar to get on stage and broadcast on our platform without spending a single cent from your pocket." After saying that, Sun Sheng changed his tone, "Tell me honestly, what is your relationship with Huang Lan?"    


"It doesn't matter, I'm merely her fan."    


"No, it must be related. Otherwise, she wouldn't have voluntarily decided to help you."    


"We really don't have any special type of relationship."    


"If you don't want to say it, I won't force you," Sunn Sheng thought of something and suggested. "If you help the platform by convincing a celebrity like Huang Lan to be broadcast for free, I have to express myself. How about this, I will raise your Seafood TV shares ratio to forty-nine percent."    


Sun Sheng took the initiative to increase Wu Tian's shares in Seafood TV.    


Firstly, Wu Tian had provided at least a hundred million resources for Seafood TV this time. Thus, increasing his shares in Seafood TV could be considered a form of gratitude.    


Secondly, he suspected that Wu Tian had a close relationship with Huang Lan. As long as he could firmly hold onto Wu Tian, he could use Huang Lan to draw even more viewership to their platform.    


Of course, there was a third reason. Through this incident, he realized how extraordinary Wu Tian was. Furthermore, his character was not that bad either.    


If he wanted the Seafood TV to truly grow, then he must establish a cooperative relationship with Wu Tian in good faith. Only then, would both sides be able to win.    


"Thank you, CEO Sun. If so, I'll gladly accept your offer," Wu Tian responded without any hesitation and accepted his offer.    


He secretly admired Sun Sheng in his heart. After all, this man had the foresight to see how the actions he gambled on now will impact him greatly in the future. Such a man would bode as a good partner in the long-run.    


"Let's change the conditions of the contract another day. From today onwards, Seafood Television Company belongs to you and me," Sunn Sheng laughed heartily.    


"Yeah, we'll talk about the contract another day," Wu Tian responded, not worrying about that. Instead, he said, "Right now, the most important thing is to sign the contract with Huang Lan. After that, we'll help her build publicity in return for her assistance in attracting more viewers."    


"Leave this to me."    


"Can it attract more viewership?"    


"With Huang Lan as my trump card, if I still can't attract any more viewership, I might as well leave the live broadcast world," Sunn Sheng immediately threw his words onto the table.    


"That's what I want to hear."    


That was what Wu Tian wanted.    



He already knew that Sun Sheng was a capable businessman who hoped to be able to create his own world in his live streaming platform.    


The two proceeded to discussion further details before eventually hanging up.    


When Wu Tian opened Huang Lan's live stream again, he found that the number of viewers inside had soared past a hundred thousand.    


In just half an hour, she had advanced from being a new streamer to one of the most viewed streamers on the platform. With that, her popularity had skyrocketed to the point where her viewership could be compared to that of the most popular streamers on the Seafood TV platform.    


It was no wonder that this woman was so attractive.    


Not only was she beautiful, but she also had a good temperament along with her captivating singing voice.    


Each viewer who stumbled upon the live broadcast would be deeply entranced by her demeanor and inevitbly end up as her fan, never wanting to take their eyes off the live stream even for a split second.    


Even Wu Tian was reluctant to leave the live stream after listening to one of her songs.    


As he watched the live broadcast with relish, his phone suddenly rang once again.    


Seeing that it was Liu Jun, Wu Tian quickly picked up the call and asked, "Uncle Liu, you're looking for me?"    


"Right, it's like this. There's an investment meeting taking place the water-cloud room soon, do you want to come with me?"    




Wu Tian wanted to refuse, but when he thought of how his grandpa urged him to earn money as soon as possible, he immediately changed his mind.    


Since he had nothing to do in the afternoon, he might as well follow Liu Jun and have a look. Perhaps, he might be able to find a suitable investment project for himself.    


Thinking about this, he responded through the phone, "Alright then, I will go with Uncle Liu to find an investment."    


"Good, then I'll wait for you in the water-cloud room."    


"Okay, I'll be right over." Wu Tian hung up the phone, changed his clothes at random, and asked Liu Fugui to send him to the water-cloud room.    


The water-cloud room — the tallest teahouse in the area — stood proudly among the coastal district.    


After the further renovations, it has now become the sixteenth conference venue in the world of business and investment.    


Bustling like a marketplace, the teahouse filled with rich merchants and businessmen looking for business opportunities, seeking to co-operate with other partners and to advance further in their respective businesses.    


Soon, he saw Liu Jun — wearing an orthodox suit and looking to be in high spirits — standing in the middle of the lobby.    


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