Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C66 Unexpected

C66 Unexpected

0"Actually... this game was developed by me and my people," Wu Tian told the truth, pressured by the gazes of his classmates and by the questions of Teacher Mu.    


"Student Wu, it's not good to tell a lie," Mu Ran lectured with a straight face.    


Naturally, Mu Ran did not believe that this game had anything to do with Wu Tian.    


In fact, none of his classmates believed him.    


"Teacher, I'm really the one who developed this game," Wu Tien — trying to tell them the truth — repeated once more.    


After all, he did not want his teachers and classmates to mistake him for a liar.    


In a moment of desperation, he opened the game's background data and clarified to his teacher: "Teacher Mu, this is the background data for Zhou Cheng Mobile Game. Here, take a closer look."    


"Oh my god!"    


Looking at the game's background data, Mu Ran — now gawking her eyes in disbelief — exclaimed, "Did you really make this game?"    


If she had not seen the background data of the game, she would never have believed that Wu Tian would be able to create such a popular game.    


"The Zhou Cheng Mobile Game was created by a team I assembled myself. The team contributed the most to it while I am only responsible for guiding them and providing them with the necessary resources," Wu Tian answered in a very sincere tone.    


"Student Wu, you're really great," Mu Ran exclaimed. Her mood had clearly been agitated.    


She never thought that that one of her own students would be able to create such a popular mobile game.    


To be frank, she had already become addicted to the game and had fallen deeply in love with it. Ever since she started playing the game, it has become an arduous task for her to stop playing it.    


From her point of view, the Zhou Cheng Mobile Game presented its players with a very good gaming experience. With excellent software and well-done promotions, she found it to be a good topic to discuss in her class.    


However, she never would have thought that her student, Wu Tian, would be the director behind that very game.    


At this moment, she was both surprised and elated.    


No wonder Wu Tian knew so much about Zhou Cheng Mobile Game's behind-the-scenes operations.    


Recovering from her shock, Mu Ran stated to her students, "Facts have proven that Wu Tian is telling the truth. Since he has the background data for the game in his hands, Zhou Cheng Mobile Game is indeed under his supervision."    




These words instantly caused an uproar within the classroom.    


Erupting one after another, all the students could not resist bursting into a series of excitement and discussions.    


"Wu Tian is too amazing. To think he actually has the ability to develop games."    


"Even then, he managed to develop such a popular game!"    


"Developing this kind of game would have definitely required a team with talented individuals who has strong technical abilities. Furthermore, there must also be some sort of large operating organization behind the promotion of the game.    


"He will definitely make a name for himself in the future..."    


All the students in the class were now talking about Wu Tian. They admired Classmate Wu to the extreme and praised his strength endlessly.    


Especially those girls who were eavesdropping on their conversation, their gazes towards Wu Tian were filled with infatuation.    


As Wu Tian's roommates and good friends, Sunn Xiaohao and Jiang Wan felt extremely proud when they heard that Wu Tian had created such a great game. They congratulated him.    


On the other hand, Lee Meng, who sat on the other side of the classroom, did not say a single word from the beginning till the end. She just stared at Wu Tian with a weird expression, never taking her eyes off him.    


One thing for certain is that she was not enjoying the sight of the boy she had once abandoned getting stronger and more capable.    


Not only was Wu Tian rich, he even have the abilities to develop his very own game. Managing everything so well, how could he not be outstanding?    


What was even worse was that she had actually abandoned such an exceptional person instead of cherishing him.    


She gritted her teeth as she secretly regretted it.    


If she knew that Wu Tian was such an amazing man, she would never have given him up no matter what.    


Even so, what was the use of thinking about it now?    


Just as she was sighing secretly, Zhao Yang put his head close to her and said sourly, "Just from developing a game, he has already become so arrogant."    


"He has the right to be cocky. What about you?" Lee Meng, already in a terrible mood, mocked him when she heard those words.    




Zhao Yang choked on his own words. After a long while, he finally said, "I don't care to compete with Wu Tian!"    


"It's not that you don't care, you simply can't compare to someone of his caliber," Lee Meng retorted in a bad mood.    


How could she have been so blind to not see Wu Tian's excellence in the first place? She instead abandoned Wu Tian and chose the rich yet useless second-generation brat, Zhao Yang.    


In comparison to Wu Tian, Zhao Yang was far worse — not as capable, as manly, nor as rich.    




Zhao Yang fumed in rage to the point that he almost distorted his face.    


If it wasn't for the fact that Teacher Mu was still in class, he would have already exploded in fury.    




Mu Ran's voice immediately brought the class back to silence. She smiled and asked Wu Tian: "Classmate Wu, what is your philosophy behind developing this Zhou Cheng Mobile Game?"    


Mu Ran could not help but express her curiousity. This was the question that all the students present wanted an answer to.    


"Minimal stress, maximum efficiency," Wu Tian replied with a smile.    


"Then what's your long-term plan?"    



"Those will remain a secret."    


"In that case, I won't pry any further." Mu Ran didn't ask any more questions and went straight back to her original topic, "Then could you enlighten your classmates about your experience in the marketing aspect of your game?"    


"Alright," Wu Tian replied. With that, he began to narrate the aspects of promotion rather seriously, adding pieces of the knowledge he had learned from his studies.    


However, these pieces of knowledge did not just come from any of those ordinary books on the market, but rather, from the books containing the business records of the Wu Family that his grandfather had left for him.    


Not to mention his classmates, even Mu Ran listened with great interest.    


She felt that Wu Tian's explanation was very unique, a hundred times more exciting than those other lecturers' specialized courses.    




After Wu Tian finished, Mu Ran took the lead and started clapping, as if he was now the professor of the class while she was a mere student.    


The classroom burst into applause once again.    


After the applause, Mu Ran announced the end of class. She then ordered Wu Tian, "Student Wu, follow me to the office."    


With that, she strode elagantly out the classroom.    


Wu Tian quickly followed and proceeded with Teacher Mu into the office.    


Being an independent office, the room was not very spacious. However, there were all sorts of books and flowers decorating the humble abode.    


As soon as he entered the office, he smelled a fragrance that was extremely similar to Teacher Mu's.    


Fresh and pleasant. A very nice smell indeed.    


"Take a seat."    


After they entered, Mu Ran offered Wu Tian a seat on the sofa opposite her. She then poured a cup of tea and passed it to him, "Here, drink some."    


"Thank you, Teacher Mu," Wu Tian responded, receiving the cup of tea with a slight fluster in his expression — seeing that this was the first time Teacher Mu had poured tea for him.    


Perhaps due to his nerves, he actually grabbed Teacher Mu by her hand instead.    


"I'm sorry."    


Wu Tian was so startled that he quickly retracted his hands and knocked over the cup, splashing the tea onto Teacher Mu's lap.    




Mu Ran shrieked as she was scalded by the tea.    


"Teacher Mu, I'm so sorry!" Wu Tian did not expect such an accident to happen and quickly wiped the tea off Mu Ran's body.    


Fortunately, the temperature of the tea was not high enough to burn Teacher Mu.    


"Wu Tian, what are you doing?" Mu Ran's face flushed scarlet red as she hastily covered her body with her hands, now wearing an extremely awkward expression.    


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