Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C75 Social Contest

C75 Social Contest

0While everyone was still in a daze, Wu Tian — taking a few steps forward — looked at Zhong Tao with a faint smile and asked, "Are we still going to continue fighting?"    


"No... No more," Zhong Tao stuttered, gritting his teeth in dissatisfaction.    


Zhong Tao knew — with his current strength — that he did not pose as a match for Wu Tian. Continuing the fight would only be him asking to be beaten him.    


Even he did not know how this brat was able to improve so quick at such a short period, even being several levels stronger than him now.    


"So, you admit defeat?"    


"I... admit defeat." As matters stood, Zhong Tao could only admit defeat.    


"Since you have lost, shouldn't you keep your promise?"    




"We agreed that whoever loses will end up barking like a dog. Are you trying to be shameless by not following through?"    


"This…" Zhong Tao almost fainted from this result.    


If he had known earlier that Wu Tian had become so powerful, he would have never agreed to the bet — let alone the fight — in the first place.    


But now, not only did he lose the bet, but he also realized the mistakes he made.    


If he really tried barking in public, he would definitely end up as the laughing stock.     


But if he does not do it, how would he have the dignity left to keep staying in the Martial Arts Club in the future?    


"Hurry up and bark like a dog!" Gu Xiaoman could not help but shout aloud below the stage.    


Having hated Zhong Tao's way of doing things for the longest time, she could not wait for him to humiliate himself in front of everyone as a way of venting the anger in her heart.    


The moment she finished speaking, the other members also joined in and said, "Zhong Tao, you already lost the bet. So, be a man and quickly bark like a dog!"    


The other members of the club that were only spectating at the side also began pressuring Zhong Tao when they saw the commotion, shouting for Zhong Tao to bark like a dog.    


Under the peer pressure of his club members, Zhong Tao finally compromised and said, "Alright, I'll bark like a dog."    


"Woof woof woof…"    


He sulked for a long time before he ended up barking incongruously.    


A mocking voice then sounded.    


Upon hearing his attempts at barking like a dog, the members of the audience burst into laughter.    


Gu Xiaoman, naturally the happiest at the scene, covered her mouth as she laughed aloud — her mood extremely lively.    


"Wow. I didn't expect you to be so professional at barking like a dog. It's like music to my ears," Wu Tian could not help but add on when he saw everyone else laughing.    




Zhong Tao's blood began to boil in absolute rage. His face turned green while his neck flushed red, reading to erupt like a volcano any moment.    


If he had the ability to defeat Wu Tian, he would have definitely rushed forward and beaten him into a pulp to vent the undying rage flaming into his heart.     


Just as everyone was having fun and laughing, a boy in a martial arts outfit suddenly walked into the club.    


He was the actual vice president of the Martial Arts Club, Mao Wang. Living up to his title of being the number one expert of the Martial Arts Club, his entire body emitted a sinister aura.    


When Mao Wang appeared, the entire club instantly quieted down.    


"Kid, just you wait." Zhong Tao glared fiercely at Wu Tian and quickly walked towards Mao Wang, "Vice President Mao, I was beaten up by someone."    


"Who hit you?" Mao Wang's face sank as he asked urgently.    


"It's Wu Tian."    


"Him?" Mao Wang raised his head and looked at Wu Tian, who was standing on the stage, in absolute disbelief.    


Wu Tian was not even considered an official member in Martial Arts Club — only a little servant who was responsible for sweeping the floor.    


He usually never likes those types of characters. But how could Wu Tian suddenly be able to beat someone supposedly much higher than his level?    


"Vice President Mao, I don't know where Wu Tian learned such unorthodox martial arts, but he used it to defeat me. So, you have to avenge me," Zhong Tao pleaded aggrievedly.    


"I'll go meet him." Mao Wang pushed Zhong Tao away and walked quickly towards the ring.    


After getting on the stage, he scanned Wu Tian with his eyes and said, "I heard that you became stronger?"    


"Just average!"    


"Then I want to see for myself." Mao Wang shook off the military uniform on his body and said provocatively: "I would like to have a match with you."    


When he said that, the members of the audience boiled with excitement. They didn't think that Vice President Mao would end up challenging Wu Tian too.    


Vice President Mao is currently the club's best martial artist. In the past, he had trained at a martial arts school, so he had the skills to back up his reputation.    


Assuming that Wu Tian was still inexperienced compared to Vice President Mao, he definitely would not be a match for him.    


In everyone's opinion, Wu Tian would definitely not agree to such an unfair competition.    


"Alright, I'll compete with you." Just when everyone thought Wu Tian would admit his inferiority, he actually decided to accept his challenge.    


As soon as these words came out, the crowd became even more fervent.    


On the other hand, Gu Xiaoman's face turned pale, not expecting Wu Tian to be so bold to actually accept Mao Wang's challenge.    


Everyone believed that even if Wu Tian did have some abilities up his sleeves, he was definitely not a match for Mao Wang. They concluded that the only reason he would agree to such an unfair fight was that he wanted to show off.    


"Kid, do you really want to compete with me?" Mao Wang reconfirmed, suprised that Wu Tian actually accepted his challenge.    



"Come!" Wu Tian gritted his teeth.    


Wu Tian did not have much onfidence in defeating his opponent in this martial arts match. After all, his opponent was much stronger and more experienced than him.    


However, now that things had come to this, he could only brace himself.    


The reason he practiced martial arts with Azure Dragon was to not end up retreating when he one day meets a strong enemy.    


Furthermore, through this match, he could also verify the results of his own training and also increase his fighting experience.    


"Good, today I will let you experience the true power of a martial arts expert." Mao Wang threw his shirt inside and prepared himself.    


"Then, I'll give this match my all." Wu Tian did not show any signs of weakness as he waved his arm and got into position.    


Mao Wang — seeing Wu Tian get into his stance — initiated the first attack. Wu Tian, on the other hand, hastily swung his fist at hard at he could towards the incoming attack.    


At that instant, the two fists collided, and Wu Tian was forced to retreat a few steps. Luckily, he managed to regain his balance and keep himself from falling down.    


From the looks of it, there was still a gap between his strength and Mao Wang's. If they were to fight head-on, he would definitely not be a match for Mao Wang.    


Seeing that the opponent attacked once again, Wu Tian shrunk his body and quickly dodged it as fast as he could.    


Despite the missed attack, Mao Wang continued to throw a barrage of fists at Wu Tian non-stop.    


Wu Tian, instead of fighting back, decided to keep on dodging for now and waited for the right time to strike back. Seeing that Mao Wang was starting to get a little impatient, he suddenly turned and threw a left hook at him.    


This trick was taught to him by Azure Dragon, and after half a month of training, he finally found the opportunity to utilize it today.    


This move worked wonders. While Mao Wang was anxious and careless, Wu Tian took that chance to throw in an unexpected hook, which directly forced him to tumble off the stage.    


The sound of Mao Wang falling reverberate through the earth.    


Seeing President Mao defeated by Wu Tian, the members below the stage immediately burst into an uproar and gawked in disbelief.    


They never foresaw such an absurd end result.    


To think that the seemingly weak Wu Tian would become so strong that even President Mao was not a match for him.    


This martial arts competition instantly changed everyone's impression of Wu Tian, not expecting Wu Tian to actually be an expert who hid his strength.    


In contrast to the previous looks of disdain and contempt for Wu Tian, the members now all wore expressions of admiration and respect for him — their eyes now filled with worship.    


Even Gu Xiaoman's eyes widened in disbelief. She did not think that Wu Tian would actually beat Vice President Mao in this match.    


Previously, she had always felt that Wu Tian did not have much ability or potential as a martial artist — looking extremely weak and having always been bullied by the other club members.    


Much less being shocked by his sudden change, she now held a whole new level of respect for him.    


Zhong Tao, who was standing near the back and waited to watch a good show, instantly felt like a retard. He never expected Wu Tian to also be able to defeat Vice President Mao in a martial arts match.    


He originally wanted to see Vice President Mao teach Wu Tian a lesson, but he was greatly disappointed instead.    


Wu Tian's successful counterattack instantly became the hot topic of the audience. Having become everyone's idol now, it could be said that he had won the limelight.    


Seeing that foolish brat — who could only sweep the floor and do odd jobs — rise up to become the main character caused Zhong Tao to feel extremely displeased in his heart.    


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