Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C92 Not Meeting Expectations

C92 Not Meeting Expectations

0"It hurts!"    


Zheng Shaofeng screamed and kneeled on the ground in pain.    


Before he could get back on his feet, Wu Tian continued to throw relentless attacks at him again. In just a few moments, he had beaten up until his head was covered in wounds and blood.    


In order to stay alive, he could only beg for forgiveness, "Stop hitting me, I'll crawl."    


After saying so, Zheng Shaofeng forced himself to endure the pain and crawled his way out of the club.    


"And you."    


Wu Tian turned his head and glared fiercely at Tian Kui and the others as he shouted, "All of you crawl out of here!"    


Tian Kui and the other two people were shocked by Wu Tian's brutal method. Without saying anything, they obediently followed Zheng Shaofeng and crawled like a dog out of the dojo.    


The members of the club could not stop laughing. Seeing how the people who were bullying them now trying to crawl their way out in such a humble manner, everyone felt extremely relieved and satisfied in their hearts.    


This time, it was President Wu who saved the face of the Martial Arts Club and recovered dignity of the club members.    


Everyone felt extremely grateful towards President Wu, at the same time, they also admired his capabilities as the new president.    


"That's great!"    


Gu Xiaoman secretly breathed a sigh of relief when those people were chased away by Wu Tian. She walked up to Wu Tian and said, "President Wu, thank you for helping me out again this time. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known what to do."    


"Since I've become the president, I'm naturally not willing to see my own club members suffer losses." Wu Tian acted like it was a matter of course.    


As the president, no matter what, he had to protect the reputation of his society, as well as the dignity and face of all the members.    


"President Wu, you're awesome."    


Gu Xiaoman tucked her hair behind her ear and said gently, "You are really outstanding. Our Martial Arts Club is so lucky to have someone like you as our President.    


"Girl, I see that you're so infatuated with me. Don't tell me you're interested in me?"    


"I'm not."    


"If you're not interested in me, then why are you blushing from ear to ear?"    


"I'm not." Gu Xiaoman covered her face in embarrassment.    


"You're so cute." Wu Tian teased her for a bit, then took the initiative to change the topic: "Has there been any activities with Martial Arts Club recently?"    


"We might be having a competition later on."    


"Alright, in that case, let's train everyone and strive for first place in the competition."    


"First place?" Gu Xiaoman blinked her large eyes in the presence of Wu Tian's ambitions. To think that he already wanted to aim for first place.    


"Our goal is to be number one." Wu Tian raised his head confidently, "He who does not strive to be the general's driver will get nowhere as his cook."    


Laughter rang out.    


Gu Xiaoman too laughed softly and was amused by his words.    


Her feminine laughter complimented that of her appearance, making her look beautiful.    


"You should take the lead in training the others properly. As for me, I'll be leaving first. Call me if you have anything to say or ask." Wu Tian stared at the girl for a few seconds, then turned around and walked out of the club.    


"President Wu…"    


After taking a few steps out, he heard Gu Xiaoman's shout.    


Quickly coming to a stop, he turned his head — puzzled — and asked, "Xiaoman, is there anything else?"    


"I... no, it's fine."    




"It's really nothing." Gu Xiaoman bit her lips and swallowed whatever she wanted to say.    


"Then, I'll be going. Bye-bye!" Wu Tian waved his hand, turned around, and quickly left the Martial Arts Club. Following that, he took a taxi to the company.    


Recently, the company has been very busy as the employees are all constantly launching new games.    


The moment Wu Tian arrived at the office, he asked Yuan Wangchun eagerly: "How's the testing going for the new game?"    


"It's proceeding smoothly."    


"Has the game been reviewed yet?"    




"That's good." Wu Tian was very happy to learn that everything was going well.    


However, Wu Tian's excitement lasted for mere seconds before Zhou Cheng poured the cold water on him, "Boss Wu, this new game of ours has not met our expectations."    


"Are there too few players?"    


"The flow of players is certainly not low, but the percentage of users actually spending money on the game is very low. We haven't even earned back the expenses from the promotion of the game."    


"Open the background system and let me look at the data."    


"Alright!" Zhou Cheng quickly opened the background system for the game.    


After Wu Tian finished looking at the data of the game, his face instantly turned dark.    


Originally, this game was targeted at tycoons, relying on the majority of its player base to whale for them to make a profit. Unexpectedly, both the percentage of users spending money on the game and the rate of retention were very low, not even one tenth of what he had expected.    


From the data, the promotion had been successful and the traffic was not bad. There were hundreds of thousands of users downloading the game, but very few of them were actually willing to spend money on the game.    



"Boss Wu, if this goes on, our new game will definitely lose money." Zhou Cheng looked backstage with an incomparably dejected expression.    


They put in all their effort and even pulled several all-nighters to work on the game. To them, the game was perfect, but it ended up being a total disappointment.    


"Don't worry, let me think of a way," Wu Tian said, hopeful for the future of the game. Though he may have felt depressed, he did not want to sentence the game to death just yet.    


He needed to find out the reason behind the low percentage of players spending money on the game and apply the right medicine on the wound.    


He leaned back in his chair, slowly closed his eyes, and began brainstorming.    


Judging from the traffic, it's not that this game isn't good. It's just that people don't want to spend money on the game, resulting in the players' lack of passion to continue playing the game.    


Right now, they needed to know how to get their players to spend money on the game, and how to attract more tycoons and whales to the game.    


After thinking for a long time, Wu Tian took out his phone to register an account for their game. With that, he started to play the game.    


Since his character from the new account could not match up against the enemies he faced, he decided to charge a few million yuan into his account to buy high-end equipment. After a single round of farming, he was quickly able to light up a variety of the badges in-game.    


As a result, his character quickly rose to the top of the server and became a game's number one player — the game's Warlord.    


Following that, Wu Tian began to bully all kinds of weaker players and trash talked in the game forum, provoking them to challenge him.    


With his provocations, many tycoons and whales began spending money to buy more high-end equipments in order to surpass Wu Tian and tyrannize him.    


Since then, the game had caught a lot of attention.    


Not only were the whales spending even more money on the game, but even the normal free-to-play players were also pouring into the area, cheering for the tycoons.    


One of the whales eventually spent five million yuan on his character to get even stronger. After crushing Wu Tian, he became a Warlord in his district and was sought after and respected by other players.    


This tycoon's vanity was greatly satisfied. But since he already spent so much money on the game, he decided to spend another two million to continue upgrading his character and challenging even higher-level Warlords. A true gamer move indeed.    




Before the match in the game had even ended, Wu Tian could not help clapping and cheering at his success.    


Seeing that the tycoon was buying equipment by spending money to crush him, he burst in absolute elation and exclaimed, "That's great!"    


"Boss Wu, what happened?" Seeing Wu Tian having so much fun in the office, Lee Mu, Yuan Wangchun, Zhou Cheng, and the others all came in to ask about the situation.    


"I've thought of a good method to get the tycoons to spend more moeny on our game."    


"What method?"    


"Whether it's in reality or in the virtual world, everyone likes to compete and act cool. As long as we stimulate and provoke the players, we can trick the tycoons into spending more money to get stronger in-game," Wu Tian voiced out his thoughts.    


From his previous experience, as long as he continued to provoke the other players with his identity as a Warlord, he would motivate the whales to spend more money to abdicate his position as Warlord in the game.    


"How are you going to provoke them?" Zhou Cheng and Yuan Wangchun asked at the same time.    


"That is very simple. We can just find someone else to deal with it for us."    


"You mean, we're going to find someone to play on behalf of the game and deliberately provoke those whales and tycoons?"    


"Yes, that's what I meant." Wu Tian nodded.    


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