Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C88 Developer Owner

C88 Developer Owner

0After a short pause, Wu Tian continued: "Actually... I'm the legal person for Tian An company, which means I'm technically the boss of the Fengguang Village Project."    


The moment Wu Tian finishhed his words, waves of laughter sounded from below.    


Many of the people in the village thought that Wu Tian was joking, and were they amused by this joke.    


Everyone knew Wu Tian's family background. Even in the entire Fengguang Village, his family would be considered as the lowest class of villagers, perhaps even dragging down the village.    


If such a poor little kid could invest in real estate, the village would have already been flowing with gold and wealth.    


Whiel most people took his words as a joke, they didn't pay much attention to it, However, a small part of them could not help but mock him.    


To think that Wu Tian wanted to become a boss so badly that he had become an absolute lunatic. His absurd behavior, in the eyes of those who mocked him, would humiliate and tarnish the already trash reputation of Fengguang Village.    


In short, the scene fell into chaos, and the sounds of laughter and discussion were exceptionally ear-piercing.    


The one who was most happy was Hu Qiang, an old classmate of Wu Tian. Since he could not get into a good college, he no longer pursued his further studies.    


"Wu Tian, you said that you're the boss of the development?" Hu Qiang's voice resounded loudly throughout the area.    


Ever since he was young, he always liked to compete with Wu Tian. Since he could not compare to Wu Tian in his studies, however, he had accumulated a deep sense of resentment in his heart.    


"Yeah, I'm the boss of the development here. I apologize for now telling anyone since I too just found out about this," Wu Tian replied with a sincere smile.    


After all, most of the people below were not only his elders, but they were also his neighbors that he had known for many years. Naturally, he could not and did not want to be rude to them.    




Hu Qiang spat on the ground and retorted, "You must have gone crazy with your desire to become a boss. With your character, you still have the nerve to say that you're the boss of the development here. At this point, why don't you just say that you're the richest man in Luzhou?"    


Hu Qiang still did not feel satisfied, he continued to instigate the crowd to attack: "I think Wu Tian has gone mad with poverty. To call himself his boss in front of everyone, that is really embarrassing for Fengguang Village, isn't it?"    


Unfortunately, he failed to mobilize the masses.    


No one echoed his words.    


As a matter of fact, everyone hated this kid, Hu Qiang. He loved to cling on to people and sow discord when he had nothing better to do. In short, he's an attention-seeking brat who loved drama.    


Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, Hu Qiang could not help but ask Han Fengguang, "Director Han, Wu Tian said he's the developer's boss. Don't you think his joke is hilarious?"    


He knew that Director Han had a grudge with Wu Tian's family.    


In other words, he just wanted to make use of Director Han to teach Wu Tian a lesson and see if this brat still had the guts to act cool afterward.    


"There's nothing to laugh at."    


Taking a few steps forward, Han Fengguang pointed at Wu Tian and said in a serious tone, "Because Wu Tian is indeed the big boss of our Fengguang Village development project."    




These words instantly caused an uproar within the crowd of villagers.    


The whole scene outside the demolition office erupted into turmoil.    


While everyone may have thought that Wu Tian was joking, it, on the other hand, could only be true if it came directly from the Village Head's mouth.    


With his identity as the village head, he would never make such a joke in public.    


Only now did everyone believe that Wu Tian was indeed the boss of the development project.    


All the villagers opened their eyes wide and stared at Wu Tian as if he was a monster. They never thought that this boy would really be the person in charge of the village development project.    


After all, this boy was still young and still in university. How could he have become the boss?    






The villagers were all dumbfounded by this piece of news. They found it unbelievable, and it was hard to accept.    


It had only been half a year since they last saw him, so how did Wu Tian become a big boss?    


Even Yang Lin was stunned, not expecting Elder Brother Tian to be the owner of the village development.    


From her past impressions and memories, Wu Tian was the big brother that she grew up with, a boy from an ordinary family.    


How did Elder Brother Tian suddenly become a big boss after not seeing each other for a mere few months?    


Mr. and Mrs. Yang were both surprised by the exact same fact.    


If they did not see it with their own eyes, they would never believe that Xiao Tian would become the big boss even if they were beaten to death.    


The one who was the most shocked was Hu Qiang. He stared blankly for a long time before recovering and could not help but ask Han Fengguang: "Director Han, you said that Wu Tian is the big boss of the Fengguang Village development?"    


"Yes, Wu Tian is the owner of Tian An Company. He is responsible for both the development of the Jade Garden and Fengguang Village." Han Feng confirmed the news for everyone once again.    


"What...? That brat... He..." Hu Qiang was stupefied and could not utter a word for quite a while.    


Never in his wildest dreams did he expect that Wu Tian would become a person with such a big influence.    


To think that he actually mocked and ridiculed Wu Tian just now. Now, he felt a stinging sensation on his face, as if someone had slapped him on his face several times.    


He just could not comprehend how this kid managed to rise up to such a big position.    


After all, Wu Tian's family background was on par with his. Thus, he did not grasp the way how he had suddenly become such a big shot. The difference between Wu Tian and himself was now like the difference between heaven and earth.    


When he thought about how a foolish brat who was once inferior to him had become a boss, his heart felt like it was slowly pierced by needles, leaving behind a sour and unsavory aftertaste in his mouth.    


"God damn it! How could this brat already be hundreds of time stronger than me?" Hu Qiang thought to himself.    


Tasting the bitterness in his mouth, he was not willing to allow this brat to display his might in front of everyone.    



After pondering for a while, he pin-pointed Wu Tian's weakness and rebuked aloud: "Wu Tian, you really have no conscience. After becoming a big boss, you came back to develop your Fengguang Village, and you actually want to compensate so little to the villagers. Where did your sense of morals go?!"    


These words seemed to have enlightened the villagers.    


When everyone thought of the compensation, they all began to protest again.    


"Calm down everyone."    


Seeing that the situation had gone out of control, Han Fengguang quickly spoke up for help, "This time, Boss Wu is here to talk about compensation with everyone."    


"Wu Tian is a cruel and unscrupulous man. To think that he was the one who ultimately wanted to harm the villagers. He is simply worse than an animal..." Hu Qiang took this opportunity to tarnish Wu Tian's reputation, leading to the complaints of the villagers.    


Previously, they were tricked by developers into saying that they could only get 4,000 yuan per square meter for compensation.    


To be honest, all the villagers hated developers.    


After knowing that Wu Tian was the big boss of the village development, everyone was taken aback before they started protesting again.    


As long as it touched upon the mutual interests of the villagers, even if the developers were the gods, they would still look to punish those evildoers.    


"Quiet, quiet down…"    


Han Fengguang shouted for the villagers to quiet down.    


However, his shout did nothing, and the scene remained chaotic.    


In the end, Wu Tian walked forward with a smile and looked at the crowd, "If everyone wants to solve this problem, could you listen to what I have to say first? If you deem my words to be unreasonable or unsatisfactory, then I, Wu Tian, will allow you to scold me."    


After hearing this, the crowd's protests gradually dimmed down.    


In the first place, the reason why everyone was gathered here was to resolve the issue regarding the compensation. No one wanted to blow the matter up more than necessary.    


Even if they wanted to cause trouble, they would at least have to wait for Wu Tian to finish his words before doing so. If they felt that it was unreasonable, it would not be too late for them to cause trouble then.    


"Then tell me, how much are you willing to compensate everyone?" Hu Qiang shouted loudly.    


Hu Qiang had already prepared himself to cause a ruckus in the case that Wu Tian gave unreasonable compensation for the demolition.    


When that time came, he would lead the villagers in a large protest and humiliate Wu Tian in public — wanting to see just how smug he would act in the future.    


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