Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C102 Higher than Human Status

C102 Higher than Human Status

0The students who had been queuing up to register all found it funny. They all crowded around to watch the show, as if they wanted to see Wu Tian make a fool of himself.    


Wu Tian pursed his lips and smiled. He walked in front of the barbell and did a few warm-up exercises, then tightly held the barbell with both of his hands.    


The moment his smile disappeared, he suddenly exerted force with both of his arms and slowly grabbed the barbell from the ground.    


His basic skills had not been wasted during this period of time. His lower body was steady and solid. His arms were strong and tough. The muscles on his arms stretched out in a straight line.    


Seeing the sight before him, the students who were laughing at him gradually lost their smiles.    


They were all staring at Wu Tian in disbelief.    


Even the long-faced man's expression turned exaggerated. His eyes were even wider than a light bulb.    


Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect that the seemingly weak and foolish brat in front of them had the strength to grab the barbell so easily.    


Everyone waited to see what Wu Tian would do next. They weren't sure if this brat in front of them could lift the barbell.    


After all, this barbell weighed over a hundred Jin, and it was extremely difficult for an ordinary person to lift it.    


Under the crowd's gaze, Wu Tian's arms suddenly exerted force, and he relied on brute force to lift the barbell.    


Previously, Azure Dragon had helped him with this kind of professional training. To him, lifting this kind of thing wasn't a problem at all.    


When they saw Wu Tian lift the barbell up high, a series of exclamations came from the scene. They were all shocked by this action.    


Who would have thought that the youngster before them was weak and that he would still possess so much strength?    


The crowd could not help but secretly praise him. They were all shocked by Wu Tian's move and applauded him.    


The long-faced man's eyes widened in surprise.    


He was also very surprised, he did not expect that the weak brat in front of him had a strength that was even stronger than his.    


At this moment, the gazes with which they looked at Wu Tian became a lot more cautious. There was no longer any contempt or disdain from before, but more of admiration.    


The sound of something falling to the ground rang out.    


Wu Tian threw the barbell onto the ground and asked the long-faced man, "I've lifted the barbell. Do I have the qualifications to see your president now?"    


"Yes, of course." The long-faced man nodded his head and gestured, "Let's go. I'll bring you to see our president."    


With that said, he took the lead and walked into the club.    


Wu Tian followed closely behind.    


The two of them passed through the club and arrived at the back of the training room.    


This kind of training room was more specialized. There were all kinds of equipment inside, which could help the members carry out professional training.    


The long-faced man walked into the training room and pointed at a dark-skinned man in a martial uniform. He smiled and introduced him, "This is our president, Ming Antai."    


"Hello, President Ming." Wu Tian extended his right hand in a very polite manner. At the same time, he carefully sized up this man called Ming Antai.    


The man had a huge figure and a robust physique. From the first glance, he seemed to be an inner sect expert who had gone through professional training.    


However, this man's skin was dark. Other than his teeth, his body was completely black. At first glance, he looked like an African.    


"Who are you?" Ming Antai glanced at Wu Tian and coldly asked with an expressionless face.    


"I am the president of Industry University Martial Arts Club, Wu Tian." Wu Tian retracted his arm awkwardly.    


His arrogant attitude made him feel a bit unhappy.    


"President?" Ming Antai's eyes lit up when he looked at Wu Tian.    


After examining Wu Tian from top to bottom, he couldn't help but mock him, "Don't you guys have any powerful people? Why are they looking for a useless person like you to be the president?"    


At this moment, the long-faced man at the side hastily interrupted, "President Ming, this brat has a lot of strength. He easily lifted a hundred kilograms barbell."    


"Is that so?"    


Ming An Tai's expression became more serious. He never thought that such a weak and foolish kid would be able to lift a hundred kilograms of barbell.    


It seemed like this kid had some skills, and wasn't completely useless.    


He hit Wu Tian a few more times, then arrogantly asked: "Brat, your Industry University Martial Arts Club Guild Leader isn't at the Polytechnic University, why are you running away from our Physical Culture Institute?"    


Ming Antai spoke with a wild arrogance and self-righteousness. He always had a sense of superiority.    


"We want to compete with your Physical Culture Institute." Wu Tian didn't want to waste his breath, so he went straight to the point.    


"Kid, you sure know how to joke." Ming Tai An sneered, and ruthlessly attacked them as he said: "It's just a small society like Industry University Martial Arts Club, you guys aren't even qualified to carry our shoes, what qualifications do you have to compete with us?"    


"Your Physical Culture Institute is very strong, but the strength of our Polytechnic University is also not weak."    


"In our eyes, you guys are noobs." After Ming An Tai said this, he impatiently waved his hand and said, "Hurry up and go, don't waste your time here, our Physical Culture Institute will definitely not fight with trash like you."    


"President Ming."    


Wu Tian took out a bank card from his pocket, "There are three hundred thousand here. If you guys are willing to compete with us, this money is yours."    


Hearing this, the long-faced man's eyes lit up. He seems to have taken a great interest in three hundred thousand yuan.    


However, Ming Tai An did not care at all. He forcefully replied, "You are underestimating our Physical Culture Institute too much. We are not short on money at all."    


"You don't lack money, but that doesn't mean that your members don't lack money either." Wu Tian smiled evilly, "I can dig out all of your main forces and turn you into empty shells."    


"Then give it a try." Ming Taian slightly raised his head, looking full of confidence.    


The members of Physical Culture Institute were all personally trained by him, they were completely loyal to him and definitely would not betray him just for a few smelly amounts of money.    



Not to mention that he usually treated his members well, eating and drinking to his heart's content. He even took his members out to pick up girls.    


A normal society couldn't afford such benefits. Furthermore, it was a small society like the Polytechnic University, so no one would be willing to join it.    


"Alright, then I'll give it a try." Wu Tian turned around to face the long-faced man, and asked with a smile: "I'll give you fifty thousand, are you willing to go to our Industry University Martial Arts Club?"    


"I'm willing, of course I'm willing." When the long-faced man heard that there was money to be made, he excitedly nodded his head.    


On the other hand, Ming Taian's face became even uglier than the liver of a pig when he heard this.    


At this moment, his large, tanned face was filled with anger. He didn't expect that Big-face would betray him so quickly. Right now, he couldn't wait to strangle this kid to death.    


However, he believed that this was just a special phenomenon. The other members of the guild definitely wouldn't betray him.    


"Go and ask the old members of your guild that have had strength for more than a year. Who would be willing to join our Industry University Martial Arts Club for fifty thousand yuan?" Wu Tian instructed the long-faced man with a smile.    


"Alright, I'll go ask." The long-faced man seemed to have been bribed by Wu Tian. He answered and ran out.    


Ming Antai confidently grinned and said, "You should give up. Those members of my club are loyal to me. They would never betray their faith just for your little amount of money."    


"President Ming, don't say that too early." Wu Tian smiled from beginning to end.    


"Alright, let's wait and see!" Ming Taian crossed his arms in front of his chest, looking confident all the while.    


He had spent so much time and effort on his members over the years that they would never betray him.    


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