Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C100 Revitalizing the Martial Arts Club

C100 Revitalizing the Martial Arts Club



The members shouted in unison. Having been under his guidance for quite a while, they too did not wish for Mao Wang to leave.    




Boiling in excitement, Mao Wang immediately made his decision without any hesitation: "I'll return to my position today and never leave again."    


"Welcome home, President Mao!" The members of the club shouted in unison, showing their great enthusiasm.    


"Thank you for your support," Mao Wang thanked them as his gaze fell on Wu Tian. "President Wu, I have a small request."    


"If you have any requests, just say them."    


"I hope to spar with President Wu again," Mao Wang requested boldly.    


Previously, he lost to Wu Tian because he was too careless and had underestimated Wu Tian's strength.    


Today, he wanted to go all out to challenge Wu Tian.    


"Alright, I accept your challenge." Wu Tian had no reason to refuse.    


The last time he fought Mao Wang, he simply won because he caught his opponent off guard.    


However, he had recently learned a new technique and was confident enough to beat Mao Wang. If he could defeat Mao Wang now, he would be more dignified than the last time he won.    


"President Wu, come," Mao Wang said. Stretching our his hand, he gestured his fingers back and led the way towards the ring.    


Wu Tian smiled and followed behind him.    


Silence reigned below the stage in suspense of the battle between Mao Wang and Wu Tian.    


Even though the two of them had fought before, everyone was still looking forward to it.    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Mao Wang made the first move and attacked Wu Tian with his concentrated fist techniques.    


Wu Tian did not dare to be careless at all. Dodging his first attack, Wu Tian retaliated with a barrage of fists — his moves sharper than before while his speed clearly much faster.    


After the confrontation, Wu Tian won with absolute superiority and knocked Mao Wang out of the ring.    




Seeing this outcome, everyone cheered out in unison and was once again taken aback by President Wu's shocking strength.    


Wu Tian walked over to Mao Wang and stretched out his right hand. He smiled and said, "Stand up, let's go for another round."    


"There's no need." Mao Wang grabbed Wu Tian's hand and stood up. He then said in disbelief: "President Wu has improved at an incredible rate, much stronger than before. Even if we keep competing, I will still lose."    


"You're not bad either."    


"Compared to President Wu, I'm still quite lacking." Mao Wang shook the martial arts outfit he was wearing and said, "From today onwards, I will listen to President Wu without any hesitation."    


From the looks of it, he had been completely tamed by Wu Tian — his words were full of loyalty and chivalry.    


"You're being too serious." Wu Tian patted on Mao Wang's shoulder and instructed him, "From today onwards, you will be responsible for the all-round training of the members. If you lack anything, Xiaoman will prepare it for you."    


"Alright, I'll commence the training now." Mao Wang immediately organized everyone to carry out training.    


Perhaps he wanted to show off in front of the Wu Tian, but the effort he put into the member's training reassured Wu Tian of his decision.    


Seeing this, Gu Xiaoman laughed happily and said to Wu Tian, "You're really something. Roping Vice President Mao back into the club to train the members really was not a bad idea."    


"President Mao is indeed capable. It would be a pity if he were to be taken away by another club," Wu Tian stated, happy to now have Mao Wang on his side.    


"I'm afraid only you can tame Vice President Mao."    


"The training will end here for now. Before the official competition, shouldn't we have a friendly match with the martial arts club from the other societies?"    


"Normally, we would look for another club to have a friendly match with us, but..." Gu Xiaoman rubbed her arm and said gloomily, "Our club is too weak. I'm afraid no other club would be willing to compete with us."    


"There's even such a problem?"    


"We're the weakest among all the other clubs. Thus, they don't even put us in their eyes, saying how they don't want to waste their time practicing with us."    


"Is that so?" Wu Tian rubbed his chin and thought for a moment. He turned to Gu Xiaoman and asked, "Which club in our city is the strongest?"    


"It's the Martial Arts Club of Sport University."    


"Alright, let's find ask the martial arts club from Sport University for a friendly match."    


"How could we? Sport University is extremely strong, so they would never accept our request to have a friendly match," Gu Xiaoman said, not daring to even think about the impossible.    


The Martial Arts Club in Sport University is widely-known as a powerhouse and were on a completely different level than theirs.    


To put it bluntly, if the Martial Arts Club in Sport University were to have a friendly match with the one from their Polytechnic University right now, it would lower the self-esteem of their members.    


"Don't worry about that, I have my ways," Wu Tian pursed his lips and said with confidence.    


"But I still feel…"    


Gu Xiaoman still wanted to doubt, but was interrupted by Wu Tian before she could finish, "It's getting late, do you want me to send you home?"    


"No need, I'll wait for the members to finish their training. I'll go home together with them later."    


"Thank you for your hard work. In that case, I'll be leaving first." Wu Tian bid farewell to Gu Xiaoman and left the Martial Arts Club.    


He kept having a weird feeling from Gu Xiaoman's eyes, but he could not tell what was off about them.    


Leaving the Martial Arts Club, Wu Tian told Uncle Fugui to bring him home.    


On the way home, Uncle Fugui smiled and said with concern, "Xiao Tian, I see that you have been quite busy lately. You should take it easy for a day or two, or you'll end up tiring your body out."    



"It's fine, I'll have to work hard while I'm still young," Wu Tian replied with a laugh.    


Only when he was in the car with Uncle Fugui could he feel the warmth from his family.    


"Xiao Tian, seeing how hard working you are, I can't help but feel happy for you," Uncle Fugui said with a grin while keeping the wheel steady.    


He looked at Wu Tian with love and a sense of pride, as if he was looking at his own child.    


When they almost reached home, Liu Fugui suddenly remembered something and said embarrassedly, "Since it's Hao Hao's birthday tomorrow, I would like to ask for a leave to accompany the child on his big day."    


"Uncle Fugui, in that case, let's both accompany Hao Hao for his birthday," Wu Tian said happily after hearing that Hao Hao's birthday was tomorrow.    


At this point, he was just thinking about how to give the little guy an amazing birthday party tomorrow.    


"Xiao Tian, since you're so busy at work, you shouldn't need to worry about us."    


"It's Hao Hao's birthday tomorrow. No matter how busy I am, I will find time to accompany him."    


"Don't do that." At this moment, the car came to a stop at home. Liu Fugui stopped the car and said with a serious face, "If you spend your busy hours on Hao Hao, it'll make our family feel bad. I'm afraid that even Hao Hao won't be happy like this."    


"Alright then..." Hearing Uncle Fugui say this, Wu Tian gave up and said, "When I have time, I will go hang out with Hao Hao for an entire day."    


"You should deal with your business first. We'll feel bad if you take care of us so much."    


"Alright, I'll give you a few more days of vacation. You can play with Hao Hao in my stead for a few more days."    


"Thank you, Xiao Tian." After thanking him, Liu Fugui smiled and tactfully declined: "One day is enough. I will go to work normally the day after tomorrow."    


"Uncle Fugui, then go to sleep early today!" After getting off the car, Wu Tian walked towards the elevator.    


Day after day, he worked himself to death. Now, he felt that they only thing he lacked was time.    


After going home and taking a shower, he took out his phone to watch Huang Lan's live stream.    


Recently, Huang Lan's live stream had become very popular, with viewership exceeding ten million. As such, she would make hundreds of thousands each day. But when her streams exploded on certain days, she could even make more than a million yuan.    


With Huang Lan streaming on Seafood TV, she had brought along with her an army of loyal viewers, increasing the popularity of the platform.    


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