Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C104 Hot Pot on Birthday

C104 Hot Pot on Birthday

0He suddenly remembered the last time Huang Lan had accidentally fallen on the stairs. When he had reached out to support her, he had grabbed the wrong place.    


It was indeed a misunderstanding.    


After a slight pause, Wu Tian hurriedly replied to his phone, "Elder Sister Lan, I'm in Physical Culture Institute right now, do you need anything from me?"    


"Can't I look for you because I'm fine?" Huang Lan retorted with a hint of gentleness and impudence in her tone.    


"Of course not."    


"Come out and eat with me."    


"Alright." Wu Tian wanted to find an opportunity to thank Elder Sister Lan.    


It was only right that the Warlord game would succeed, thanks to Elder Sister Lan sparing no effort to promote it.    


After some thought, he asked the phone, "What would you like to eat?"    


"Eat hotpot."    


"Why did Elder Sister Lan suddenly think of eating hotpot?"    


"I haven't eaten in a long time. I'm hungry."    


"Alright, then I'll treat Elder Sister Lan to a hotpot. Where are you? I'll come and get you now." Wu Tian displayed the gentleman demeanor that a man should have.    


"Hot Pot Restaurant."    


"You're already at the hotpot restaurant?"    


"That's right. I really wanted to eat hotpot. After that, I ran to the hotpot city of Sichuan. I realized that there was no point in eating the hotpot alone, so I wanted to find a friend to eat it with me." On the other end, Huang Lan paused for a moment before she continued, "But I only have you as my friend, so I can only call you."    


"Alright, I'll be right over." Wu Tian hung up the phone and rushed to the restaurant in Sichuan.    


Honestly speaking, he couldn't help but feel sympathy for Elder Sister Lan in his heart.    


Even though Elder Sister Lan appeared beautiful and aloof on the surface, she was actually very depressed in her heart. Sometimes, when she was tired and sleepy, she didn't even have a friend to chat with.    


When he arrived at the hotpot city in Sichuan, he found Huang Lan sitting alone in a small room, staring blankly at the hotpot ingredients.    


"Kid, why did you just arrive?" Huang Lan rolled her eyes with resentment when she saw Wu Tian. There was a faint smile on her lips.    


Normally, she would act like she was rejecting others by a thousand miles, but only in front of Wu Tian would she smile so happily.    


"Sorry, there's a traffic jam." Wu Tian explained and then sat at the opposite side of the table.    


"Why are you so far away? Sit over here." Huang Lan pointed to the spot beside him and forcefully pulled Wu Tian over.    


Who would have thought that such a beautiful star, who usually did not even talk to anyone, would actually do something to Wu Tian.    


Wu Tian was forcefully pulled to sit beside Huang Lan.    


He smelled that quiet fragrance at close proximity. He was a little nervous, and stiffly sat there, not daring to move.    


He didn't know why, but he still couldn't let it go in front of Elder Sister Lan. Maybe it had something to do with Elder Sister Lan's personality.    




Huang Lan couldn't help but burst out laughing when she saw Wu Tian's expression.    


After laughing for a while, she couldn't help but tease, "Sis is not a tigress, why are you so scared?"    


"I just feel a little hot." Wu Tian swallowed his saliva awkwardly.    


Being teased by a royal sister like this really made him at a loss for what to do.    


"Just take off your clothes when it's hot!" Huang Lan poked Wu Tian's clothes, her smile was so gentle that it was bone-deep.    


She loved to tease this kind of innocent boy. She felt extremely happy to see him acting so cowardly.    


"That …"    


Wu Tian scratched his head in embarrassment and changed the topic, "Elder Sister Lan, what do you want to eat? I'll order for you."    


"I want to eat you." Huang Lan assumed an alluring pose and stared straight into Wu Tian's eyes.    


Her appearance was extremely charming, like a demoness that ate people without spitting out their bones.    


"Cough, cough …" Wu Tian coughed dryly. He really didn't know what to do when he met this kind of woman.    


Sexy, seductive, aloof, reserved …    


She was simply a combination of a demon and a goddess.    


"Forget it, I won't tease you anymore." Huang Lan pursed her lips into a smile. She waved her hand and instructed the waiter, "Give me one serving of each of your specialties."    


"Alright!" After the waiter replied, he quickly arranged for the dishes to be served.    


Within moments, the table was filled with all kinds of seafood and side dishes.    


Wu Tian first put the meat into the pot, then boiled it for Huang Lan to pick up, "Elder Sister Lan, hurry and eat."    


"Don't just stand there. Eat too." Having said so, Huang Lan started to unrestrainedly gulp down her food.    


Because she was a public figure, she would usually take her meals into consideration.    


However, she didn't have to care that much in front of Wu Tian. She could eat meat and drink wine in big mouthfuls, so she wasn't worried about being laughed at by this brat.    


"Elder Sister Lan, the success of the Warlord game is thanks to your help. I toast you." Wu Tian poured two beers and pushed one to Huang Lan.    


"Kid, you owe me another favor." Huang Lan clinked her glass with Wu Tian's and took a big gulp of beer.    



"To be honest, Elder Sister Lan helped promote these two games."    


"How is your new game of Warlord?"    


"This is a game developed for tycoons, its ability to absorb gold is very strong." Wu Tian couldn't help but feel proud of himself when he mentioned the new game.    


This game alone made a lot of money, more than all the previous projects combined.    


"Come, congratulations. I hope you can become a game tycoon as soon as possible." Huang Lan raised her glass and smiled.    


"Thank you!" Wu Tian raised his glass and clinked it with Huang Lan's, then finished the beer in one gulp.    


Just as they finished their beer, they heard a jumble of voices coming from the hall.    


The sound was a little loud, like a dispute between guests.    


Wu Tian was about to close the door when his eyes caught a few familiar figures outside.    


It was Uncle Fugui's family.    


They were also the ones who had a dispute with the guests.    


Uncle Fugui must have wanted to celebrate Hao's birthday here, so they ended up in a dispute with the customer at the next table.    


"Elder Sister Lan, take a seat first. I'll go take a look when I meet someone I know." After Wu Tian said that, he quickly walked towards Uncle Fugui.    


Seeing that Uncle Fugui's family was in trouble, he naturally couldn't just stand by and watch without doing anything.    


He quickly walked over and asked worriedly, "Uncle Fugui, what happened?"    


"Tian, what a coincidence, you're also here." Liu Fugui smiled at first, then his face darkened and he explained, "Today is Hao's birthday, I brought him here to eat hot pot, but the moment he sat down, he was knocked over by the chair at the next table. They were arguing for me to apologize."    


"They let you apologize after they hit someone?"    


"Forget it, let's not cause trouble. I'll just apologize to them." Liu Fugui smiled and said without a care.    


After saying this, he turned around and was about to apologize to the two hooligans.    




Wu Tian grabbed Uncle Fugui's arm and stopped him, "You didn't do anything wrong, why are you apologizing to them?"    


"Forget it, just apologize then. It's fine." Liu Fugui didn't want to apologize, but he didn't want to offend the two hoodlums either.    


"Uncle Fugui, you must not apologize to them." Wu Tian grabbed Liu Fugui's arm and said with a serious tone, "If you apologize to them now, it will leave a shadow in Hao's heart, making him feel inferior. Even if it's for the sake of your child, you can't apologize."    


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