Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C168 Illegitimate Birth

C168 Illegitimate Birth



Wu Tian's heart shook. He didn't think that Huang Lan was his mistress's illegitimate child. No wonder she was so disregarded in Huang Family.    


Huang Lan did not notice the change in Wu Tian's expression and continued: "My mother insisted on giving birth to me that year, and then I was brought back to Huang Family."    


"What about your mother?"    


"Under the pressure of the Huang Family, Mother left the Luzhou, but there has been no news of her until now."    


"Have you been looking for her?"    


"Yes, but I didn't find her."    


"Then you must have had a hard time these years."    


"The people of the Huang Family treat me as a bastard, they look at me with that disdainful gaze every day, and even humiliate me. Every time I suffer a grievance, I would secretly run over here to cry." As Huang Lan spoke to here, tears rolled down her cheeks.    


She had suffered too much in the past few years. She had shed too many tears.    


No matter how wronged she was, she had nowhere to cry. She could only hide in a corner and secretly wipe away her tears.    


That kind of loneliness and helplessness was hard for ordinary people to understand.    


"Elder Sister Lan, I really didn't expect this …" Wu Tian's nose twitched, he didn't feel good at all.    


He couldn't believe how Elder Sister Lan had endured all these years.    


Every day, she had to endure the indifference of her family. She also had to endure the ridicule, humiliation and disdain from her family.    


He had no choice but to admit that Elder Sister Lan's heart was truly strong. If it were any other ordinary person, they would have long since been unable to endure it.    


"I don't even know how I made it." Huang Lan jumped into Wu Tian's arms and burst into tears.    


She used to dream that someone would listen to her, that she would have a shoulder or a hug to comfort her.    


However, these were simply extravagant hopes for her. These simple little requests were so far away from her reach.    


"Cry!" Wu Tian hugged Elder Sister Lan's body and patted her back as if he was playing with a child.    


He had never thought that such a beautiful, sexy, arrogant, and cold star would have such a miserable, unknown childhood.    


Usually, Elder Sister Lan faced her fans and the media with a cold and aloof attitude. On the surface, she looked beautiful, but who knew what she was feeling at the moment?    


"I really want to live the life of a normal person." Huang Lan hugged Wu Tian tightly. Only now did she feel the most at ease.    


"Those who can't defeat us, will definitely make us strong." Wu Tian patted Huang Lan's back and comforted her, "Elder Sister Lan, you are the strongest woman I've ever seen."    


"No woman wants to be strong. If I wasn't strong, I might not have been able to live on for a long time!"    


"That's right. Growing up in this kind of environment, it's hard to not be strong."    


"Thank you!"    


"Thank you for coming in time to give me some comfort in my life."    


"I know Elder Sister Lan, I'm very happy too."    


"Hold me, don't talk."    


"Ugh!" Wu Tian hugged Elder Sister Lan obediently, hoping that this woman could walk out of the shadow of her childhood.    


To be honest, Elder Sister Lan was too pitiful.    


After crying for a while in Wu Tian's arms, Huang Lan slowly opened her eyes. "Bad boy, have you hugged enough?"    


"Enough!" Only then did Wu Tian come back to his senses.    


"Why aren't you letting go of me yet?"    


"Oh!" Only then did Wu Tian realize that the two of them were sweating profusely.    


The hug just now was very simple, and both of them did not let their imaginations run wild.    


Huang Lan stood up and tidied up her messy dress and hair. Embarrassed, she said, "I let you make fun of me just now."    


"No, Elder Sister Lan still looks beautiful when she cries."    


"Shut up!" Huang Lan raised her hand and hit Wu Tian. "Stinking brat, you're not allowed to make fun of me."    


"Elder Sister Lan, are you in a good mood?"    


"Much better." Huang Lan rubbed her face and raised her head slightly. "It's been a long time since I've felt so relaxed."    


She poured out her thoughts, as if she was releasing the burden from her heart, making her feel a lot more comfortable.    


"Elder Sister Lan, you can confide anything you want to me in the future. Don't hold it in by yourself." Wu Tian comforted her with a smile.    


"Alright, if I have anything on my mind, I'll tell it to you."    


"Don't worry, I promise I'll be here anytime."    


"What if Big Sis becomes dependent on you one day?" When Huang Lan thought of this question, she raised her head half-jokingly.    


"Ugh …"    


Wu Tian scratched his head awkwardly and didn't know how to reply.    


"Look how scared you are." Huang Lan smiled lightly and said carelessly, "Don't worry, I have a lot of men by my side. I won't stay with you forever."    


"Elder Sister Lan really likes to joke around." Wu Tian laughed dryly and took the initiative to change the topic: "Oh right, Elder Sister Lan, do you hate the way Huang Family people treat you?"    



"It's not necessary to hold grudges. After all, we're family, but the grudges in our hearts are unavoidable." Huang Lan gave such a precise answer.    


"Elder Sister Lan is really broad-minded."    


"Of course." Huang Lan stuck out her chest.    


The moment she straightened her back, Wu Tian immediately saw a spectacular sight. His eyes were emitting a dazzling blue light.    


Huang Lan's face turned red and she quickly covered her collar with her hands. She pretended to be angry and said, "Brat, you're not honest either!"    


"I, hehe!" Wu Tian smiled innocently, using this to ease the awkwardness in his heart.    


He didn't intentionally peep at Elder Sister Lan just now, but he accidentally saw her, so he could only blame Elder Sister Lan's perfect figure.    


"If you want to see it next time, tell me. I'll let you see it for yourself." Seeing Wu Tian's embarrassed look, Huang Lan couldn't help but joke.    


"Alright." Wu Tian first nodded his head, then hurriedly shook it: "Elder Sister Lan, I'm not as bad as you think."    


"Alright, I got it. You're not particularly bad, you're just average bad." Huang Lan covered her mouth as she laughed.    


She quickly put away her smile and said seriously, "It's getting late. Let's go back!"    


Having said so, she hopped off in the direction of the house.    


Every time she was with Wu Tian, she felt really happy. It was as if this boy was an open-heart fruit that could wipe away all the worries and worries in her heart.    


On the way back, Wu Tian couldn't help but ask curiously, "Elder Sister Lan, why do you want to become a singer?"    


"In the past, my family said that I was useless and that I wouldn't succeed. I insisted on doing it and wanted to use my strength to prove myself. In the end, I was able to achieve such a small achievement." Huang Lan said in a pleased tone.    


"You became a singer, didn't that mean the people from Huang Family had a whole new level of respect for you?"    


"Quite the opposite." Huang Lan laughed self-deprecatingly. "After I succeed, my family looks down on me even more. They all think that I relied on my body to become a singer."    


"Relying on the body is also a type of ability."    


"Fuck you." Huang Lan nudged Wu Tian lightly with her elbow. She raised her head to prove her innocence and said, "My body is clean and white. I have never let a man touch it before."    


"To be able to maintain his innocence in the entertainment circle is indeed rare." Wu Tian nodded in agreement. Now, he admired Elder Sister Lan even more.    


"You believe I'm innocent?"    


"Of course I believe you."    


"But other than you, no one else trusts me." Huang Lan sighed again. There was too much helplessness in her heart.    


"Elder Sister Lan, don't think too much into it. Don't let the opinions of others affect your mood."    


"Right, let's go!"    


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