Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C229 Mutual Benefit and Win-win

C229 Mutual Benefit and Win-win

0"Not at all." Han Dahua waved his hand and said with a smile, "To be able to take on this big project of yours, to the company, it's equivalent to picking up a big piece of fat."    


"Then let's call it mutual benefit win-win."    


"Right, mutual benefit to win together."    


"I hope we can cooperate happily." Wu Tian raised his teacup and clinked it with Han Dahua with a brilliant smile.    


"Then let's talk about the details of the cooperation, I'll have someone print out the contract."    


"Alright." Wu Tian nodded and started to talk about the details of the cooperation project.    


The two of them quickly reached an agreement and signed the contract.    


Han Dahua stood up from his chair and stretched out his right hand towards Wu Tian, "Boss Wu is really straightforward. I feel very happy to work with you."    


"I'm happy too." Wu Tian shook his hand.    


"Don't worry, I will let the construction team enter as soon as possible. I will definitely not delay the progress of the project."    


"That's good. I believe that with Chairman Han's strength, you won't cause any damage to the project."    


"Then it's a deal." Han Dahua looked at the time and suggested with a smile, "It's time to eat, so I'll treat Boss Wu out for dinner."    


"Let's eat together next time. I still have things to take care of. Goodbye." Having said that, Wu Tian turned around and left the VIP room.    


This matter was handled very smoothly, and was somewhat out of his expectations.    


Geng Yunguang probably won't let him go so easily. He will think of other ways to deal with him in secret. It seems like he has to be careful.    


Of course, Geng Yunguang wasn't enough to scare him. At the moment, he should put more effort into learning.    


He had just walked out of the lubrication company when he saw a familiar figure.    


Wan Ying was one of the school beauties of the Polytechnic University. She was the goddess in the hearts of countless boys.    


Wan Ying was wearing an elegant short skirt and was walking towards them in a flurry. Her movements were obviously strange.    


Actually, he wasn't too familiar with Wan Ying. They had only met a few times at school and neither of them spoke much.    


Just as he was considering whether he should go over and say hello to Wan Ying, the girl walked over to him on her own accord.    




Thus, Wu Tian had no choice but to greet her.    


Unexpectedly, Wan Ying walked over and took his arm, whispering, "Don't talk, hold me tight and move forward."    




Wu Tian was shocked. He didn't expect the beauty to suddenly take the initiative. What was going on?    


In his mind, Wan Ying was a reserved and generous girl. She had never interacted with any man before, so why did she suddenly …    


Just as he was lost in thought, Wan Ying urged again, "Don't just stand there. Carry me forward."    


"Alright." Wu Tian came back to his senses and hugged Wan Ying's slim waist.    


He guessed that she must have a reason for doing this. Regardless of what she did, he would still hug her first. After all, he wasn't going to suffer any losses.    


He might have used too much force to make Wan Ying cry out in pain.    


Wu Tian was so scared that he quickly retracted his hand and asked with concern, "Sorry, are you alright?"    


"I'm fine." Wan Ying smiled embarrassedly and asked in a low voice, "When hugging my waist, can you be a bit lighter?"    


"Alright." Wu Tian hugged Wan Ying's slim waist again.    


Holding the waist of a girl he was not familiar with on the street made him feel especially nervous, but of course, it was more of a thrill.    


"Move forward, don't look back." Wan Ying whispered in an intimate tone.    




Wu Tian walked in front with the girl in his arms. At the same time, he asked in a low voice, "Were you pestered by someone to use me as a shield?"    


"Right, it's so annoying to be pestered by such an annoying rich second generation." Wan Ying first nodded her head, then looked a bit embarrassed. "You won't be angry if I use you as a shield, right?"    


"Hugging a beauty, gentle and soft jade. I'm very happy, so I won't be angry."    




Wan Ying's face gradually turned red after hearing what he said. She whispered, "I thought you were quite honest."    


"Ha ha!"    


"However, you're not a bad person. If it were any other male, their hands would have already been dishonest." Wan Ying turned around and glanced at Wu Tian, then lowered her head in embarrassment.    


Actually, she had a good impression of Wu Tian.    


"You're right about that, I'm not a good person, but I'm definitely not a bad person." Wu Tian had given himself such an image.    


"This evaluation is very accurate." Wan Ying giggled and suddenly found Wu Tian rather interesting.    


Just as the two of them were whispering to each other, a tall man walked over with two attendants behind him.    


Seeing this man, Wan Ying's face darkened. She whispered into Wu Tian's ear, "This is the rich second generation Chen Di I told you about. He's so annoying, so annoying."    


"I'll cooperate with you later and chase him away." Wu Tian has become very experienced in being someone's shield and knows what to do next.    


At this moment, the man called Chen Di walked over.    



The man was tall and big. He was tall and straight. His looks weren't bad either.    


After he walked over, he pointed at Wu Tian's nose and cursed: "Brat, quickly release Yingying."    


"He's my boyfriend, Wu Tian." Wan Ying hugged Wu Tian's arm even more tightly and introduced him to Chen Di.    


"Boyfriend?" Upon hearing that it was Goddess's boyfriend, Chen Di's face turned even uglier than the liver.    




"Yingying, how did you find such a boyfriend, what's so good about this brat?" Chen Di's heart suffered a blow of 10,000 points, and he was puzzled. "I can't figure it out. How is this kid better than me?"    


"He's better than you everywhere. I like him." Wan Ying tilted her head up and said with a face full of willfulness, "I have a boyfriend now. Please don't bother me again in the future."    


"If you find a guy who's better than me, I'll accept my fate. I really can't accept you finding a trash to be your boyfriend." Chen Di walked over and poked Wu Tian provocatively with his finger, "Look at this kid, he's skinny and weak like a sick cat. What's so good about him?"    


"That's my problem. It has nothing to do with you." After Wan Ying finished her sentence, she grabbed Wu Tian's arm and prepared to leave.    




Chen Di couldn't just let them go so easily. He quickly walked in front of Wu Tian and pointed at Wu Tian's nose as he scolded, "You little bastard, you want to leave after snatching the woman I like?"    


"Then what do you want?" Wu Tian said impatiently.    


"I want to hit you." Chen Di shook his arm and slowly approached Wu Tian with a few followers behind him.    


Wan Ying panicked and quickly reached out her hand to protect Wu Tian, "I'm here, I won't let you hurt him."    


She used Wu Tian as a shield this time, she didn't want Wu Tian to get hurt, otherwise, she would feel guilty.    


"Yingying, either you come with me today or I'll teach this brat a lesson." Chen Di offered two choices.    


"Don't even think about it." Wan Ying refused decisively without thinking, "I won't go with you, and I definitely won't allow you to hurt Wu Tian."    


"Hahaha …"    


Chen Di raised his head and laughed. After laughing, he could not help but look at Wu Tian with disdain and said, "You are a man, but you actually let a woman protect you. How embarrassing."    


After saying that, he spat on the ground.    


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