Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C276 Brain Residue Powder

C276 Brain Residue Powder

0"Hey, take your time." Seeing Wu Tian acting like a wolf, Shen Xue couldn't help but laugh. She quickly took out a tissue and handed it over.    


Wu Tian took the tissue and wiped his mouth. He smiled and said, "Don't just look at me, you want to eat too."    


"Go, who's looking at you." Shen Xue rolled her eyes and turned her head to the right.    


"Is that so? "I don't know which female dog was staring at me like that just now."    


"Stupid Wu Tian, who are you calling a little bitch?"    


"I didn't scold you." Wu Tian licked his lips, laughed in a ruffian manner, and said, "I said it's a female dog that's infatuated with me."    


"You, you, you …"    


Shen Xue was so angry that her face turned red. After a long while, she finally scolded, "You're so annoying. I'm ignoring you."    


"If you ignore me, then I'm leaving." Wu Tian stretched lazily and got up to leave.    


In the end, Shen Xue hugged her arm and complained, "How can you be like this? You're not allowed to leave."    


"Then are you going to ignore me?"    


"I care about you."    


"Woman, why do you seem to think otherwise?"    


"Eat your food, why speak so much nonsense." Shen Xue bit her lips, picked up a piece of Red Braised Meat and stuffed it into Wu Tian's mouth, trying to block that vulgar mouth.    


Wu Tian chewed on the Red Braised Meat happily. He couldn't help but praise, "Xue, your meat is so delicious. It's smooth, not greasy, and tender and soft."    


"Whose meat?"    


"Yours …" Wu Tian realized that he said the wrong thing and quickly changed his words: "It's not your meat, it's your Red Braised Meat."    


"Hmph, that's more like it."    


"If it was your meat, I wouldn't be willing to eat it, hehehe …"    


"Fuck you." Shen Xue rolled her eyes coquettishly and took her chopsticks to eat with Wu Tian.    


Just as the two were flirting, a group of young men and women rushed into the restaurant.    


This group of people were still holding up a sign, which said "Jiang Qi's fan support association".    


Seeing these crazy people, Wu Tian quickly understood that they were most likely the brainless fans of Jiang Qi.    


These fans didn't charge into the restaurant to eat, but to surround Wu Tian. They all opened their mouths to demand revenge while cursing.    


Jiang Qi's group of brainless fans did not have any quality at all. Their curses were unpleasant to hear and disgusting to hear. It was truly hurtful.    


Some people called Wu Tian a scum, a scum, an animal, a stepmother, while others threatened Wu Tian to apologize to Jiang Qi.    


Needless to say, these fans were forced to retreat by Jiang Qi and came to punish Wu Tian.    


"What's going on?" Seeing so many people running over and insulting Wu Tian, Shen Xue was obviously very angry. She leaned her head close to Wu Tian and whispered.    


She wanted to know what happened and why these people attacked Wu Tian like mad dogs.    


"You've heard of the movie star Jiang Qi, right? They're Jiang Qi's fans. They deliberately came over to attack me." Wu Tian explained in a low voice.    




"I taught Jiang Qi a lesson yesterday when he was playing big at the theater."    


"So that's how it is." Shen Xue nodded her head in understanding. She glanced at the crazy fans and frowned. "What do we do now?"    


"Let's go, we'll talk after we leave the restaurant." After Wu Tian said this, he pulled on Shen Xue's arm and prepared to leave.    


He knew that trying to reason with these fans was tantamount to playing a lute to a cow. He might as well leave first to avoid affecting the restaurant's business.    


Just as he got up, he was stopped by those brainless fans.    


Under the leader's order, that group of people pounced on Wu Tian like madmen, and threatened him noisily to apologize.    


To be honest, Wu Tian had never seen such crazy fans before. They were so stupid.    


It was obvious that these people were brainwashed by Jiang Qi to such an extent that they were crazy. Some of them were even secretly bought by Jiang Qi.    




Amidst the pushing crowd, Shen Xue suddenly fell to the ground and let out a blood-curdling scream.    


Wu Tian was anxious and quickly pushed away his fans in front of him. He squatted on the ground and asked Shen Xue with concern, "Xue, what's wrong? Are you alright? "    


"I got a bruise on my knee." Shen Xue hugged her knees, looking as if she was in pain. Her small face was slightly pale.    


"Quick, let me take a look." Wu Tian took away Shen Xue's small hand that was in front of his knee and found that his knee was broken, leaving a red mark.    


Seeing the wound, Wu Tian's heart ached and instantly became angry.    


Initially, he had considered that these fans were being bewitched and didn't want to blow up the situation, but he had never thought that these crazy people would take an inch from it.    


In a fit of rage, he shouted at Azure Dragon and Lobby Manager, "Throw these mad dogs out!"    


"Yes sir!" Azure Dragon got the order, then brought the others in the restaurant to throw all those brainless fans out of the restaurant.    


Soon, the restaurant became quiet.    


Wu Tian quickly reached out and lifted Shen Xue up from the ground, exhorting her, "Don't move, I'll bring you to apply the medicine."    


With that said, he carried Shen Xue to the lounge at the back of the restaurant.    



There were only two rooms in the lounge. The area was not big and the staff's clothes were all hung inside. Usually, everyone would change their clothes and stay here.    


Wu Tian put Shen Xue on the bed and said apologetically, "Xue, I'm sorry. It's all my fault that I didn't protect you well."    


"It's just a small wound, it's fine." Shen Xue smiled generously. Seeing Wu Tian being so concerned about her, she had already forgotten about the pain in her knee and felt warm inside.    


"You have to apply the medicine, in case there's a small scar. You should lie down and rest for a while, I'll go out and buy medicine."    


After saying that, Wu Tian ran out of the resting room.    


In a moment he was back in his room with a large bag of pills.    


"Oh my god!" Seeing such a big bag of medicine, Shen Xue couldn't help but exclaim, "It's just a small scratch, why did you buy so many medicine?"    


"This is an anti-inflammatory medicine taken internally, and this is an external ointment." Wu Tian pointed at the medicine and explained, then picked up the ointment, "Lie down and don't move, I'll help you apply the ointment."    


With that, he squeezed out some ointment and applied it to Shen Xue's wound.    




Shen Xue shouted as her fair cheeks turned red.    


Wu Tian touched her knees, making her feel as if there was an insect squirming on them. It was extremely itchy and numb.    


"Alright." Wu Tian applied several kinds of ointment to her wound, then asked worriedly, "Other than her knee, are there any other injuries?"    


"Nope." Shen Xue shook her head. Being taken care of so carefully by Wu Tian made her feel especially happy.    


"Come, let me check for you." Wu Tian grabbed Shen Xue's leg and started examining it carefully from top to bottom.    


When he lifted Shen Xue's right leg, the girl let out a delicate cry again. She hurriedly used her hand to press down her skirt. With a red face, she said in a low voice, "Scoundrel, where are you looking?"    


"Sorry, I …" Wu Tian quickly retracted his arms, while he was so embarrassed that he didn't know where to put his hands.    


"You …"    


Shen Xue bit her lips and asked softly with a flushed face, "Just now, you … What do you see? "    


"White …"    


"Ah, shut up." Hearing this, Shen Xue's face turned even redder as she angrily rebuked, "You did that on purpose!"    


"No, I was careless."    


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