Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C389 Feminine Taste

C389 Feminine Taste

0"The current situation with the Wu Family is rather complicated." She continued, "There are many people who are eyeing the position of Patriarch covetously. Since you are now the chosen successor of Mr. Wu, you will naturally become everyone's enemy, so you need to be extra careful." Loong Yun explained the reason patiently.    


"So that's how it is." After listening to this explanation, Wu Tian roughly understood what had happened.    


To put it simply, before the successor ascended to the throne, any descendant of Wu Family that was highly regarded by Old Master would become the public enemy of everyone.    


"Mr. Wu arranged it so that your identity wouldn't be exposed, bringing unnecessary trouble and threats."    


"Grandpa really put a lot of thought into it." Wu Tian didn't expect his grandpa to be so cautious. He smiled and said, "Since grandpa arranged it like this, then I will reluctantly pretend to be a couple with you."    


"From now on, I can't call you Young Master, nor can you call me Secretary Loong."    


"Then I'll call you darling."    


Loong Yun coughed violently, almost choking to death on her own saliva.    


"You don't like that name?"    


"That sounds a bit awkward, so you should just call me by my name, it sounds a bit more natural."    


"Ok!" Wu Tian nodded and pointed at the two beds, "Are we going to sleep in the same room tonight?"    




"That's not safe!" Wu Tian was so scared that he protected his body with his hands, as if he was afraid that Loong Yun would rape him.    




Loong Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry when she saw her young master's behavior. Could it be that her young master was afraid of being raped?    


If it wasn't specially arranged by Wu Tian's grandpa, how could she pretend to be a couple with the young master? It was even more impossible for them to live in the same room. The one who should be worried was her.    


"Loong Yun, you have to be more obedient tonight. Don't take advantage of me." After saying that, Wu Tian hugged his body and went into the bathroom.    


Soon, the sound of running water could be heard from the bathroom.    


Listening to the sound of the shower in the bathroom, Loong Yun felt uneasy. This was the first time she was sharing a room with a man, and she didn't know how she was going to get through the night.    


After showering, Loong Yun saw Wu Tian walk out naked.    


Seeing the young master's clean and white body, Loong Yun's face reddened and she quickly turned her back to him.    


"Loong Yun, do you want to take a bath?" Wu Tian casually asked as he wiped his wet hair.    


"No." Loong Yun rejected decisively.    


Wu Tian moved his nose closer to Loong Yun and took a few deep breaths. He complained, "If you don't take a bath, the smell on your body is a little heavy."    


"What smell?"    


"Smells coquettish."    


"You …" Loong Yun's face was filled with embarrassment and anger.    


Wu Tian threw the towel away and quickly put on his clothes, "What are we going to do next?"    




"Come, let's go eat." Wu Tian felt hungry, so he stretched lazily and walked outside.    


He walked out of the room and said to Loong Yun, who had followed him out, "Hurry up, come over and put your arm around mine."    




"Aren't we lovers? Of course we have to hug."    


"Alright!" Loong Yun swallowed her saliva, walked over and put her arm around Wu Tian, but her movements were a little stiff.    


"Idiot, it's like this." Wu Tian stretched out his hand and wrapped it around her waist, holding her body in a domineering manner.    


"You …" Loong Yun felt slightly uncomfortable being hugged so forcefully by her young master, and her face was a little hot for some unknown reason.    


However, she didn't say anything. After all, she was pretending to be a couple with her young master, so she could only let him hug her tightly.    


Just like that, the two of them hugged each other as they pretended to leave the hotel intimately and arrived at a restaurant on the other side.    


After ordering a few dishes, they sat there without saying a word and waited for the dishes. The two of them did not look like lovers no matter what.    


"Loong Yun, do you dislike men?" Seeing Secretary Loong's cold expression, Wu Tian leaned his head over and whispered.    


"No." Loong Yun spat out these two words coldly.    


"Is that so?" Wu Tian reached out his hand and put it around Loong Yun's waist again. "Let me check."    


With that said, his large hands started to act recklessly without restraint.    


Loong Yun called out. Her beautiful face quickly turned crimson as she gritted her teeth and shouted in a low voice, "Young Master, please behave yourself."    


"I'm not your young master, we're a couple now." Wu Tian didn't care that much and planned to take this opportunity to flirt with Secretary Loong.    




Loong Yun didn't expect her young master to be so impudent. How could she endure such torture? She scolded him in a low voice, "Young master, please stop it. Don't be like this."    


"And if I don't?"    


"You …" Loong Yun was on the verge of collapsing.    


If the man in front of her was not her young master, Loong Yun would definitely have thrown herself at him and punched and kicked him to vent the anger in her heart.    


After gnashing her teeth for a long time, she finally begged in a low voice with a flushed face, "Young Master, I beg of you, please stop."    





Only then did Wu Tian let Loong Yun go. With a smirk, he said, "Facts have it that you really do like men."    


"You …" Loong Yun lowered her head in shame. How could she have met such a shameless young master?    


At this moment, the waiter brought the dishes to the table.    


Without saying anything, Wu Tian started to wolf down his food. On the other hand, Loong Yun, who sat beside him, couldn't eat at all after being tormented by Wu Tian.    


After dinner, Wu Tian suggested: "We've come to the capital with great difficulty. Do you want to play for a while?"    


"I don't want to go anywhere. I just want to go back to the hotel." Loong Yun quickly regained her usual icy cold demeanor.    


"So eager?"    


"That's not what I meant."    


"I'm joking. Don't keep wearing a straight face. Let's go, I'll take you to the hospital." Wu Tian pulled Loong Yun's arm and walked outside without saying anything.    


Loong Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry in front of such a stubborn young master. After walking out of the restaurant, she couldn't help but ask, "What are we going to the hospital for?"    


"Let the doctor check if your brain is normal or else why would you keep wearing a straight face?"    


"You …" Loong Yun really didn't know what to say to such an unpleasant young master.    


Fortunately, the young master didn't really take her to the hospital, but to a movie theater nearby.    


After they bought the tickets, they went to the movies. In the movie theater, the two of them held hands without any interaction.    


Walking out of the cinema after watching the movie, Wu Tian couldn't help but ask: "Loong Yun, is this your first time in the cinema?"    




"How do you feel?"    




"F * ck!" Wu Tian was so angry that he cursed. He wanted to bring this woman to experience the feeling of being in love, but she felt bored.    


He scanned the woman's body with that strange gaze and asked doubtfully, "Loong Yun, are you a woman or not?"    


"Of course I'm a woman."    


"Then why don't you look like a woman at all?"    


"I don't know."    


"I've never met a woman as callous as you." Wu Tian grumbled to himself as he walked towards the hotel with Loong Yun.    


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