Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C397 Contradict Grandpa

C397 Contradict Grandpa

0Wu zhihe walked slowly towards Wu Tian. He reached out his hand to hold Wu Tian's arm, smiled and said, "Tian, we finally meet."    


"Grandpa …"    


Wu Tian shouted. The moment his arm was held, all the nervousness in his heart disappeared.    


Looking at the white-haired old man in front of him, Wu Tian felt a sense of familiarity, as if he had met him a long time ago.    


Perhaps this was the kinship relationship where blood was thicker than water.    


"Good boy!" Wu zhihe smiled as he walked to the sofa and sat down.    


Perhaps it was because his aura was too powerful, even with a smile on his face, he still gave people a sense of fear.    


"Grandfather, are you in good health?" Wu Tian went up and said with concern.    


Looking at this familiar yet strange old man in front of him, his heart was filled with a myriad of emotions, and he felt an unspeakable pain.    


This was his own grandfather, an influential figure that countless people looked up to but did not dare to look straight at, a person who caused countless people to tremble in fear upon hearing his name.    


The easy-going smile on his grandfather's face made him feel a sense of familiarity, and the strong aura on his grandfather's body made him feel a sense of unfamiliarity.    


This was the grandfather he had been yearning to meet day and night, the person he was the closest to in this world.    


However, upon actually seeing it, he realized that the distance between him and his grandfather was very far. Perhaps this was the so-called great disparity in status.    


"I'm fine." Wu zhihe smiled and spat out three words. The smile on his face immediately disappeared, "Tian, you're injured?"    


"Huh?" Wu Tian was slightly surprised, he didn't say anything, how did his grandpa know that he was injured?    


But then he thought, just what sort of person is grandfather? Perhaps from the moment he stepped into the capital, grandfather had already known every single move of his like the back of his hand.    


"Come here." Wu zhihe waved his hand and instructed, "Tian, come here and let grandpa have a look at your wound."    


"I'm just slightly injured, nothing much." Wu Tian walked over and rolled up his sleeves, revealing the knife wound on his arm.    


Wu zhihe only glanced at her before reprimanding her, "That girl Ouyang Xuejing is really outrageous. One day, I will definitely let Brother Ouyang discipline her."    


"It's no big deal for me." Wu Tian grinned and put the clothes down again.    


"And you." Wu zhihe slightly turned his head and squinted at Loong Yun, "This time young master was injured, your punishment is unforgivable."    


"Yes sir!"    


Loong Yun lowered her head, her body trembling in fear.    


"Secretary Loong, do you admit your wrongs?" Wu zhihe looked forward with anger in his eyes.    


"I know I'm wrong." Loong Yun didn't say anything else. She raised her hand and viciously slapped him in the face. Her strength was exceptionally great, each slap leaving five finger marks.    


The only sound left in the room was the sound of Loong Yun slapping her face. Her slap was fiercer than her slap.    


Even Wu Tian's heart ached when he saw how ruthless Secretary Loong was towards him. He hurriedly spoke up to stop her, "Secretary Loong, stop it now. Don't hit yourself."    


Loong Yun acted as if she didn't hear him and continued to slap her face. Soon, both her cheeks had become swollen.    


If this continued, it would not be an exaggeration to say that her charming face would be disfigured.    


"Grandfather, quickly tell her to stop." Seeing how stubborn Loong Yun was, Wu Tian had no choice but to plead with his grandfather.    


"Enough." Wu zhihe seemed to want to give Wu Tian face, so he ordered Loong Yun to stop.    


"Yes sir!" Loong Yun stopped slapping her face and kept her head down, not daring to look up.    


At this moment, her face had already been broken. It was as if she had been whipped. Her face was completely red and swollen. The palm imprint on her face was like a soldering iron.    


Seeing his beautiful face beaten to such a state, Wu Tian felt terrible inside.    


He'd never thought that his grandfather would be so merciless towards the beautiful Loong Yun. It was truly shocking.    


"Tian, I heard that you stabbed your own arm to save Secretary Loong?" When Wu zhihe was talking to Wu Tian, the smile on his face softened a lot.    


"Yes sir!" Wu Tian knew that this matter could not be hidden, so he had to confess: "Ouyang Xuejing hung Loong Yun high up in the sky and forced me to stab myself. For Loong Yun's safety, I had no choice."    


"Your courage is commendable." Wu zhihe nodded in approval, then changed his tone: "But in our Wu Family, only the servant protects the master, there is no master who is injured while protecting the servant."    


"Grandfather, I feel that this servant has done his best for our Wu Family …"    


"Alright." Wu zhihe waved his hand and arrogantly interrupted Wu Tian, "Loong Yun is not suitable to be your secretary again. I will arrange someone else to stay by your side."    


"Then what about Secretary Loong?"    


"She has committed a grave mistake and deserves to be punished. I will send her abroad to work as a public relations officer and serve her European partners." Wu zhihe immediately made this decision.    


Loong Yun was so scared that her legs went soft. She directly kneeled on the ground and begged, "Mr. Wu, you can make me work at home as an ox or a horse. I beg you, please don't send me to work abroad as a public relations officer."    


"Shut up!"    


Wu zhihe's eyes turned cold, and his whole body revealed a domineering aura, "Who can change my decision?"    


"I …" The corner of Loong Yun's mouth trembled a few times. She swallowed her words when they reached the tip of her tongue, her eyes full of despair.    


She knew that no one could change Mr. Wu's decision.    


Seeing how scared Loong Yun was of doing PR work abroad, Wu Tian couldn't help but ask, "What kind of position is it exactly?"    


"Our Wu Family has many business partners abroad, these partners need to use women to maintain their relationship." Wu zhihe explained expressionlessly.    


"Use a woman to maintain their relationship?"    


"Simply put, if you use the servants that you nurture with your Wu Family to fawn on those international giants, you will slowly understand later on."    



"Grandfather, you mean you want to give Secretary Loong to those foreigners as a plaything?" Only now did Wu Tian understand the meaning behind his grandpa's words.    


A lot of businesses were facilitated by women, but he never thought that his grandpa would use this kind of method and give Loong Yun directly to the foreigners.    


"Secretary Loong was raised by our Wu Family, so she naturally has to contribute to our cause of Wu Family, not to mention that she committed a mistake this time, and deserves to be punished …"    


"I don't agree." Before Grandpa could finish, he was interrupted by Wu Tian: "I don't agree to give Secretary Loong to the foreigners as a plaything."    


He had never spoken with such a tough tone.    


"Tian, this is a business method. You're still young, and there are some things you don't understand. In the future, I'll get people to teach you." After saying this, Wu zhihe said in a similar tough tone, "I've decided on this, there's no need to say anymore."    


"I said I wouldn't." Wu Tian shouted, surprised even himself. He didn't expect to speak to his grandfather so loudly.    


Wu zhihe's face darkened. He slapped the table and said, "Brat, you dare to use such a tone to talk to me."    


"Anyway, I won't let you send Secretary Loong abroad." After saying that, Wu Tian helped Loong Yun up from the ground.    


Loong Yun's body was stiff and stiff, her eyes filled with shock and surprise. She hadn't expected that the young master, in order to protect her, would actually talk back to the old man.    


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