Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C580 Reversal of the Situation

C580 Reversal of the Situation

0Wu Tian did not plan to stop there. He turned around, grabbed the sunglasses guy's head, and kicked his stomach with his knee.    


At this moment, the arrogant guy who was just hooting about taking Wu Tian's knife had already fallen to the ground.    


The surrounding was silent. The masked lackeys were all stupefied, and even forgot that they still had guns in their hands.    


Wu Tian was not shocked. He jumped away from the middle position and rushed into the crowd. He grabbed a handgun and knocked down several people.    


At this moment, these people realized that they seemed to have provoked someone they shouldn't have. But it was too late to react.    


"I just gave you a chance, but you didn't catch it. Now, I'm sorry." Taking advantage of his speed, Wu Tian ran back and forth among the crowd. Some people wanted to shoot at him, but Wu Tian's figure was very close to the masked men, so even if they had guns, they couldn't fire.    


Not long after that, other than Wu Tian, no one else was still standing.    


As for the sunglasses guy from the start, he was still unwilling to give up. Not far away from him, there was a gun lying on the ground.    


Previously, he should have just killed this fellow without asking any questions.    


The sunglasses wearing man was regretting his decision. This gun should be his last chance.    


"What are you doing? We're not just using punches and kicks, how can you go get a gun?" Wu Tian kicked the pistol away with a smile. It also extinguished the last of the sunglasses guy's hope.    


Forget it, since everything was already like this, he might as well leave it to fate. In any case, he had to hang his head on his belt every day in order to do this.    


"Speak, who are you people? Who was it that wanted to kill me? " Wu Tian knew very well that the other party was here for him. Nangong Ying was still in the car and these people didn't even take a glance at him.    


Even Wu Tian didn't know who exactly he had offended, and whether it was someone from Wu Family or not. Wu Yongan and the others might have noticed it, but they shouldn't have known that I was the one who did it.    


Who else could it be? Wu Tian thought for a long time, but he still felt that it couldn't be Dakai. He had already accepted his money, and Su Cancan had even personally dealt with it.    


If there was no problem, it shouldn't be him.    


After eliminating all of these, Wu Tian still didn't understand. He could only ask this guy.    


"I advise you not to waste your time on this matter. We are professionals, and with our professional knowledge, it is impossible for us to not keep our customers' secrets." The sunglasses guy was as if he was facing death. To put it bluntly, he was as stubborn as a dead duck.    


Wu Tian didn't say anything and just sneered. He took out a phone from these people and sent a message to Su Cancan and the others.    


"You don't have to say it, and I don't care. After that, you'll be willing to tell me on your own accord." With that, Wu Tian went to check on Nangong Ying's injuries.    


Fortunately, his wound had stopped bleeding, but he still needed to be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.    


Not long after, Loong Yun arrived with her car. She was the first one to receive the news. After getting off the car, Loong Yun looked at Wu Tian nervously. Wu Tian was still alive and kicking. Loong Yun heaved a sigh of relief.    


"President Wu, it's good that you're fine!" Loong Yun was on the verge of tears. If she had known that he would be so reckless, she would never have left his side.    


"I'm fine, I'm fine. Look, I'm fine. These people can't do anything to me. With their abilities, aren't they just wishful thinking?"    


Wu Tian was jumping and jumping in front of Loong Yun, showing that he wasn't hurt.    


After a while, Su Cancan also arrived with her people. She brought a large truck with a few spirited looking guys who climbed down from it and got into it along with the masked man and the sunglasses guy who were lying on the ground.    


Wu Tian pointed at the sunglasses guy and specifically told Su Cancan, "This guy is the mastermind. I asked him who sent him and he didn't even say anything. As for the rest, I'll leave it to you."    


"Don't talk to me when I'm not asking you!" Su Cancan shot a cold glance at Wu Tian. He had been forced to come here twice already. Did he take her as a servant or something?    


"Sorry sorry sorry, I gave you trouble again, but I had no other choice. You also know that this guy's specialized in the arts right? If I had that kind of ability, I wouldn't have disturbed you." Wu Tian hurriedly coaxed her. Right now, he was all pointing at Su Cancan to give him some information.    


Wu Tian originally wanted to go somewhere else to play, but it seemed like he didn't need to do that anymore. If he didn't clarify this matter, Wu Tian was worried that someone would notice him after he left the restaurant.    


"Don't worry, this is a favor I owe you!" When this is done, I'll treat you to food! "    


Seeing that Su Cancan was still unmoved, Wu Tian didn't know what to do. Most girls had their own preferences. As long as he gave her what she wanted, it wouldn't be difficult to coax her.    


However, Wu Tian didn't know what the beauty in front of him was thinking or what she wanted from him.    


"Keep it for yourself." Su Cancan put away her clothes and noticed that Wu Tian seemed to be a little closer to her. She took the initiative to move closer to the side, leaving Wu Tian with a beautiful view of the back of his head.    


"Thank you, really!" Seeing that Su Cancan didn't refuse directly, Wu Tian felt relieved that she agreed to this matter. After that, he decided to head home first.    


Even if the mastermind was any stronger, he wouldn't be able to run into their Wu Family and make a move on him, right?    


After all, Wu Family Castle was heavily guarded, and Old Master Wu Zhi spent a lot of money on it.    


Before he left, Wu Tian called an ambulance and brought Nangong Ying to the hospital while he followed Loong Yun back home in a hurry.    


He was covered in blood and dirt. If he did not wash, he would be no different from a mud monkey.    


Because Su Cancan despised him, she didn't want to sit in the same car as Wu Tian.    


After finally seeing his home, Wu Tian's heart was filled with emotions.    


"It really wasn't easy. I thought I would never be able to come back."    


Loong Yun bit her lips, lowered her head, and suddenly apologized to Wu Tian.    


"It's my fault. If I had been by your side, this wouldn't have happened!"    


"This has nothing to do with you. In fact, you're still blaming me. It's just that I didn't expect that someone would actually attack me!" "Loong Yun, go investigate this matter and see if there are any traces left near the scene of the incident."    


Wu Tian quickly arranged this matter. The rest was to wait for Su Cancan's message.    


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