Millionaire Suddenly Appears

C399 Family Gathering Cancelled?

C399 Family Gathering Cancelled?

0Wu Tian was stunned for a few seconds, then he said, "Grandpa, I still have something to say to you."    


"Speak!" Wu zhihe still did not open his eyes. There was a faint smile on his face.    


"I …"    


Wu Tian didn't know where to start. He had been looking forward to meeting his grandpa everyday before meeting him, but he didn't know what to say after meeting him.    


He was stunned for a long time before he finally asked, "Grandfather, I heard that there's going to be a family convention tomorrow?"    


"This year's Clan Assembly has been cancelled."    




"It's not time yet."    


"Alright!" Wu Tian did not ask anymore. He bowed at 90 degrees, "Grandpa, take care, I'm leaving."    


He bowed and stared at his grandfather for a while. Then, with some reluctance, he turned around and walked out.    


"Wait a moment!" Before he left, Wu zhihe suddenly opened his eyes and said: "The reason we cancelled the Clan Assembly was related to Shangguan Family."    


"Shangguan Family?"    


"Right." Wu zhihe stood up and walked to the window, as if he was talking to himself: "I originally planned to announce you as the successor at this family meeting, but a major security risk made me cancel this decision."    


"What hidden danger?"    


"It's the Shangguan Family, they're planning to destroy our Wu Family, if I announce the news of the successor now, it will cause internal strife within our Wu Family, causing our family to become restless, at that time, their Shangguan Family will take the chance to destroy us." Wu zhihe's tone was calm, but there was a deep sense of worry hidden in his eyes.    


"So that's how it is."    


"Shangguan Family is too ambitious. Only by destroying Shangguan Family can you inherit our Wu Family."    


"The Shangguan Family are very strong, it will not be easy for us to eliminate them." Wu Tian naturally knew the difficulties and obstacles involved.    


Even for big families like Wu Family, it was extremely difficult for them to destroy their Shangguan Family. In the end, both families would suffer.    


"If we fight face to face, we will only suffer losses on both sides. Right now, we can only think of a way to secretly attack them one by one." Wu zhihe turned around and said with a wise expression.    


"Grandpa already has a plan?"    


"Right." Wu zhihe nodded and said, "I have a mission I want you to take care of."    


"What mission?"    


"Shangguan Family has a branch within the Luzhou, I want you to eliminate the power of Shangguan Family."    


"No problem."    


"Although there is only one small branch in the Luzhou, you must not be careless. After all, this branch has international powers, you must be careful."    


"Don't worry." Wu Tian raised his head confidently and promised: "I will definitely eliminate this power of the Shangguan Family as soon as possible."    


"Then, return to the Luzhou early tomorrow morning. Without my order, don't come to the capital — Do you understand?"    


"I understand."    


"You can leave. If there's anything I need, I'll contact Secretary Loong on the phone."    


"Take care, Grandpa." After a deep bow, Wu Tian turned around and left with Secretary Loong.    


Just as Wu Tian and Loong Yun left, another white-haired old man walked out from the room and said with a smile, "Old Wu, this grandson of yours is really not simple. He's courageous, scheming, and loyal."    


"Brother Ouyang, you must be joking with me, right?" Wu zhihe rolled his eyes at Ouyang Hao. There was a complicated look in his eyes.    


"I mean it." Ouyang Hao walked over to the sofa and sat down. With a serious expression on his face, he replied, "This grandson of yours is really not bad. He's at least a hundred times stronger than those descendents of our Ouyang Clan."    


"It makes me angry that he dares to contradict me for a secretary." Wu zhihe clenched his teeth in anger.    


The thought of his grandson contradicting him infuriated him.    


"The reason your grandson opposes you is also to protect his subordinates." Ouyang Hao patted Wu zhihe on the shoulder and said with a smile, "This matter has proven that this kid is loyal."    


"Even if he is rich and righteous, he can't contradict me because of a secretary."    


"Old Wu, you're so stubborn." Ouyang Hao poured a cup of tea, handed it over, and said in a deep voice, "Those who dare to contradict you have their own opinions, thoughts, and personality. If he followed behind you and flattered you in order to be your successor, would you like him?"    


"I …"    


Wu zhihe was speechless.    


He was born to hate sycophants. If Wu Tian was like his other grandchildren and tried to please him, he would definitely be disappointed.    


"I am just asking, in your Wu Family, who has Wu Tian's courage and courage? Who has the ability like him? "    


"This …"    


Wu zhihe thought for a moment, but eventually shook his head. "In my opinion, in the entire Wu Family, no descendant can compare with Wu Tian."    


"Forget about your Wu Family, even our Ouyang Family doesn't have such an outstanding descendant." After saying this, Ouyang Hao changed his tone, "If you don't like Wu Tian, you can make him my grandson. I really like this young man."    


"I don't agree."    


When he heard that Ouyang Hao wanted to snatch his grandson, Wu zhihe was immediately displeased. "I spent over 20 years of time and energy to nurture this grandson of mine, don't snatch him away from me."    


"How about I trade my granddaughter for your grandson?"    


Wu zhihe waved his hand and decisively refused: "That granddaughter of yours who loves to cause trouble, even if you give it to me, I don't want it."    


"Xuejing is really too naughty." As he spoke of his granddaughter, Ouyang Hao stopped smiling and said apologetically, "Previously, she injured your grandson, so I apologize on behalf of Xuejing. Later, I brought Xuejing to your Wu Family to let you punish her."    



"Enough." Wu zhihe magnanimously waved his hand, smiled and said, "It's no big deal for children to fight each other."    


"Old Wu, you're not going to pursue this matter?"    


"With our relationship, I'm too lazy to pursue this matter." After Wu zhihe said this, he changed his tone: "But your granddaughter needs to be taught a lesson. Don't let her mess around in the future."    


"I can't control her, so why don't you help me manage her?"    


"You can't even control her yourself, so how can I control her?"    


"Xuejing is rather afraid of your grandson, why don't you ask your grandson to discipline her?" Ouyang Hao asked half-jokingly.    


Wu zhihe's brows tightened as he squinted his eyes in doubt, "Brother Ouyang, what are you trying to do?"    


"I think Xuejing is fated to meet your family's Wu Tian."    


"I understand. You want your granddaughter to marry Tian?"    




"Damn you, Ouyang Hao, you actually tried to use this method to steal my grandson." Wu zhihe looked as though he had seen through Ouyang Hao.    


"If Xuejing marries Wu Tian, with the marriage of our two families, we will become even more powerful. Since then, their Shangguan Family will not be able to harm your Wu Family easily." Ouyang Hao stroked his beard as he suggested with a smile.    


"This …"    


The smile on Wu zhihe's face slowly stiffened as he fell into deep thought.    


If Wu Family and the Ouyang Family were to get married, after the two families join forces, there would definitely be some fear in Shangguan Family. At the very least, they wouldn't dare to act against Wu Family for the short term.    


"Old Wu, think carefully about this marriage. It will only bring benefits and no harm to your Wu Family …" After Ouyang Hao finished speaking, he inclined his head and started laughing.    


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