All-field Godly Wish System

C2793 The Big Ending

C2793 The Big Ending

0Yang Ling and the others rushed out of the palace to take a look. The pair of huge and deep eyes of Heavenly Dao had been completely opened. Boundless Divine Power in the Chaotic World had condensed into the World Extinguishing Disc, rumbling as it began to destroy everything.    


At this moment, it wasn't just Yang Ling, Little Dragon Maiden, Liu Muhan and Liu Suifeng who rushed out. In the distance, void Immortal Venerable, black Yellow Immortal Venerable, xuan Mengyao, ziwei Immortal Venerable, taiyi Immortal Venerable, eternal Immortal Venerable, freedom Buddha Lord, good and Evil Buddha Lord were hiding. The true Witch of the Great Condemn Witch Palace, the Demon Lord, the Ancestral Dragon, and the others were all born.    


Yang Ling took a step forward and shouted, "Heaven's Will! You won't be able to destroy the era of change like you did forty-nine times before!"    


"This time, we will stop you."    










The supreme voice of the Heavenly Dao resounded through every corner of the universe. At this moment, all living beings knelt down.    


The end of the world had arrived!    


Void Immortal Venerable laughed. "Brother Yang, we don't need to worship the Heavenly Dao. We have been waiting for this day for countless years!"    


"Let's attack together!"    


A supreme divine light rushed out of the Chaotic World. The Creation God held the Heaven Splitting Axe in his hand and blocked the giant pair of eyes with 2,999 reverent-gods!    


The Creation God's body was magnificent, and his rumbling voice could be heard. "The universe dimension has withered long ago. Are you trying to stop the change of eras so that the universe can die forever?"    


Yang Ling said in a deep voice, "The change of eras is enough. The Heavenly Dao wants the endless change to ensure his supreme position, and ensure that no living being can threaten him!"    


"All living beings will fall into the cycle of reincarnation, and the cycle will repeat again and again. There is no way to free them."    


"The heavens have lost their Dao, so why should we worship the heavens?!"    






All the Immortal Venerables, the Demon Sovereigns, the Buddha Sovereigns, the Ancestral Dragon, the Sorcerer, the Returnees, and the other great Gods who had been hibernating for countless years rushed out at this moment!    


Yang Ling threw out a punch that carried the great Power of 49 eras, intending to destroy the God of Creation!    


Even the God of Creation exploded instantly under the unparalleled Power of Yang Ling.    


However, in the next moment, he revived once again, looking up at the sky and laughing. "If the Heavenly Dao is not destroyed, I will not be destroyed!"    


"You can't kill me! All of you can't kill me. Once the era changes end, all of you will be crushed by the Heaven Dao! "    




The final battle of the heavens began. Endless slaughter shook the heavens and earth. The entire universe began to be destroyed. Countless spaces began to collapse, and the weak creatures began to turn into ashes.    


Yang Ling had blown up the God of Creation 500 times in a single instant, but he was still unable to kill him.    


There was still one more point left, and he was still missing the perfect realm.    




The World Annihilation Plate was actually crushing down on Yang Ling. He could feel the despair of his life.    


Suddenly, the general outline of fate in his body trembled slightly. The river of fate appeared around him, spinning and flowing.    


The World Annihilation Plate and the river of fate began to press against each other, and everything around them began to explode.    


Yang Ling felt endless branches of fate flowing before his eyes. In a trance, he saw the Gate of the Universe.    


It wasn't an illusion, it was a true Gate of the Universe.    


The gate of the Universe was carved with the first gate to escape.    


Within the gate of the universe, there seemed to be a brand new world.    


"The escape route!"    


He had comprehended the true 'First'. At this moment, the Power had reached fifty eras!    


It was complete!    


His Power had already reached perfection.    


"Heavenly Dao!"    


He raised his head and shouted. The World Annihilation Plate immediately collapsed. The long river of fate, along with the endless Power, surged towards the pair of huge eyes.    






The ethereal voice of the Heavenly Dao rang out. In the next moment, the river of fate swept through everything, causing everyone to feel dazzling.    


After an unknown amount of time, perhaps in an instant, or perhaps millions of years.    


Suddenly, the change of eras stopped.    


The Heavenly Dao began to disappear, and endless Power gushed out from the Heavenly Dao's huge eyes!    


The planet that was destroyed was restored, and the dead creatures were revived. Everyone was stunned.    


The fourth dimension was restored.    


The fifth dimension was restored...    


The Power that was being repaired started to give life to the originally dead dimension. The 11th dimension, the 12th dimension even appeared!    


The Universe Gate that was once sealed by the Heavenly Dao finally appeared. The infinite power of restoration began to repair the entire universe together with the Power that the Heavenly Dao dissipated from.    


The universe was being reborn, returning to its best state!    


The civilization that had once been destroyed, the seeds of those civilizations, along with the disappearance of the Heavenly Dao, began to spread to every corner of the universe.    


The universe was reborn.    


This time, without the change of era, the universe would be eternal!    


A new Heavenly Dao would slowly be born, but the new Heavenly Dao would be infinitely pure and fair!    


The universe would welcome an epic level of prosperity!    


"Everything... is over."    


Yang Ling unleashed his strongest attack. After destroying the Heavenly Dao, he slowly closed his eyes.    






Little Dragon Maiden, Liu Muhan and the rest rushed over desperately, but he could no longer hear them.    


Time passed slowly, and unknowingly, thirty million years passed by in a hurry.    


The universe had entered an unprecedented flourishing state. Although there would still be wars, because of the existence of the Gate of the Universe, no matter what kind of war, no matter what pattern of loss it caused, it would be immediately repaired.    


The universe was truly eternal.    


The Wishing World, overflowing Sky Shrine, on the big bed.    


Yang Ling slowly opened his eyes. What he saw was a familiar yet strange scene.    




He let out a long breath.    


At the final moment, he seemed as if he was going to be killed by the backlash of the destruction of the Heavenly Dao, but in the end, the general outline of fate protected him.    


It was truly great that he didn't die!    


"Ya, you're awake!"    


Liu Muhan, who was guarding by the window, immediately blushed. Then, footsteps came from outside the house. Her wife and daughters were all here.    


After sensing her own cultivation, she found that it had not changed for 50 eras.    


Yang Ling smiled and got up. "It's nothing. This time, I've finally finished everything."    


The girls all smiled. Liu Muhan gently said, "This time, we will never be separated!"    


100 million years.    


Yang Ling had accompanied his wife and daughters for a hundred million years. They had spent a long time together, and they had long since become a group of children.    


The children left their homes in batches, and then went back to their own homes. No one knew how many generations they had lived.    


Yang Ling and his wives guarded the newly born Heavenly Dao for 100 million years. The mission was considered completed, and they decided to leave.    


After bidding farewell to their parents, Old Master Liu, the family members, and their former friends, Yang Ling brought his wives and daughters, who were willing to leave with him, to the Gate of the Universe.    


In front of the great Gate of the Universe, Yang Ling, Little Dragon Maiden, Liu Muhan and Liu Suifeng were heading to the Gate of the Universe. In front of the Great Gate of the Universe, there was Yang Ling, Yun Qinglan, Little Dragon Maiden and Liu Muhan. There was also Liu Suifeng, Liu Suifeng, infinity Immortal Venerable, reiya and Su Qiling. Su Qiling, Su Qiuxia, Yang Xue and Chen Yi were in front of the Great Gate of the Universe, Zhang Yurou was there, Chu Siyin was there, Xia Feiyan was there, Guen Chenxi was there, Yinyin was there, caitlin was there, elena was there, yan Shuanger was there, the Empress was there, mengyao was there...    


Yang Ling's wife and daughter were all standing behind him. They were all staring at their husband.    


Yang Ling turned his head, and Liu Muhan lightly nodded her head.    


In the next moment, Yang Ling took a step forward, using the Power of 50 eras, he slowly pushed open a crack in the Gate of the Universe.    


Standing in front of the gap, he looked at the scene inside the Gate of the Universe, his eyes filled with shock.    


With a wave of his hand, everyone was swept up by his Power and entered the Gate of the Universe.    




The Gate of the Universe was completely closed. In the thousands of universes, a legend had ended.    


Countless living beings would forever sing the stories of the past, and sing the eternal monument.    


Even though the target of singing and singing had long been blurred, this story would still be passed on forever.    


The palm print of Yang Ling on the Universe Gate proved everything that had once existed.    


Light flashed before their eyes. Yang Ling and the others appeared in a brand new world.    


They stood in a beautiful garden and looked around. They were surrounded by ancient cities.    


The people walking around were all at the level of Yuan Immortals and above, but judging from their attire, they seemed to be ordinary civilians.    


Suddenly, he heard a light laugh.    


"You're finally here."    


He turned around and saw a beautiful woman in red looking at them with a smile.    


She was Young Lady Ji!    



"Senior Ji Shaoyuan!"    


Yang Ling exclaimed in surprise, while Ji Shaoyuan chuckled. "You should call me mother-in-law."    


"En, welcome to the Absolute Beginning World. This is the starting point of everything. Many Heavenly Lords in the countless universes have gathered here."    


Yang Ling and the others were slightly stunned when they heard this.    


It turned out that the Absolute Beginning World was behind the Gate of Universe, which was also the legendary Immortal World.    


Little Dragon Maiden asked gently, "Daughter greets mother."    


Everyone bowed when they saw this.    


Ji Shaoyuan giggled and said, "There's no need for formalities. Let's go. Li Mufan has already prepared a palace for you."    


"Everyone here is eternal. In the future, everyone must get along well"    


Every girl behind Yang Ling seemed very excited.    


Yang Ling asked curiously, "Where's father-in-law?"    




Ji Shaoyuan pointed at the tall tower in the distance and smiled. "He's clearing the tower with Sister Qinghan and Reiya."    


"That's the Tower of Absolute Beginning, which can understand the truth of the world of Absolute Beginning. Are you interested?"    


"The Tower of Absolute Beginning"    


Yang Ling looked at the huge tower in the distance and looked at Liu Muhan, Little Dragon Maiden and the others beside him. Everyone's eyes revealed a look of interest.    


So it turns out that 50 eras was not the end!    


The world of Absolute Beginning, eternal companion, was the starting point and also the main point.    




Suddenly, Yang Ling heard someone calling him. He looked into the distance, and a smile appeared on his face.    


Perhaps there was someone in the lower realm who was calling his name.    


Perhaps there were still people who couldn't bear to part with him.    




We'll meet again.    






Conclusion When you write to the end, there will be reluctance, but the story will eventually come to an end.    


Actually, I couldn't hold on much longer. However, whenever I thought of the characters in the book and how Yang Ling still had so many things to do, I couldn't bear to give up.    


It was written that he actually had feelings for the characters in the book. Fortunately, even though I was a little rushed in the end, I still ended up like I had imagined.    


All this time, I thank everyone for reading. Your support is the driving force of my creation.    


The second part of the wish has already been brewing, and the exact time is not clear yet. The male lead might still be Yang Ling, and he is still considering it. In any case, he couldn't possibly use the Wishing System as a golden finger anymore.    


Currently, my other book, 'Shocking, the First Place, critical Hit, miracles' has been updated to 500,000 words. Some of the websites should have already been uploaded, so everyone can collect their scores to support it.    


I wish everyone a happy life and a happy family.    




- - Feng Qingyang, 2021.8.29    


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