All-field Godly Wish System

C1 Super Wish System

C1 Super Wish System



Yang Ling fainted as soon as he ran inside the bank, which was busting with a big crowd. He could see golden shining stars in his eyes.    


Since he was born in a poor family, he had to drop out of high school and leave home to find a job. He started working as an assistant police officer in the district patrol squad on an acquaintance's recommendation.    


He only started working two months back and faced this bank robbery today. As he had got the worst fate and was fated to die, he was just patrolling nearby. As soon as he went in through the door of the chaotic bank, a big fire extinguisher hit his head heavily and he lost his consciousness.    


Just as he felt like he was about to die, he heard a mysterious voice in his head.    


He heard a beep in his mind, and then the voice continued. "Ding! Wish System has successfully bounded. Currently extracting the newbie's gift for the host."    


It didn't stop and continued, "Ding! Congratulations, the host obtains 3 wishes."    


Yang Ling was completely confused, he couldn't even think of anything. The only thought in his mind was that he didn't want to die.    


He heard the voice again. With the same beep, the voice resounded in his mind. "Ding! You have made your first wish. Host received a skill: Recovery from injury."    


"Description: The host will recover from any and every kind of injury within five seconds."    


The system's voice faded in his mind. Yang Ling felt like a warm current flowed through his entire body. Within a moment, he regained his senses. His eyes opened and he touched his head. He stood up as if nothing happened.    


Even a really good-tempered man would have been angry, let alone a young man like Yang Ling who was a hot-blooded teenager. As soon as he came back to his senses, he yelled, "Who is the bastard that hit me? I swear I will smash you to death!"    


The sound resounded in his mind again. "Ding! Second wish successful. The host has obtained a skill: Throwing Proficiency."    


"Description: The host will be able to hit his target with a 100% efficiency, provided the target is in the host's range."    


He felt another wave of warmth flowing through his body. As soon as it happened, Yang Ling didn't think much. He shouted and grabbed the fire extinguisher that fell beside him earlier, and threw it in the direction of the nearest robber.    




The fire extinguisher acted as if it was a guided missile and accurately hit the masked robber's head at once. With a dull thud, the robber fell down to the ground, his life or death unknown.    


Everything happened really quickly. No matter if it was the bank staff or the robbers, everyone was shocked by this young man who appeared out of nowhere in the assistant police uniform.    


One of the many robbers, who had stockings on his face, suddenly reacted. After yelling loudly, he raised his pistol to shoot at Yang Ling!    


Yang Ling was shocked but there was nothing near him that he could throw! However, he suddenly remembered that he had a coin in his pocket.    


As he took out the coin, the voice rang in his mind again, "Ding! Throwing Proficiency Skill activated!"    




In fractions of a second, the coin shot straight into the robber's open mouth. His body immediately became numb and immobile and his face pale. He clutched his throat tightly and fell down on the ground, rolling in severe pain.    




Finally, the fat robber screamed. He took the machete in his hand and rushed over to Yang Ling.    


Because he just knocked down two robbers consecutively, Yang Ling was completely concentrated, he couldn't think of anything else. Without hesitation, he roared in his mind, "I want to make a wish that I can defeat this thief!"    


The voice didn't fail to come yet again. "Ding! The wish is successfully made and the host gained the ability: Taiji Fist Proficiency."    


The warm feeling returned. Just then, the fat robber reached him.    


"I need some extra strength to fight!"    


Yang Ling shouted. He dodged the machete and took this opportunity to pull the fat robber down. Immediately, the fat became unstable and fell down.    


Then he performed another set of 'Wild Horse's Breath', and slapped the fat's head with both of his hands simultaneously from behind.    


The fat robber felt as if he had been hit by a massive blow. He turned his head and looked at Yang Ling with difficulty. He couldn't even manage to scream when he fell to the ground, foaming at his mouth.    


The fight was followed by a deathly silence.    


He subdued the three robbers just like that?    


The bank staff and the commoners looked at the young man in amazement. Originally, they were planning to flee from the bank. But this young assistant cop managed to handle the situation alone. At this moment, the situation became extremely awkward.    


The voice didn't leave him alone. "Ding! You have shattered the robbers' desire to rob the bank. Getting One Free Distribution Attribute Point."    


"Ding! You have completed the wish of the people at the scene to be saved. Getting One Wish Value."    


"Description: You can make a wish when your Wish Value reaches 10 points."    


Yang Ling was petrified as he listened to the System's voice that rang in his head. His mind was filled with mixed feelings.    


"System? What system?" He asked himself as he cleared his head.    


"Don't tell me I'm going to get a fortune and become rich!"    


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