Co-renting Immortal Doctor

C1 Someone Jumped into the Lake

C1 Someone Jumped into the Lake

0Someone jumped into the lake!    


The bright moon hung high in the night sky. It was not August 15th yet, but the moon hanging above Moon City was like a silver plate, shining bright.    


There was a reason the city was known as Moon City. The moon seen here was different from other places in Xia Country. It was a hobby of the people of Moon City to admire the moon. Enjoying the bright moon with their friends was a good pastime for them.    


However, today was destined to be an extraordinary day. Under the bright moonlight, meteors streaked across the horizon. A number of awestruck men and women made their wishes and prayers.    


At this time, a handsome young boy stood on the Bridge of Apathy with a frown on his face. He held on to the railing of the bridge and sighed.    


"This is really worrying. Old man, are you lying to me? You keep saying that this is an ancestral treasure, but I really can't tell what it is used for!"    


The boy's name was Tang Yu. He had graduated newly this year. Like most fresh graduates, he could not find a job. He looked at the small and torn up book in his hand, with the Celestial Medical Scriptures written on it. Tang Yu suddenly had the impulse to cry out.    


The people of Tang Family were traditionally Chinese medicine doctors. However, these days western medicine was popular, not Traditional Chinese Medicine. His grandfather opened a Chinese Pharmacy in a small county town and barely managed his livelihood.    


He was like a bird which could not fly itself, so it nurtured offspring and wished they would fly instead.    


His grandfather placed all his hopes on Tang Yu. He gave Tang Yu a medicine book, saying that it was a treasure passed down the generations by his ancestors. He hoped that Tang Yu would study well and revitalize the family and the Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was why Tang Yu applied for the TCM diagnostics major in university.    


Tang Yu read the book, but felt like it was useless. No one could learn anything from it. And if it was really so useful, why was it always used to support the table at home? Wasn't his grandfather just fooling him?    


This book had been passed down to his father by his grandfather. He never expected that not long after Tang Yu was born, an unexpected car accident took his parents' lives. After the tragedy, only he and his grandfather were left to rely on each other.    


Tang Yu had gone to many hospitals to apply for a job, but when they came to know that Tang Yu had only studied TCM, they kicked him out.    


What made Tang Yu most uncomfortable during the interviews was that they often more or less said, "TCM is useless. Can you operate on a patient? A patient's body can be checked by a machine. Who wants to get their pulse checked by a doctor?"    


Everything unfortunate happened at once for him. The contract for the house he rented expired and his belongings were thrown out by the landlord. He begged the landlord to give him three more days, but today was the third day already. If he still could not find a job, he would be sleeping on the streets tomorrow.    


Thinking of all that had happened, Tang Yu felt that his life had taken a dark turn.    


At this moment, a burst of shout was heard. "Oh no! Someone is going to jump into the lake! Please help! Someone come quickly!"    


When Tang Yu heard the voice, he was stunned. He looked up in the direction of the voice. On the Bridge of Apathy about ten meters away from him, was a woman in white with long hair that reached her waist. She was swaying. Half of her body was leaning against the fence, which was not very high. He watched as she fell straight down!    




Seeing the scene, Tang Yu's eyes widened. This was a matter of life and death. As a responsible and compassionate young man, how could he not save her? Looking at the woman's situation, it didn't seem like she was committing suicide. She seemed to have fainted!    


At this moment, the bridge was packed with people watching the accident. There was loud chatter all around. Some kind-hearted people had already called the police. However, everyone had a hesitant look on their faces. None of them had the intention of going down to save her.    


Tang Yu squeezed through the crowd and looked down toward the lake. He couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air. He now knew why no one went down. The warning sign not far away said that there were poisonous water snakes in the lake!    


Looking at the struggling woman, Tang Yu gritted his teeth. His luck could not be this bad. Tang Yu placed the medical book and his schoolbag in the hands of the old lady next to him. He quickly said, "Please keep my backpack with you. I'll go down and save her."    


Tang Yu stuffed his things into the old lady's hands. Before she could agree, he jumped off the bridge!    


Seeing someone jump down to save the woman, the crowd could not help but exclaim. The crowd sighed at how brave the young man was. If he was bitten by a snake, he would die. Admiration shone in their eyes. Not everyone had such courage.    


Of course, Tang Yu didn't know what they were thinking. The moment he jumped down, he regretted it. He had forgotten one important fact - he could not swim at all!    


"I was so fired up that I forgot that I can't even swim! Now not only would I be unable to save someone, I will die myself. Everyone watching would think that I am committing suicide..."    


Before Tang Yu could finish thinking, he fell into the water.    


Tang Yu felt a shiver travel across his body as he touched the water. The water was very cold. The very next moment, Tang Yu felt the lake water rush into his mouth as he sank deeper and deeper.    


However, at this moment, no one was looking at Tang Yu. Instead, they were staring at a shooting star in the sky with their mouths wide open. The shooting star was getting bigger and bigger as it approached, heading for the lake. If it fell down into the lake, would the woman and Tang Yu still have a chance to live?    


The meteor did not stop its course and crashed straight into the lake. The lake water splashed out in the center, about seven to eight meters in height.    


"This is bad. The girl and that young man are in danger!"    


The crowd cried out in alarm. The phenomenon of a falling meteor was already very rare, and they didn't expect it to fall into the lake. For a few moments, they were all worried.    


Tang Yu was about to drown. But all of a sudden, he felt a sharp pain on his back, as if something was entering his body, causing him to tremble.    


In the next moment, Tang Yu had no idea where he got the strength from, but he quickly moved about his arms and floated up.    


Tang Yu breathed in the fresh air in big gulps. He was overjoyed inside. At a very critical moment, he had gathered his potential and learned how to swim.    


Although his swimming strokes were clumsier than a dog's, he really knew how to swim!    


Suddenly, Tang Yu's face stiffened. He saw a little snake more than a meter long bite his behind!    


"Where are you biting me?"    


Now Tang Yu was scared out of his wits. He hurriedly pulled the snake down and threw it into the distance. The warning sign clearly stated that the snake was poisonous. How then could he not panic?    


But after waiting for a moment, Tang Yu realized that he was fine. He had not been poisoned at all!    


Could it be that the snake was not poisonous?    


But that was impossible. Tang Yu knew this type of snake. It was absolutely poisonous. If a person was not rescued within half an hour of being bitten, he would die without a doubt. But right now, he was fine, which puzzled Tang Yu very much.    


Could it be...?    


Suddenly, something struck Tang Yu and he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.    


He was hit by a meteor while half-unconscious, and something golden entered his body. Was he now a superhero like those in a novel? After being smashed by the meteor, did he now possess a super power? Otherwise how could he resist poison?    


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