Super Dragon Cultivation System

C2488 He Took down the Star River Sect and Sent Them to the Tool Sect

C2488 He Took down the Star River Sect and Sent Them to the Tool Sect



Zhang Xing slammed his palm onto the cephalo- and circulated the Soul Searching Technique to enter his divine soul.    


Zhang Xing's divine soul was still 150,000 meters, but his soul power was several dozen times stronger than before.    


This was the inevitable result of advancing to the sixth level of the Deity Realm.    


Under his powerful divine soul, chuanbei Ming's divine soul was like a sealed library that Zhang Xing forcefully pried open from the outside, casually flipping through the memories inside.    


Chuan Beiming knew that he was finished, but he still clenched his teeth tightly, not letting the heart-devouring pain come out from his mouth.    


His body, however, was not under his control. He was trembling and bleeding from his eyes, nose, and mouth. He looked very miserable!    


This was his own choice. Zhang Xing did not have the slightest bit of pity or pity for him.    


The memories of ordinary people were like a vast ocean, so large that it was unimaginable.    


As a peak fifth level God Realm expert, chuan Darknorth's memories were like the boundless starry sky, so vast that it was indescribable.    


It was easier said than done to find a secret from so many memories. Perhaps this person would die before he could even find it.    


This was another reason why Zhang Xing was unwilling to use the Soul Searching Technique.    


Especially someone like Chuan Beiming, who was determined to die, his thoughts would affect the search progress.    


Zhang Xing flipped through his memories while thinking about how to quickly find the secret to hide his wealth.    


According to Zhang Xing's understanding, it was around five hundred years for Chuan Beiming to become Master of the Ten Thousand Law School.    


In that case, he could choose not to look at his previous memories.    


In these five hundred years, he needed to establish his own prestige, recruit or nurture a reliable and useful Subordinate.    


This world also needed a hundred years.    


There were still four hundred years left to search.    


However, these four hundred years were not enough to accumulate a large amount of wealth from the start. Then, another 100 years would be deducted.    


There were still 300 years left.    


These three hundred years were the time when he would take in a concubine every year.    


The main search target would start from these three hundred years!    


Zhang Xing quickly formulated a search plan.    


He started from the middle of the 150 years. First, he searched forward, then looked back.    


But in the end, he still did not find the secret place where he hid his wealth.    


Zhang Xing couldn't help but be puzzled.    


Could it be that he didn't hide his wealth, and only had these four or five storage bag on him?    


Or could it be that he had placed all his wealth in the secret chamber of the sect?    


No! That was impossible!    


The Ten Thousand Arts Sect was not surnamed Chuan. The direct disciples of the other elders also had the right to fight for Master's position.    


Even if his own descendants did not have a successor, they would still hand over their rights. How could they hand over their private property to the sect?    


It seemed that this old fellow was quite difficult to deal with. He was not willing to give up his money even before his death.    


At this time, if it wasn't for Zhang Xing's control, he would have collapsed to the ground a long time ago.    


However, he still had a trace of consciousness.    


He also knew that Zhang Xing hadn't found the secret. The corner of his mouth curled up, and he tried his best to show a look of contempt, as if he was mocking Zhang Xing's incompetence. At the same time, he was declaring to Zhang Xing that he would give up on this idea!    


His expression was hidden in Zhang Xing's eyes.    


He frowned and slowed down the search.    


Where could this old man hide his secret?    


Suddenly, a light flashed in Zhang Xing's mind. He immediately opened his mouth and shouted excitedly: "Haha, so you hid your secret in such an inconspicuous place. You are truly worthy of being called the wise old man. Who would have thought that you would tamper with your own memory? I really admire you!"    


"What? He found it?"    


Chuan Darknorth was shocked as he subconsciously scanned the depths of his soul.    


Then, he found that Zhang Xing's Divine Sense didn't look at this place. Instead, it stopped somewhere else.    


He hastily retracted his Divine Sense, but at this moment, Zhang Xing's Divine Sense suddenly flashed and quickly noticed the abnormality.    




Zhang Xing laughed.    


That smile was full of pride, and his voice was full of conspiracy!    


However, in Chuanbei Ming's senses, it was incomparably sinister!    


The person who could laugh like this must be someone else! Only when the plot succeeded would it be possible. ......    


"This is bad! I fell for it!"    


His brain had already been damaged by Zhang Xing to the point that it had lost a tenth of its usual intelligence. If he didn't fall for Zhang Xing's trick, who else would?    



"Thank you for your guidance, brother Chuanbei. Hahaha... "    


Zhang Xing immediately let out a wild laugh.    


"I never thought that you, a money-grubber, would actually hypnotize yourself and forcefully change the time of this memory."    


Zhang Xing had found a secret hiding place in the memories of the last personal disciple of Master in Chuanbei Ming.    


The last thing that he could rely on to compete with Zhang Xing had been destroyed. His divine soul was thrown into disorder, and a large part of his memory had collapsed.    


His entire body started to thin at a visible rate.    


All that was left of his body was a leather bag and a skeleton without any divine power.    


His empty and lifeless eyes also opened, and blood slowly flowed out of his eye sockets. His ears, nose, and mouth were also the same.    


He had completely become an idiot who had lost his cultivation level!    


"Even if you're alive, you won't be able to avoid death. I'll fulfill your wish!"    


Upon seeing this scene, Zhang Xing smashed his cephalo- into pieces without any hesitation.    


In the blink of an eye, another three days passed. The Ten Thousand Arts Sect really had nothing left to take. Zhang Xing led the dragons back to the Galaxy Sect.    


As for treasure from Chuanbei Ming, Zhang Xing planned to go for the last time.    


Now, perhaps the Star River Sect, divine instrument Sect, and Hidden Mountain Sect had already received the news of the destruction of the Shuntian Sect.    


If they didn't seize the time to collect the debt, fearing that they would hide with their belongings, they really wouldn't be able to find them in a short period of time.    


If they all went to the Hidden Mountain Cult, that was exactly what Zhang Xing wanted.    


Sure enough, what Zhang Xing saw in the Galaxy Sect wasn't a battle preparation scene, but all of their disciples were busy moving.    


The sky above the Galaxy Sect was covered with a thick layer of fear.    


Zhang Xing didn't waste any time and immediately ordered the group of dragons to attack the Galaxy Sect.    


In an instant, the Galaxy Sect was filled with the sound of wailing ghosts and howling ghosts.    


Zhang Xing also participated in this battle. The other dragons also used their full strength, shouting as they fought, pay up and don't kill!    


After a short four hours, the entire battle ended.    


This time, they only used two days and two nights to empty the Galaxy Sect.    


Their next target was the last first-rate sect under the Hidden Mountain Sect, the divine instrument Sect!    


Although they had three to four days to pack up, the huge sect needed to take away too many things.    


They were reluctant to part with this, and they wouldn't let go of that either. There were also many elders who planned to give up everything and gather at the Hidden Mountain Sect, waiting for the decisive battle with Zhang Xing.    


However, there were still many elders who didn't agree with this suggestion. The stalemate between the two sides had greatly affected the speed at which they were moving.    


Master and the others were also unwilling to let go of their ten-thousand-year-old foundation, but the storage bag they carried with them was limited. It was impossible for them to take everything with them.    


They could only move things onto the battleship.    


The entire divine instrument Sect was no ordinary chaos. It was simply a chaotic mess without any order or order.    


You can ask these disciples to fight a war. They were usually trained to do so, but now that they were moving to escape, no one had experienced it before. The elders couldn't just kill those disciples who didn't know what to do, like they were fighting a war.    


They don't even know what they should move or what they shouldn't move.    


Go and ask Master and the Great Elder. Even if they had eight arms and eight bodies, they wouldn't be able to handle it. There was only one last sentence. Do as you see fit.    


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