Super Dragon Cultivation System

C5 Sharing Magic Skills

C5 Sharing Magic Skills

0As the little black dragon munched down on the Devil Flower Fruit, Zhang Xing couldn't really tell if it had agreed to Zhang Xing's request.    


But after the little black dragon finished eating the fruit, a black gas suddenly emerged from its body as it appeared slightly taller than before.    


[The young dragon still needs to consume nine more fruits before breaking through to the First Stage. Current experience points: 1/10.]    


[Congratulations, you have completed the feeding mission. You have obtained 20 magic points and 200 gold coins.]    


[Congratulations, you have leveled up into the rank of a Novice Mage.]    


[Mage Experience Points: 0/40, Warrior Experience Points: 40/100.]    


[You have obtained the Mage's Basic Meditation Arts. You have also obtained the Black Dragon's Basic Flame Breathing Technique and Biting Technique.]    


Having learned a magic skill, Zhang Xing brimmed with joy. As such, he immediately closed his eyes and cultivated the Meditation Arts.    


After doing so, he could now feel the magic elements floating in the air with his eyes open.    


Moreover, he could feel his mental energy circulating through his mind vigorously, as if the entire space in his mind had expanding.    


Though he had only just learned the Meditation Arts, this pleasant surprise had come too suddenly.    


"Flame Breathing Technique!"    


Upon activation of the skill, Zhang Xing spat out a fireball from his mouth.    


The strength of the flame was not half-bad, but it also consumed a small portion of the magicule in Zhang Xing's body.    


If some magic expert found out that a six-year-old child had not only become a Novice Mage, but could also spit out flames, they would definitely be in for a great shock.    


The little black dragon munched down on the Devil Flower Fruit as it stared at Zhang Xing.    


"Master, this one Devil Flower Fruit isn't enough. Give me a few more!"    


Zhang Xing was slightly startled upon hearing Hei Bao's voice. He was so focused on trying out his new skills that he completely forgot about him.    


"These Devil Flower Fruits are all for you!" Zhang Xing took out the remaining nineteen Devil Flower Fruits and gave them all to the little black dragon.    


"Wow! There's so many Devil Flower Fruits! Thank you, Master!"    


Shaking its body in pure excitement, the little black dragon rubbed its head against Zhang Xing.    


In an instant, the little black dragon devoured all nineteen Devil Flower Fruits.    


After doing so, the little black dragon grew more than one meter and was now slighly taller than Zhang Xing.    


[The young dragon's level has increased to the Second Stage. Experience Points: 9/100.]    


Seeing the new requirements, Zhang Xing was greatly taken aback. In order to level up the little black dragon again, it would need to consume 100 Devil Flower Fruits?    


In that case, he would need to steal all of Old Man Lee's fruits to even meet the quota.    


However, he couldn't steal anymore from Old Man Lee. Neither could he buy them from him either!    


After all, if Old Man Lee saw Zhang Xing take out even a single gold coin, he would definitely think that Zhang Xing stole it from somewhere.    


Not only would Zhang Xing not be able to buy the Devil Flower Fruit then, he might very well even be suspected of theft.    


Moreover, he could not rely on his powerful combat strength to steal the Devil Flower Fruits either. Since the villagers had treated him so well, he definitely could not bully them!    


Thinking up till this point, Zhang Xing opened the System Store and looked for the seeds of the Devil Flower Fruits. Doing so, he found that a single seed would him 200 gold coins.    


Furthermore, a single seed of the Devil Flower Fruit could only produce 20 fruits.    


In order to raise the level of the Little Dragon, Zhang Xing had no choice but to buy five of those seeds.    


Even after spending 1000 gold coins to buy 5 seeds, he still had 1300 gold coins left.    


In the system store, he could only see a few of the mission-related items on this particular page. Since the next page of the mission-related items had yet to be unlocked, he naturally could not see what was inside.    


Even then, he figured that they were all good stuff and determined that his remaining gold coins would not be enough to afford them. Thus, he needed to think of a way to earn more money as soon as possible.    


With that, Zhang Xing planted the five seeds in the special field of Dragon Island and waited for the Devil Flower Fruit to ripen.    


At this time, the system did not give him any new missions even though the beginner ones seemed to have been completed.    


With nothing else to do for the time being, Zhang Xing exited the system domain and appeared under the fruit tree he inititally entered the domain from.    


"Huh? Why is the village on fire?"    


At that moment, he could see flaming red light from a distance away as it lit up a small area.    


Zhang Xing could also hear the panic-stricken voices and low growls sounding from that direction.    


The wolf pack must be attacking the village!    


Zhang Xing was shocked!    


It was still the middle of the night, so why would the wolves attack the village?    


Usually, ordinary wild beasts would tend to hide far away and avoid human settlements.    


Even low-level demonic beasts would not dare to show themselves in front of humans easily.    


With the cultivation level of an Intermediate Warrior, Zhang Xing's figure flashed as he dashed towards the village.    


He had to chase away the wolf pack and save the villagers! At the same time, he could also take the opportunity to avenge Zhang Xing's grandfather!    


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