Godly System Moralizes the World



0Tang Hao did not know that in this short period of time, Xiao Tian and Qian Daoliu had already exchanged blows. At this moment, all of his attention was focused on Ninth Elder, as if other than the Martial Soul Palace Elder, there was no other life.    


The Hao Tian Hammer turned into a bunch of dark clouds, and under the support of the huge amount of soul force that was brought by the explosion, it smashed towards Ninth Elder's head as if the world was collapsing.    


Ninth Elder wanted to dodge, but Tang Hao was not any weaker than him. When the Hao Tian Hammer landed, it had blocked off all of his escape routes, so he could only fight head on.    


"I don't believe that I can't even withstand one strike from your hammer!" Patriarch Nine shouted angrily. Behind him, a huge shadow of a Tao Xuan Turtle appeared. The seventh Soul Ring lit up and Patriarch Nine's figure disappeared. Replacing it was a gigantic tortoise with innumerable rock patterns on its back.    


"Peak Turtle Martial Soul?" Seeing the real Martial Soul body of the Ninth Elder, Xiao Tian could not help but be interested.    


Amongst all the Martial Soul, in terms of defensive ability, it would definitely be the first time the Black Tortoise had appeared. However, Black Tortoise Martial Soul came from the same lineage, ever since the previous generation of Black Tortoise Martial Soul had accidentally fallen, this kind of Defensive Power that surpassed the group had already become resounding on the continent.    


In the era when the Xuanwu was released, the defense type beast Martial Soul s that were ranked in the top three were the Xuan Turtle s, peak turtles, and tortoise Martial Soul that were similar to the Black Tortoise Martial Soul.    


The three Martial Soul s each had their advantages and disadvantages, but compared to the Xuan Turtle and Black Turtle's attacks that focused on defense, they did not slow down at the same time. Thus, in terms of defense alone, they could not compare to the tortoise Martial Soul.    


It could be said that amongst the current Martial Soul, in terms of defense, the Peak Turtle Martial Soul was ranked first!    


"Tang Hao, I know you are strong, but so what?" The humongous tortoise glanced at Tang Hao, then Patriarch Nine's disdainful voice resounded in the sky.    


He indeed had the ability to be arrogant. In terms of Martial Soul level, the Peak Turtle and the Hao Tian Hammer could be said to be of the same level, and now that his soul power was stronger than Tang Hao's, he was confident that Tang Hao would not be able to break his defense without Tang Hao using the Trellis Hammering Methods!    


"So noisy!" Tang Hao's expression turned cold and the Hao Tian Hammer descended even faster. The sound of wind breaking spread in all directions, giving people a strong sense of oppression.    


At the same time, the eighth and ninth Soul Ring lit up one after the other. The stone patterns on the turtle shell quickly lit up with a dense light, and then a towering mountain shadow appeared on top of the turtle shell one after another.    


The eighth Soul Techniques of the tortoise Martial Soul — Overlapping Mountains!    


Summon the mountain shadow, increase your defensive capabilities by 300%, reduce attack power by 100%, and increase soul power consumption by 50%!    


Peak Turtle Martial Soul Ninth Soul Skill — Repeat!    


Repeat the first Soul Techniques, and increase its power by 100% and its soul power consumption by 100%!    


Although he did not take Tang Hao seriously, facing the continent's youngest Titled Dou Roc, Patriarch Nine did not dare to be careless and directly used the strongest defensive skill he could muster!    


To use the eighth Soul Techniques and Ninth Soul Skill at the same time, was enough to cause his Defensive Power to soar to nearly ten times its original size!    


It should be known that the Peak Turtle Martial Soul was known for its defensive capabilities, within the same level, there were very few Soul Master that could break through the defense of the Peak Turtle Martial Soul. With the ten fold increase in defense, even Soul Master that was two realms higher than the Peak Turtle would not be able to defeat a Soul Master that possessed the Peak Turtle Martial Soul in a short period of time!    




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