The Most Arrogant Martial Ancestor

C3562 Does Not Mean Invincible

C3562 Does Not Mean Invincible

0"Indestructible? Let me take a look! " Lin Tian didn't think much of it, but the cliff master was still a bit worried.    


Just like that, the two of them arrived at their destination.    


This place was a place filled with rocks. There wasn't even a single plant.    


"Lord, this is a little strange." The cliff owner became suspicious, but Lin Tian glanced around, "Nothing special."    


"But …" Lin Tian looked around, "Let me take a look."    


With that, Lin Tian opened the "God's Eye Technique" and looked around, trying to find something.    


At this moment, Lin Tian noticed that these stones were all living things. This made Lin Tian frown, "All of them are alive?"    


"What is it?"    


"A terrible thing." Lin Tian became serious.    


Hearing this, the cliff lord became even more worried, while Lin Tian tried to attack the rocks.    


In the next moment, these stones began to move, and in the end, they actually combined together to form a gigantic Stone Beast.    


The Stone Beast's entire body was made of stone, and on top of its head, there were two brown colored eyes.    


At this moment, those two eyes were staring at Lin Tian and Cao Yi.    


"Lord, this fellow seems to be very terrifying."    


"Step back, I'll try." Lin Tian said to the cliff lord, and the cliff lord thanked him and backed off.    


At this time, Lin Tian's demonic shadow opened and his Divine Appearance Domain also opened as he attacked the berserk beast one by one.    


However, this berserk beast completely ignored Lin Tian's attack and with a loud roar, it sent Lin Tian flying.    


The cliff master hurried to Lin Tian's side and said, "Sir, it's not easy to deal with."    


"There must be a flaw." Lin Tian didn't think much of it, but the cliff master started to get nervous.    


Lin Tian calmed himself down and said, "Go further away."    


The owner of the cliff had no choice but to retreat, while Lin Tian used the Phantom Demon to harass the beast.    


The beast fought against the ghost like crazy, while Lin Tian, who had turned into a soul, suddenly landed on top of the beast's head, then sneaked into its space of consciousness.    


The cliff master heaved a sigh of relief after seeing Lin Tian enter his space of consciousness, "There shouldn't be any problems this time right?"    


Inside the dimension of the berserk beast's consciousness, Lin Tian saw the beast spirit roaring at Lin Tian.    


Lin Tian had asked the Dream Demon to appear, but when it was entangled, the Dream Demon could still attack and was completely unable to stop it.    


This made the Dream Demon turn anxious. "Lord, what do we do now?"    


"I'll try attacking it." Lin Tian tried to borrow its soul power, but no matter what, this beast spirit was still fine.    


Lin Tian tried the Virtual Extinction again, but this Virtual Extinction was unable to leave any traces on its beast spirit.    


"Why are the things in this world so strange?" Lin Tian was confused, but the beast spirit taunted, "Humans like you want to trap me?"    


"What is it? You think I can't take you? "    


"Nonsense, I am immortal and indestructible." This beast spirit was very crazy, and Lin Tian hesitated for a moment before saying, "There must be a flaw."    


"How laughable!" The beast spirit mocked Lin Tian, but Lin Tian placed his hand on Lin Tian's beast spirit.    


However, the beast spirit did not think much of it, "It's useless. No matter how you try, you won't be able to do anything to me."    


"Oh? "Is that so?" Lin Tian looked at the beast spirit with a smile, and the beast spirit widened its eyes, "Yes."    


Lin Tian tried to devour the soul power to see if he could devour it.    


"You actually dare to absorb my power?"    


"Without power, you should be more honest." Lin Tian laughed and said, "Keep dreaming, I am immortal."    


"You are an immortal, but you didn't say that you can't be crippled!" Lin Tian smiled at it, but this beast spirit had a bad premonition.    


Indeed, in the next moment, his cultivation level was weakening bit by bit.    


This made the beast spirit anxious. "Bastard, let me go."    


How could Lin Tian let go of this monster and continue?    


Not only that, Lin Tian was surprised when his cultivation level broke through to the 2-star stage. "I didn't expect to break through after casually absorbing this thing's energy."    


The beast spirit was already extremely weak, and said angrily, "You won't have a good ending."    


"You won't be able to see if I have a good ending."    


"Wait a moment, my comrades will come and take care of you." Lin Tian did not take the beast spirit seriously and left the space of consciousness.    


Then, he threw the weakened beast into the black bag. Seeing Lin Tian finish the bag, the cliff master was surprised, "How did you do it?"    


"Although it said that it will not die or perish, it did not say that it cannot cripple its cultivation level." Lin Tian laughed.    


Hearing this, the cliff master was surprised, "So you're saying, you crippled his cultivation level and then accepted him."    




"You are indeed formidable, milord."    


However, Lin Tian looked around and said, "It looks like, this world is only immortal, it doesn't mean that they are invincible."    



"Yes," the cliff master agreed.    


Lin Tian collected his thoughts and smiled, "Let's go."    




Once again, the two of them went to the God of Heaven Pavilion and found the "witch".    


When this "witch" saw that Lin Tian caught a berserk beast so easily, she looked strangely at Lin Tian, "How did you do that?"    


"I'm here to capture it after crippling it."    


This "witch" was puzzled, "You are only at the 2-star Divine State realm, how could you cripple such a strong person?"    


"You're underestimating me." Lin Tian smiled confidently, but this "witch" stared at Lin Tian strangely for a while before saying, "It's actually like this. Say it, what do you want to ask?"    


"Find someone."    


"Who is it?"    


Lin Tian showed his junior sister's appearance. The 'witch' took out a scroll and said to Lin Tian, "This scroll will tell you where she is."    


"Are you for real?"    


"Of course. If you do not believe me, you will be able to sense it by injecting your power into it and thinking about the person you are looking for." The 'witch' said.    


Lin Tian was dubious, but he still picked up the scroll.    


After a moment, through the scroll, Lin Tian quickly found out that his Junior Sister was in a certain direction.    


Thus, Lin Tian calmed himself down, looked at the "witch" and said, "Thank you."    


However, the 'witch' smiled and said, "This journey is likely to be very dangerous, so you should be careful."    


"Thanks for the reminder." After Lin Tian said this, he left with the cliff master.    


The 'witch' let out a giggle and disappeared.    




When they arrived outside the city, the cliff master asked curiously, "Sir, where is the person you're looking for?"    


"This scroll guides me a long way to the east." He didn't know when this Lin Tian would arrive, but he could only say helplessly.    


"Then, should we set off now?"    


"Mm, let's go."    


After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took the cliff master and that scroll and began to fly towards the east.    


However, after flying for a short distance, they bumped into a mountain peak that was moving in all directions, as if it wanted to trap the two of them.    


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